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The things that make this worth it

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

My skids can be a major pain in my butt, but every once in a while they'll do something to validate what I'm doing. Today my SD13 came home with a library book of Dr. Suess stories to read to the babies. She hates to read, so it's really a big deal to me. She's sitting on the floor right now with one in her lap and reading aloud to them. She's stumbling over the words, but it means so much to me that she's trying.

I walked in the nursery a few weeks ago and my SS17 who is 6'1 and about 270lbs was reading them a bedtime story. It was just so cute seeing this big guy hunched over the crib reading "Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?"

I notice a lot of the advice on hear is to "disengage". I dont really like that. I know every situation is different, and I'm lucky to not have BM in the picture at all, but I'm a firm believer in "it takes a village to raise a child". It's not always easy and it's not always fun, but moments like these make it all worthwhile.


purpledaisies's picture

I am not disengaged right now. I only used that for my dh to see the light so to speak. It didn't last all that long but long enough for my dh to see that he needs to be a parent and not disney dad.

I too enjoy seeing when my ss16 wants to hang out with my son17. He called thurs and since they both drive they met at game stop and hing out for hours waiting on a game to be released. Biggrin

Mrs.Desperate's picture

Wow! I'm kind of jealous, but happy for you! Knowing that there's hope is the only thing that keeps me going. I hope that I can one day see something like this from my skids.