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minerva385's Blog

what I wish I could say to the bio-bitch...

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Ok completely ignore Hubby and I for as long as you can, but then it comes down to you not getting your precious child support and you're all over that. Well guess what dear? I work DAMN hard for MY money. I love YOUR child, true, but that does not entitle YOU to my pay check. So FUCK OFF!!!!

Candy is Crack :)

minerva385's picture

Hubby and I mailed a Valentine's Day package to SD this week. It should be delivered to her today, according to the delivery confirmation we requested. I have to admit I get a slightly, not so guilty pleasure, out of sending SD candy. I mean, I am aware that candy is pretty much crack for kids and since SD tends to lean more towards the super hyper active side of the spectrum, she should provide BM with LOTS to do when she opens her present. HA HA HA Smile Take that BM!

What would happen if we all got PMS on the same day???

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I've been reading a lot of posts and blogs today and I have to say, we are an angry bunch of ladies today (I include myself in that!) And I am grateful that we all don't typically have "that time of the month" at the same time. I think the results would be more chatostrophic(sp?) then a nuclear bomb.

The "system" is whack

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Hubby and I filed to have his child support lowered while he is in school. He is not working because he wants to focus all of his attention on school so that he can do well. I completely understand this, as I went to school full-time and worked full-time and it was HELL. My grades suffered and my education suffered. If I had it to do over again, I would not have worked so much.

By some miracle...

minerva385's picture

By some miracle hubby and I were able to talk with SD last week Tuesday. We're pretty sure that the only reason for this was because BM accidentally answered our phone call (she was trying to open a text message at the same time we called). We tried again on Sunday, but of course, no such luck. Now we are trying to confirm that it is ok for us to go out and visit SD at the end of March. We want to book online and the lowest rate that we could get doesn't allow for us to get a refund if we were to not go.
