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Momof6WI's Blog

Why are kids so destructive?

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I guess I grew up and knew that if I had something new- I was going to take care of that something new. Within 24 hours of skids opening presents sd13 ruined a outfit. Got black acrylic paint all over her new clothes. No attempt to get it off. It wasn't just a smudge, it was a lot. Like they are ruined lol. She kept them in and let them dry. Got acrylic paint all over her new desk. Dad took all her new painting supplies away until she can decided she can be responsible with them. SS6 stabbed his new Minecraft plushy with scissors. Like for no reason? 

Have a very merry skid vacation

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I took two weeks off for Christmas. This week and next. We have all the kids this week. Things at work have been Uber stressful and I have been waiting the last few weeks drooling over my calendar for next week where I am kidless and workless. Then we get a phone call. Baby momma has Covid. We all did rapid tests today since they've been with us (skids) since Sunday so figured we can test now and in a few days If need be. Kids are fine, we're all negative so far. But selfish me is upset over my vacation. My sweet, lovely, glorious, kidless, vacation. Is no more. I cried.

It’s the little things.

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Praise Jesus!!!! I've been working from home since March. I go to the office 1 day a week. Skids are almost 4, 5, 11. My kids are 13, 16, and launched 20. So my kids aren't nearly the hassle. Someone is always around while I'm working from home, and although I don't have to watch them, someone else is -it's highly annoying. And we've had 2 kids have to quarantine already due to possible covid exposure at school. Which meant virtual learning.  Today---- I get to work from home IN FREAKING PEACE! I'm literally singing. 

omg it truly is the little things. Happy Monday!!!

Sending selfies

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Does anyone else have a BM that sends selfies (skid is in the picture too), but I still find it highly annoying. She sent one today of her and SS3 and DH told her to stop it, that he didn't need photos of them together- and that is was weird. I'm glad he did this. I feel it would be different if she wasn't a crazy psychotic hag, but she is. There is no need for it. It was a photo of her and SS3 with their masks on? Don't ask me, freaking odd......

Praise Jesus

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DH got on days and I'm so excited to be on the same shift. I've been working from home so I still see him but it's different when I'm in "work status".  Gotten used to working from home it's gonna be rough going back to the office. Anyone else in this boat? No commute, work in PJ's all day, wake up literally 5-10 minutes before work starts?!?! I hated it at first but I could continue like this for as long as they let me lol. 

Eating Noises

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Anyone else see red when people eat loud, with their mouth open, smack their lips, etc.?  It is even worse when it comes to the skids! 

Last night I said to SD11 "Weird fact, if you chew with your mouth closed, no one can see your chewed up food or hear you eat". I couldn't help it. *lol*

Good discussion

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One thing I appreciate about my DH is that I can be very open about my feelings and he doesn't make me feel like a crazy lunatic.  We had his kids a little longer this go around because he had to go out of state to assist with the rioting taking place. I'm still working from home, but he was off. We have all our kiddos at the same time so at any given time we have SS3, SS5,  SD11, BS13, and BS16. My BD20 lives out of state where she goes to college.

Didn’t know BM had a say on my wedding

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So for obvious reasons we had to make changes to our wedding due to the pandemic. We planned on a very small ceremony with just a few guests. 6. Because that is all that was allowed at the time. Since then the mandate has been lifted and were allowed more, not many more but more family can attend. We decided on letting the four older kids participate, my BD20, BS16, BS13 and SD11. We decided on not having SS5 and SS3 attend the ceremony so other family members can attend such as parents and grandparents.
