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torn family

mndblwn's picture

My ss and dh are meant to be left alone like they were before I came in the picture. Ss whines and only speaks to dh in a low voice when I'm around. Dh let's him take over. I'm truly over it. Ss and dh are to blame. Dh let's ss play him so much it makes me sick.

I'm pregnant with my first. That's my number one. Ss and his mother and dh can have each other in my eyes. Ss and bm play this game. I just feel it. Ss is a monster each time he is home with us and he can't wait until he goes with bm for toys, mcdonalds and just pure being spoiled.

I cook good meals with a meat, veggie and it has to be noodles cuz ss won't eat potatoes or rice. He acts like it kills him and then whines to dh who sadly gives in. I'm so sick of the two of them and feel very very stuck. Dh wants my help with school events and doctors yet doesn't help me while at home. Its his kid now in my eyes and he can let that kid rock him all he wants. Thank god I have the control over the finances! He truly is a rotten little shit who needs both parents to baby him. He gets it and can't stand me because I don't put up with it.


creynolds's picture

That sounds just like my daughters situation. The skids hand all over SIL & ignore my daughter. They go into a different room and leave daughter and her bio kids all alone. It's like SIL has 2 different families, I expressed to him he was in control of making it 1 family but he wants to blame my daughter that she's took strict and expects to much from skids!

gijimenez5's picture

This is how things were with me, DH, SS, and BM. I remember that we would pick him up if BM and SS would be in restaurant, DH would go in sit with them and I would wait outside. Or we would drop him off at her home and he and SS would go into her house and I would wait in car. These things will continue until you nip them in the butt and express to him that it's not okay. When I got pregnant with DH child, I gave myself more importance, and now that we are married forget about it, I make sure that he puts my feeling first and foremost and I do the same with him.