WTF... why am I the last to know when this stuff affects MY household???
OK - so I am mostly just venting here... and I'm PISSED!!
About 8 months ago, DH calls me from work and tells me he will be a little late coming home because he needs to stop by and talk to BM. I didn't even ask what about, just said no problem, see ya when you get home! When he gets home that night, he tells me that he has really been missing the skids (SD7 and SS4) and just wanted more time with them. So without even letting me know and giving me a chance to state my opinion, he took it upon himself to ask BM if "we" could have the skids an extra night/week. She agreed to let them stay Sunday nights (didn't surprise me since she gets rid of them at every opportunity!) He says, "Sorry I didn't run it by you first, but I just didn't think...I just miss them and I want them here as much as possible." I was so angry I could have spit fire, but I calmly expressed to him that what he did was not fair...that any change of schedule affects me and the way I run our household, and that I felt like nothing more than an afterthought when he did stupid shit like that. I told him that I know they are his and BM's kids, but this is MY home therefore I deserve to have a say-so in these decisions, and that I didn't like being "told" what was going to happen in MY home! He apologized, I accepted, he promised never again - end of story!
Fast forward to the beginning of summer...DH and I are watching TV, talking about our day, and he says, "Oh by the way, I talked to BM today and she asked if we could trade Wednesday for Friday on our off-weekend week until the end of August. She is playing in some softball league and her games run late on Friday nights (since when is 8 pm, during summer vacation, on a Friday night, late?) and I told her no problem!" (meaning they will be with us EVERY F*CKING WEEKEND!! How convenient for her, she gets every weekend kid-free!) Again - I was not even aware of her request until he had already agreed upon the rearrangement of days and then I was TOLD how things were going to change in MY household...WTF?? This time, I was not so calm, yet not ugly, when I let him know how inconsiderate of him it was to not give me the chance to put my two-cents in on her request (given the chance, I would have said HELL NO, but in a tactful way). Really...8 PM is too late, on a Friday night, during summer vacation...get f*cking real, BM! She is ridiculous!! Once again I found myself having the same conversation with him about being considerate, and allowing me to help in the decision making when it comes to how things will work in MY home! And once again, he apologized and gave the same excuse "i just didn't think..."... bullshit!! This will NOT happen again!
I just had a baby and had been on maternity leave for 14 weeks. The plan was, when I returned to work, DH would take his 'bonding' time off...his time to bond, alone, with BS. I was so excited for the 2 of them to get their time alone...a mere 4 weeks (he took 2 weeks off when I had the baby in April, leaving him 4 weeks when I returned to work.) The Sunday before I returned to work, we were sitting at the dinner table discussing my return to work, how sad I was to leave BS, but how excited I was that they would get to spend time alone, and wouldn't you know it...he blindsided me yet AGAIN..."Oh yeah - BM asked if I could keep SD7 and SS4 for the next 4 weeks since I am going to be off anyway. She is going to go back to work early (school administrator) and she doesn't want to pay for day care, since I will be home. So BS and I aren't going to be alone, SD7 and SS4 will be here with us." Once this point I am so angry I want to physically harm him...maybe I'm still a little on edge because of whacked out hormones from having a baby, but still...I want to beat the man to a pulp! I didn't even have to say anything to him, apparently it was written all over my face...and he doesn't get it..."Why is it a big deal if they are here? I will still get to bond with BS." Really? Because the way I see it, when SD7 and SS4 are here, you can't even go to the bathroom to take a shit without them pounding on the door, "Daddy - what are you doing in there?" "Daddy's going to the bathroom - give me 5 minutes!" "Come on, daddy...can't we please come in?" They are up his ass 24/7, they do not leave his side for one second! I think it's great that they love their daddy so much, but hey - can BS get a little attention please? When I pointed out to him that he pays no attention to BS when they are around, he said he hadn't realized that, but since I brought it up, he does recognize that and he feels just awful...he will do better and try to pay more attention to BS.
So last Monday was my first day back to work...and they were there...all week...I just don't even have words to describe the rage I had/have inside. Call me childish, selfish, jealous, petty - whatever - I don't care! I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- mommabear's blog
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Noooo.... that would piss me
Noooo.... that would piss me off beyond belief. It isn't that I think DH needs to "ask my permission" to do things with his son. It's more a matter of making decisions TOGETHER that affect the household. I completely understand where you are coming from, and would be livid in all of these situations.
Yes BSgoinon, that is exactly
Yes BSgoinon, that is exactly my thoughts...he doesn't need my 'permission', it's just a matter of mutual respect for one another and making decisions together! I give HIM that respect, why can't I get it back? Grrrrrr...
Wow, I wish I had words of
Wow, I wish I had words of encouragement but I am pissed off for you. :jawdrop:
Totally understand, I had my
Totally understand, I had my bs on Monday, went home on a wednesday night and fdh thought it was ok for sd to come on friday!! They just dont get it! I DO NOT CARE if she wants to see her baby brother.. This is MY first and I do not want to share the first week home.
I feel your pain. Happens to
I feel your pain. Happens to me all the time, merely an after thought when it comes to his children and then its oh sorry I forgot to tell you, you dont mind do you? AHHHHH!
You have every right to be upset.
Well I'd say your anger is
Well I'd say your anger is fully justified given that he had already had 2 warnings. Is it not possible for him to go back to BM and say that 4 weeks full time is too much and he needs some time to focus on BS - can she organise childcare for 1 or 2 days a week? It was his error in judgement so he ought to do something to put it right, especially given he already acknowledged he finds it hard to balance the demands of your newborn vs his older children. I empathise with your frustration, my DH is hopeless at managing the planning and communication around access arrangements and is much more accomodating with BM than she is with him. Unfortunately good Dads who treasure the time with their children seem to find it difficult to understand that their new partner is unlikely to feel the same way, and tend to live in the unrealistic delusion that their partner will also be delighted at every additional opportunity to have the children around.
Are all these men just
Are all these men just stupid? They say they will change this behavior over and over and it never changes then they wonder why we get mad at them. I feel for you though, my SS came to our house for the whole summer 5 days after I came home from the hospital with my daughter, I didn't even get a full week with my first child alone before he was there all day every day for 3 mths. I stay at home and that was also the first time I had ever been alone with SS for longer then an hour, so I come home with my first kid and on top of being a new mother to my child I am a full time mom to a 6 almost 7 yr old who didn't really know or respect me yet, and my husband didn't think this may be difficult for me? BM couldn't have kept him atleast a couple extra weeks while I got used to everything? These men are idiots and worse yet there our idiots.
Funny thing when I read this,
Funny thing when I read this, because my DH just crossed the same damned line he crossed a year ago, and I was pissed! I had the opportunity to think about it since last night and proceeded to run thru different scenarios in my head, finally coming up with a good statement (at least I think it was) to let him know how I'm feeling and it goes like this:
"I have realized that because I am not a member of the "first family" I am not privvy to many decisions that are made within that inner circle made up of you, your ex-wife, and your children.
This is not by my chcoie. However, I feel helpless in the ability to change this behavior, regardless of how important it is for us to communicate about issues when they have the potential to impact this house emotionally, financially, or otherwise. But because this is not the first time this has happened, you are making it very clear to me that I am not a priority"
That's what my calm, rationale self said. My pissed off, over-the-top, about ready to blow an artery self wasn't so nice and used a lot of words I wouldn't be caught using in public. And if I'm not a priority when it comes to those kinds of things, let see what priority I give him...
I'm a bm and i agree those
I'm a bm and i agree those first weeks home are special. i've had family members care for my older kids, to have time to focus on bonding with new baby that first week!
^^ LIKE ^^
When you make decisions with
When you make decisions with BM, I feel like it's the two of you who are the team here, and not you and me. I understand that time with the kids is important, but I need to feel like a priority in your life too."
This is pretty much word for word what I have told my DH. I get that he wants to be a "good father" and would rather have skids with him if BMs need a sitter or whatever, but I would just like to feel like I am not the visitor in my house just watching the dog and pony show however it may play out. All I have ever asked is for him to make MY feelings a priority and not to just rush to say "how high?!!" when BM says jump.
You have every reason to be angry.
Ok-I do get where you are
Ok-I do get where you are coming from. I do. He shouldnt be making all sorts of decisions about schedules and such without discussing it with you. I agree.
BUT-if your baby is 14 weeks old and your skids arent there all the time hasnt he already been bonding with the baby? I am just thinking that i have 3 kids and one ss. When I had my 2nd and 3rd babies I didnt get 4 weeks to sit at home with just that baby and bond with them when someone else watched my other two. When I had my last dd-dh went and got ss at bm's and we all drove home from the hospital together. Of course we were custodial-but my dh didnt have 5 minutes just to bond with our daughter much less 4 weeks. My youngest daughter has 3 older siblings. It's reality. Having siblings around is something she has experienced all her life. She seems no worse for wear for it. I took whatever opportunities that I had to spend special one on one time with her as did my dh. I didnt have to ban the rest of my kids or ss from the house for 4 weeks in order to bond with her nor did my dh.
I dont mean this offensively-I really dont-but just maybe to get you to thinking that kids in intact families also deal with this to and yet still manage to bond with your child.
I do think your dh has been insensitive in consistently making arrangements without clearing them with you. I do think since you and he already discussed him taking time off to be with the baby-then he needs to do some of that-but I think you have to be a little flexible as well. Are you ok with him going off somewhere and spending 4 weeks just with his other two kids and not your baby? My guess is no. Perhaps he can have them only half that time, or as someone else suggested maybe 3 days a week. Or they could go back to bm's every weekend.
I totally see what you are
I totally see what you are saying, but I think OP's annoyance with skids being there during DH 4 weeks with BS is secondary to the fact that DH keeps making decisions that affect their household and then TELLING her that's what's going to happen. Marraige is a partnership, she should be included in these decisions that he is currently making on his own.
DH and I have had this discussion many times, While I don't want him to feel like he needs to ASK me to have the kids there, I would certainly like him to keep me apprised of any potential changes or unforseen extended visits as we do have a life outside of BMs schedule (or lack thereof)
Actually, the skids ARE with
Actually, the skids ARE with us all the time because BM always has something really 'important' to do, so, since we live a block away, she calls and asks if the skids can come over 'for a few' (for a few usually = overnight)...we're talking really important things, like grocery shopping, or drinks with a girlfriend, or finishing the end of a really good book (yes - she actually called and asked if I would keep the kids because she had a headache and really just wanted to finish the end of this 'really awesome book'), or going for a walk...yep - any reason she can find to get rid of them, she does! You can't tell me those kids wouldn't LOVE to go for a walk with their mother...we take them for walks and bike rides all the time! Anyway - my point is, they are with us at least 3 nights/week, but usually 4 or 5. We see them most every day. DH was working during those 14 weeks...he leaves home @ 5 am, gets home @ 5:30 pm, and is in bed by 8 pm. From 5:30 - 8, he is playing with the skids and my BS9, eating dinner, or lying on the couch watching tv...whether the skids are there or not, he doesn't do much with the baby. I brought this to his attention, and he said he felt he was doing me a favor by keeping the skids and my BS 'out of my hair' so I could take care of the baby. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and believe that he truly was trying to help me out.
Also, this is not my first... I have a BS9. He spent 3 weeks away from home and I had all that time alone with the new baby. Yes, it was the beginning of summer break, and he ALWAYS spends 3 weeks with family (out of town), but still - I truly enjoyed the time alone with the baby. I just want DH to experience the same.
"Are you ok with him going off somewhere and spending 4 weeks just with his other two kids and not your baby? My guess is no." hismineandours - I absolutely would be fine with him spending that much time with the skids if the circumstances were right...I'm fair! I don't expect him to do only for our BS...I would NEVER expect him to do something for BS that I wouldn't want him to do for the skids...that's just not how I work.
Anyway - like daisy said, all of this is only SECONDARY to my wanting some respect in my own household. I don't like feeling like he and BM are still the team and I the cheerleader on the sidelines.
Wow, your DH totally enables
Wow, your DH totally enables the BM and confirms his message to her that she does not need boundaries with him! "Thank you, DH, for putting our family second."
We went through the same thing years ago, and I enabled it, thinking that I was doing something good for my DH and the skids. The BM got so used to getting her way and dumping her kids on us at will that I ended up chnaging my own wedding date for shit like that pulled on me!!! I learned my lesson the hard way
Even if you get the message across someday, you may also go through a period where DH will ask you what you think right in front of the skids or the BM, putting you on the spot! Nip it in the bud immediately and discuss your full expectations using different scenarios.
I've told my DH that he does not need my permission or advice to say "no", just fricken say it! If he's happy to consider something, then he needs to tell the BM or skids "I'll get back to you". He should only discuss matters with me in private, and never in front of the skids or the BM. If he does, no matter what you feel or your opinion is, you end up looking like the bad guy as it's easier to blame the SM...
I've had to cancel many a week-end activity with the skids cuz BM and DH said "yes" to a skid party and no one told me. DH even yelled at me ONCE (not twice) that the skids need to have their social life!!! WTF? Social life? So I told him it sounds like BM still runs the show and that he should go back that so that they can accommodate their kids social life together.
My DH has made leaps and bounds, and unfortunately it took the recent birth of our BD and seeing how aggressively one of his kids started treating me and th ee baby that he finally moved into protecting our marriage and new baby mode.
Good luck, I'm with you! It's a long road to work out the Guilty Dad thing.
Wow! I don't think you are
Wow! I don't think you are selfish or wrong here. He should have broached the subject with you first. The result likely would have been the same, but the effect of him considering you in the decision would have gone far, I think.
It's stressful enough going back to work and leaving your little bundle without being blindsided with the extra (very young) children. You should have had time to adjust to the scenario. Then you and DH could have worked out a schedule for all involved ie breakfast time, play time, skid rest time (opposite baby nap time), allowing DH to still have alone bonding time with baby.
My SO staying home a month longer than I did. I was blessed to know that while baby was adjusting to mom being gone, he was still in his normal routine environment. YOU DIDNT GET THAT PIECE OF MIND AND IT WAS SELFISH OF DH!
Recently, SO and I made a date night (we haven't had one since baby was born a year ago). Both of our own BS's would be with there other families. The morning of our scheduled romantic evening, SO (in passing) states that BM told him SS would be coming over a day early and he agreed! I was furious. We NEEDED an evening to reconnect.
He didn't see the problem with it - stating we would just pay babysitter extra for the extra child. I not so calmly told him that yes, babysitter could cover things while we went out to dinner, but what about when we got home? Baby would be down for the night and our date could have continued with a movie by candlelight, quiet music and wine, and so on but he ruined that because now 11 yr old ss would be underfoot.
I further advised SO that I would be changing our date night to a girls night and he should NOT expect me for dinner. He called me 30 minutes later. He had called BM, told her she did not run our house and that SS would have to wait until Saturday morning to come over. Game Point !
EXTREMELY maddening, yet OH
EXTREMELY maddening, yet OH SO common! RIGHT LADIES???
DH unilaterally decides with the BM that they will switch weekends or biodad will take an extra weekend or weeknight without consulting with SM first.
Happens ALL the TIME!!
So what is going on here?
We've already explained to biodad that we would like to get a heads up BEFORE and not after the fact. They placate us at the time and say "ok."
Then it happens AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.
Here is what may be going on:
1. Biodad is scared crapless when it comes to the BM; he's afraid he'll "loose his children" (TM) if he doesn't go along with everything the BM says.
2. Biodad is afraid that if he doesn't agree with the BM on everything, it will somehow "affect the children." Perhaps you've heard THIS one before. Yes he WILL lose the children MUCH faster if he teaches them that Mommy rules and Daddy drools. He's also teaching them that the world revolves around his spawn and the BM; which in turn teaches BM and skids to disrespect him and mostly SM.
3. Biodad is doing the "180." That is agreeing to everything YOU say but then doing the opposite when the "heat is on" and he's being pressured by the BM or the skids.
4. Biodad knows how you REALLY feel about his clingy, whiny, disrespectful children and doesn't want to tell you any sooner than he has to; he'd rather "beg forgiveness than ask permission."
Ok and WHY are the children so clingy? I commented about this on Unlucky Lady's blog.
Odds are they are being TAUGHT to act this way at your house. BM most likely is subtley PASing skids out by making them feel that biodad is family and SM and the new baby are NOT! Therefore, cling to biodad the whole time you are at biodad's house or the "evil wicked SM" will "get" you.
Biodad is in the "child adoration/worship" phase. SO what you can do if possible is the next time he agrees to something with the BM that you weren't consulted on, let's say extra weekends, you make arrangements to be ELSEWHERE. "Sorry, I had plans" and stick to your guns. Start disengaging. If you are doing anything "motherly" for skids, stop it now.
Taking your leave is good ONLY if you can trust him not to spend like a drunken sailor on the skids (guilty daddy spending to "counteract" the BM's PAS); perhaps you'll also need to put a limit on his spending as well; if he's anything like GG, he'll spend his last meager penny after MASSIVE CS is taken out.
Funny you should mention
Funny you should mention that, Auteur..."he'd rather beg for forgiveness than ask for permission"...DH recites that phrase all the time! HA!!
The clingy thing... all I can figure is that its jealousy. Especially with SD7, anytime I get anywhere near DH she immediately jumps on him! And if they happen to be sitting on the couch (99% of the time she is already in his lap) and so much as look at DH, she will throw her arms around his neck and do whatever she can to focus his attention on her. At first, I found it a little endearing and thought that once she realized daddy still and always loves her dearly, that behavior would stop...but its only gotten worse. I talked to DH and asked him if he had noticed it and he told me "she has always been that way with me...she's a daddy's girl!" Ummm - OK, I
All I want, really, is for everyone to be treated with the same respect!! I want to be considered when there is to be a change of schedule, especially since I'm the one that does 99% of EVERYTHING!! Maybe thats just it...he doesn't do anything around here so he has no idea the impact a sudden change has on the rest of the ship...??