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mom23ms's picture

So, since SO told his daughters that I had left (and of course they acted like they had no freakin clue why I would leave), I have not heard from them at all. I mean, when I at least lived in the house I would get a text every now and then asking if they could get a ride somewhere or if Icould take them to get their nails done or something.

Now, before I moved out I did get them some Vday stuff (since I do it for my kids.) I made their stuff up and gave it to SO. I know he hasn't seen them so they don't they got anything. I'm sure there will be no thank you and honestly I am not even holding my breath. SO told SD#1 that she needed to call me and apologize how she acted towards me on my birthday last month. She wouldn't say ONE word to me and she was the one to ask to come over. She sat here and used my internet and then when her cell phone died and couldn't talk asked SO over and over again for him to take her home. When he didn't, she took a knife and started chopping at my Bday cake. She never called me and said I was sorry, but she did ask a few weeks later for me to take her to practice.

I guess I was hoping they would text me to say "sorry" or just ask how I am doing. I mean, they never had a problem texting me when they needed something.

I have been seeing SO but it's never been around his kids. It's been friendly and I admit I miss him, but I am NOT going back there anytime soon. It only pushes me further from him with his lack of parenting. Still excuses....


Rags's picture

"asked SO over and over again for him to take her home. When he didn't, she took a knife and started chopping at my Bday cake"

Oh, I would have taken her home alright. After I blistered her bare ass in to hamburger with a belt while her face was firmly planted in the destroyed birthday cake.

No F-in way would I tolerate that crap from my child or anyone elses. I don't care how old that kid is. She would have crawled to your feet appologizing and asking for forgiveness if she were my kid and been completely respecful to you and immediately complied with anything you ever ever thought much less said from that moment on.

Not happenin even once in Rags' world without severe and unforgetable consequences.

Grrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! :O