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Possible New Insight

morrginme's picture

I was watching a Ted Talk this morning on the Secrets of Hostage Negotiators by Scott Tellema. It was discussing methods to use when you need to influence someone's decisions when their emotions are running high. Basically how to be a better listener.

One of the examples the speaker gave got me thinking. A negotiator was having trouble keeping the focus of suicidal man on him. When another negotiator showed up the two came up with a new plan. The newly arrived negotiator got as close he could to the suicidal man and demanded for him in a very loud commanding voice to put the knives down and get off the roof. This upset the man greatly, but it also made him put his focus back on the first negotiator and look to him for help. 

Maybe it's a far reach but this example gave me insight into something I've been perplexed with for years, but now I think I see that SD and DH use conflict with me to bring themselves together.

The times that I've had the more intense conflicts with SD her dad has responded in two different ways. The worst is when he turns and yells at me or gets angry with me. The other and most common way is when he has a talk with her about the conflict. Regardless, I see the same behavior from them afterward. SD is happier than usual and acts more carefree.They are kinder to each other. They are more talkative and considerate towards each other. It's almost like they joined an exclusive club together where everyone else is considered an outsider. The club has secrets and shared jokes that you would only understand if you were a member. 

Don't get me wrong, I encourage DH to improve his relationship with SD. I encourage him to not always have me along on outings. I want him and SD to go alone so they can spend some time together. I know that the time they have together without the rest of the family not only helps their relationship they have with each other but it should also help her to feel more secure. All of this should trickle down and reduce conflict within the family. 

A closer relationship with a family member shouldn't come at the expense of another. Improving your bond with a person shouldn't require another person to experience pain and confusion. The conflict SD has with me when I'm holding her accountable, correctly asserting myself as someone in a position of authority, or merely disagree with her is rarely if ever confronted. Instead DH soothes her hurt feelings over the matter, they both see me as the problem, and then they ban together to support each other against the threat. She gets off the hook, she gets special attention from her dad, and he gets to be treated with adoration.

I don't know what they say to each other when he has his talk with her about the conflict she has with me so maybe I'm making assumptions. I just really feel like the end result shouldn't look like this. When a person has been caught doing something wrong or are being held accountable to bad behavior the reaction is not usually an elevated state of happiness. The natural response is usually quiet self reflection, sometimes sadness, and then moving on feeling humbled. 

The thing that tops it off for me is barely after this conflict has had a chance to settle down, I'm not permitted to be upset with the results. SD and DH reinforce that any negative feelings I have about the situation or towards her are unacceptable. SD notices I'm not very talkative with her if talking at all and she runs to tell DH that I'm being mean to her which he has in the past confronted me for her with a fury.  When that happens I feel scared and confused. Or she does something like makes up some reason to go to the store and her dad comes and asks me to take her like I'd be doing him a favor. I feel like they are they are trying to take away my right to be angry.  It's like I'm being made to accept that this dysfunction is alright and what I feel and experience is wrong and I should get over it quickly because my feelings are unimportant to the point of not even acknowledging that they exist.

I think it's either time for counseling or time for me to leave.

Thanks for listening.


dysfunctionally_blended's picture

The common enemy - disfunction at its finest! 

This was the case in our home. Skids/HCBM would run to my SO who in turn would get angry with me. 

It was easily stopped. I disengaged completely. Skids ask a question, referred to their father. HCBM trouble starts up, referred to my SO. I have zero involvement in any of it.  Nothing. 

What does continue is HCBM and skids relationship with their common enemy - me. They are rewarded for hating me and they will try anything to get that reward. Again it has been limited because I just don't care. Don't care to associate. Not even the mundane hello/goodbye. If it is initiated I return the nicety. Nothing else.

Now - I sit back and watch the train wreck. Every once in a while my SO will goad me into an opinion but I quickly check myself and lay it back in his lap. No thanks. I'll be over here! 

GoingWicked's picture

This.   Disengage.  Stop giving SD a reason to argue with you.  My marriage is so much better (SD notsomuch but her parents are essentially the ones at fault).  Seriously my skid has no chores, my kids and I clean, no it’s not fair, but that’s life.  She doesn’t have to eat what I cook.  Nights she is here is not a time for expensive meals.  

I learned that my DH loves crazy women, hence MIL, BM, and SD.  So if I act crazy, it gets him to leave me alone.  Trying to explain things rationally doesn’t work. So...

If she leaves a mess, I learned to blame DH for it.  I’ll say “Hey DH why did you leave all those ramen noodles on the counter?  Can you clean them up.”  I’ve found by doing that, there’s no arguement about me “picking on” SD, or how our kids leave messes too, so she shouldn’t have to clean it up.  Plus, he’s super lazy so he’ll get her to clean it up. When I’m cleaning, I toss everything she leaves out that isnt necessary, and hide those that are.  If she asks, I never saw it, and I have no clue where it went.  Her stuff is rarely is left out now.  I got her to clean up after herself no arguement.

 I’ve also learned to throw SDs victim mentality back at her.  If she starts to play the victim to DH about my supposed uninvolvement.  I’ll pull out the why is she picking on me.  She’s always mean to me.  (Which is true, I’m usually able to come up with some convincing tears).  I’ve been nothing but kindness, I’m trying my hardest to get along.  Yardda yadda, that works too.  I think it puts him in the position of knight in shining armor for me, instead of the lying skid.  Or at least in a position where he has to deal with a crazy female, and he doesn’t want to upset me again.  Either way it stopped those arguements.

morrginme's picture

DH stopped asking me finally to help with the SD, but sometimes he talks about something like how he doesn't know how he'll have the time to pick-up SD. I don't fall for it. I stay silent. Since any interaction I have with her can lead to a conflict where she twists the facts to put herself as the victim I just no longer participate in anything having to do with her. I don't say goodbye or hello. I don't even answer my phone anymore if she calls. Whatever crisis she is having she can call BM or any other one of her relatives. If she speaks to me and it requires a response I give a very short and unenthusiastic reply. I in no way desire to continue any communication with her. This I've been doing for about a week and it's the longest I've gone. For the first time I don't have any hope anymore that things will get better. She no longer even tries to show remorse and the times she did I know now my insticts were correct and it was always faked. I have no time or energy for her. I'm putting it towards where it's productive and appreciated now.

morrginme's picture

My entire life I've always cared too much what people think about me. Just a cross face or slight disappointment breaks me into tears. Now I reached the point that it was either break or not care anymore. It's a strange feeling. I don't feel like myself. I feel a little bit of the freedom but I think it's going to take some adjusting to this new me before I fully realize what I've gained.

TrueNorth77's picture

This has been me as well. Any sort of negative reaction towards me affects me deeply. It still does, to a point, but the older I get the more I realize that a lot of peole are just not nice, and it's not always me. I also look at those people and realize they are not really someone I should care about, because they are not the greatest person themselves. Why do I care if someone who is hateful in general says something negative about me? I'm still the same person, they are just being nasty. It's definitely a process.

dysfunctionally_blended's picture

That's the way to do it! Soon a week will become a month then a year. And as time goes on it gets easier. Realization hits and the expectations go away. 

Skids rarely speak to me which is better than getting an attitude. They never ask me for anything which means they get very little because my SO either forgets, doesn't want to or doesn't shop. 

And I don't clean up after them. Its known I will toss what I see. 

My very little involvement is only when it is necessary and there isn't another choice or if I choose to. And when I say no it is no longer an argument. My SO has learned to just pass it  back to HCBM. Probably because my answer was always skids have 2 parents and it isn't me. Figure it out.  

TrueNorth77's picture

I have felt something similar, although I'm not sure if it's intentional or maybe in my head. A few times I've had a fight with my SO, and I'll be in the other room or upstairs in our bedroom, and hear skids laughing and being over-the-top with my SO. Like, now that I'm out of the way, they are just having the best time ever. I don't even know if skids are aware we had a fight, but it's like the mood is super light and skids are all up on him on the couch. I think moreso it bothers me that my SO is able to be so carefree while I'm in the other room upset.