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SS20 has overdosed again...

MomandSMofSix's picture

... he is in a coma with a breathing tube and I'm just at a loss as for what to do or say. I'm feeling guilty about wanting SO to be harder on him ... but this was what I was trying to prevent all this time. It will kill SO if SS does not wake up... and I just don't know what to do. I want to be there at the hospital with him. I feel like I should, instead of sitting here unable to concentrate on ANYTHING and anxiously awaiting every text ... we have other children and I have to be home with them, but I need him to feel my support and love and I just don't know how from here. I need advice at this point.

My heart is breaking for SO and I feel so angry at SS ... how could he do this again?! How could he be so selfish after all the love and support from his GIANT family!? And how come NO ONE would listen to me all this time!? This never would have happened if they had just been tougher on him instead of babying and enabling him this entire time.

I guess I just need support and advice... I'm sitting at home going out of my mind


misSTEP's picture

I supposed you don't know if it was accidental or a suicide attempt? I'm so sorry your family is going through this. I don't have any advice I can give you but I think you need a big hug.

MomandSMofSix's picture

SO seems to think it may have been suicidal. To me, this kid will never intentionally try to kill himself. He talks about it constantly to manipulate the people around him and get attention and learned at a young age daddy will give me what I want if I talk about killing myself. In my experience it's the people who don't ever talk about it that end up doing it Sad learned the hard way...

Justme54's picture

Hugs! My dad use to say..."You can lead a horse to water but you can not make them drink. My point is...Do not beat yourself up over this. You tried. Do not take this wrong, I have know of people that are in and out of rehab. many times. They do good for sometime, then go back to old ways. It is a disease.

Sadly, tough love does not always work. Let go of yesterday and focus on today and tomorrow.

Hugs to you and your DH!! Please keep us posted.

BethAnne's picture

I'm so sorry for you this has got to be tough. Can any family members take care of the kids for a day or two or even just a few hours so you can go to the hospital? Or perhaps one of them can go and be with your husband so you know he isn't alone? Keep putting one foot in front of the other and get through the next few days as best you can.

Ljcapp1's picture

Addicts think they are only hurting themselves. If they only knew how we suffer right along with them. Sad
I'm so sorry for you and your H, and I hope he recovers and straightens up.

MomandSMofSix's picture

Exactly! I am so angry at him for putting not only his family through this, but especially his father. SO wakes up every day expecting a call that SS is gone, and it's not fair. It's the most selfish thing in the world ...

Ljcapp1's picture

My oldest son is addicted to spice. We've tried everything to get him clean. Can't get him in rehab he won't stay. It effing breaks my heart to be helpless in fixing my kid. He's only 16.
I understand totally how OP's H is feeling. So much guilt and second guessing yourself.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I feel for you. We've just spent the evening trying to find YSS19. Luckily for us it's not drugs. But his epilepsy is so scary. We've just tracked him down. He's in an ER on the other side of our city.

Try going to an Al-anon meeting.

MomandSMofSix's picture

Yes the 3rd time in less than a year! Sad

We had a beautiful baby girl on father's day ♡

SS hasn't even met her yet because he's been in and out of several sober houses and continually " screwing up " (doing drugs and then feeling bad about it) for weeks!

Justshootme's picture

Remember the three C's... You didn't cause it, you can't control it, and you can't cure it. {{HUGS}}

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

SIL has a 24yo son who was on the west coast until recently coming back home in the east. My DH has been clean and sober 27 years, and addiction runs in the family. Nephew24 started using heroin and SIL and her H flew out to get him into rehab. He snuck out and used. He got put in lock-down for 10 days (or do they call it "blackout?") and he started a 90-day program. Nephew24 was still working FT, living in a community home for addicts, all covered by insurance. He f-ing snuck out and used again. So on Father's Day weekend, BIL flew out to get him and drive back east with him. By then, Nephew24 had quit rehab and had been living in his car.

This young man attended a private HS, was a smart kid pursuing an engineering degree his freshman year in 2010. He dropped out of college and has been using ever since. It's horrible that these "kids" have this disease. It's everywhere.

I feel your pain. I wish you could be with DH at the hospital to comfort him. You have a huge family that needs you at home, but if possible, please try to get some help with watching the kids, even if for a few hours. Take the infant with you. Congrats on your baby girl! We are all praying for you. I know the feeling of helplessness, when you just wish you could move heaven and earth to make things better. Stay strong.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

~ Moon

dood's picture

I have no words to express my concern for your SS... and want to tell you how sorry I am to hear. xoxo

Amber Miller's picture

My SD almost died after a suicide attempt. It was extremely violent and i will not post what she did as it is too horrifying for public consumption. I don't know how she survived.
I know exactly how you feel. You want to be there to love and support SO and then you're feeling conflicted because you saw this coming, you're angry at the skid even though he's clinging to life. It's a hard position to be in. I was so mad at my SD because she too had all sorts of love, support, attention and she was being financially supported by both parents, they gave her everything she wanted. She had nothing but the best and was doted on by both parents.
I was conflicted due to my anger towards her and the fear and sadness that I felt because she was very near death. So I felt like a bad person for being angry at her but you know, I'm not a bad person and neither are you. I think it's normal to have conflicted feelings. This is a terrible thing, not only because you love your SO but because he (skid) is a human being. No one would wish this type of horrible outcome on anyone, not even an enemy. The sadness and fear skids parents feel right now can't even be put into words. I am sending positive thoughts to you, the family and skid. I hope he wakes up and is ok. I hope he gets the help he needs.
Unfortunately in our family, SD learned that she could use her suicide attempt to manipulate everyone. No one wanted to make her mad because, she might kill herself and it would be their fault! This happened less than 8 years ago. SD has written off daddy because he won't divorce me to please her. After 2 years of no SD, she has now launched an attack on her father. One of the things she wrote in an email was that it was that "no one asked me why I tried to kill myself", "if I was given the proper attention and emotional and financial support then I wouldn't have tried to kill myself". Total manipulation.
My best advice to you is to tell SO that you are there for him, that you love him and that you understand how hard this is on everyone. Let him know you are there to LISTEN to him. Do not offer your opinion on his son, what he's done, how you saw it coming, that he's selfish, etc (you get the picture). Keep yourself as far away from this as possible by not offering ANY opinion. I say this to you because these are the mistakes that I made. At the time, my SD (who was around 24) could do no wrong and if I pointed out anything at all, it was perceived as me attacking the princess; even if that was my last intention.
It's taken years for me to learn these things. I hope this helps. I know how terrible you just feel. Just rub your hand on your SO's back and say "I'm sorry, I know how difficult this is. I am here for you". And like I said, LISTEN--do not speak, just listen. Of course if he asks you your opinion try and be as objective and "vanilla" as you can by repeating "I know this is hard. I love you. What can I do to help?"
That's the best advice I can give you from someone who has personally been there.
My SD is now 30 and is more terrible than ever but I'm glad she didn't die. Doesn't make it any easier to watch this recent crap she has unloaded on my DH.
Good luck and take care. I'm so sorry.

kathc's picture

I'm so sorry. I understand wanting to be there but your other kids need you at home to keep their life as normal as possible right now. Maybe if you have a friend or relative who can watch the kids for a little while you can go make a visit to your ss?

Unfreakingreal's picture

So sorry you are going thru this. I have a friend whose 19 y/o son is an addict. One time, she told me "I know this is going to sound horrible but…sometimes I wish he would just hurry up and OD so we can move on with our lives."
I hugged her and let her cry because I knew that there was nothing harder for a mom to say about her own child.