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Asian Elk

mndblwn's picture

BM strikes again....this time it's an elk. She had picked up skid for her summer vacation. They spent fourth of july in our town before driving home where she lives. DH gets a call at 845pm. It's her telling him they just hit an elk. Both her and skid are ok. Here's the funny parts. She drives a two door yaris and it's her moms car, she has left our town about 8pm yet wants our judge to make DH drive skid to her halfway so that skid doesn't get home late where she lives and she is only down to one car now. She still however can drive to arizona for a football game, buy movies and toys and go out to eat. She still owes us $500 in medical bills for skid and won't pay for medical insurance.

Skid looked at DH before he left and asked DH to not call the police if he didn't answer the phone right away. BM has called the police for skid not answering and they showed up to our house one day. BM knew we were going out of town and skid called her with no problem when we got home.

She wants DH to start driving halfway, three times a month for her to see her son. She claims we aren't doing our part.

I'm so sick of this woman and her thinking that just because she gave birth to this kid means she is the worlds best mother. She left for 4 years, doesn't pay medical insurance or anything for school, doesn't go to doctors appointments for his heart, won't pay her half in medical bills and doesn't send anything clothing back for his school days. She nags on DH for drinking yet DH hasn't drank since last year and her whole facebook is pictures of alcohol and drinking. She tells skid that once she starts she just can't stop. GRRRRR!!!!


RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

This is what you say: No. And you stand your ground. If she wants to see him, she will come get him. And if she doesnt than more peace and quiet for you.