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pictures with bm and the kid / your own family pics

Mrs Katch 22's picture

have any of you ever had to deal with....being at an event with bm and the kid or bm wants to take pics with just THEM (bm, your so, and the kid)?

what happened? i know sd's sweet 16 is coming up and wants her dad in the ceremony (for her mom and dad to walk her down - i seriously doubt i'll be in it)...and i know there will be a ton of pics. the thought of them having pics all over their house of just the three of them, ugh.

or even just a bday party, piano recital, sports event..anything.

do you have family pics without your sk? i'm thinking the only way to get around this is to take pics with and without sk? we don't even talk/interact with her...only on visitation weekends. it may sound mean, but this isn't her home.she's just a frequent (every other weekend) visitor.


melis070179's picture

We used to always wait to get family pics taken until SS was here (he lives out of state), but now that we have our own baby together, we're not going to take them just when he's here anymore. So we'll have some with him, some without. As far as taking pics with just the 2 parents, thats never happened. I would think if we were at the same event that he would take pics with us & then take pics with his mom & her boyfriend, not my husband & his mom together with him, thats just weird. I did have the issue when we first got married of my Mother In Law putting my husbands & the BM senior prom pic up in SS's room at her house, which I asked her why when they arent together & she said she just thought SS would want a pic of his parents together to look at. I said actually I dont think he even notices it & I dont have pics of me & my son's dad hanging in my son's room. They are not together therefore pics should be separate with your respective families. Thats just my opinion.

anabihibik's picture

My best friend got married a little over a month ago. Her parents have been divorced since she was 2. She had her mom and her dad walk her down the aisle. She had the photographer take pictures with just her mom and her dad with her and then she had photos of her mom and her half brother with her and pictures of her with her dad, stepmom, step brother and step sister. Fortunately for her, her parents have always been able to get along well enough to do these types of things at important times in her life because they knew it meant something to her. Her step mom had a job in the wedding and participated in what she wanted to. Her mom didn't participate in some things because she didn't want to be around Sandy, and actually made Nick feel bad because I saw Sandy first, so she got a rough "schedule" before her mom did. I love both her mom and her step mom, but her step mom has always been able to put Nick ahead of herself better than her mom. Anyway, the point is that maybe you could ask for photos with you, your so and his child, too, or drop the bug in his ear so he can suggest it. The kid probably doesn't realize how having pictures with just mom and dad makes you feel.

To every thing there is a season.

SerendipitySM's picture

What sort of special ceremony is this for her 16th?

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

Mrs Katch 22's picture

pretty much like a wedding...quinceanera (sweet 15th)