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OT-Proud of BS10!

mommy0104's picture

He got a job!, not a full time, kid in a sweatshop kind of job. It's just some part time, after school odd jobs for our disabled elderly neighbor. He walks his dog, helps him cook, mows the grass, etc. The man is married, but while he's on disability, his wife works all day so my BS10 goes over and helps him out..I think even though it's not much, this will really be good for BS10. And yes, I'm being petty, but when BS10 got this little job, I couldn't help but LOL at the fact that my 10 year old son got a job before DH's 18 year old daughter!! (I know to some it doesn't count because BS10 isn't on anyone's payroll or filing taxes, but I laughed because he got some sort of work before my SD18 did lol) }:)


mommy0104's picture

I have been so proud of BS10. Over the summer months, my DH has a second job of landscaping..mainly mowing lawns. This year BS10 tagged along with DH and kind of "learned the ropes" and started helping DH mow lawns. He earned enough money this summer to buy himself some really nice lego sets (he's obsessed with legos lol). And he's even made friends with some of the elderly people my DH mows for. Truth be told, I kind of like my kids hanging out with the elderly more than kids their own age (punks) lol Smile