Adult Stepson seriously taking advantage of my husband and household. I need help!
I have a 25 yr old stepson. He's working full time as a hairdresser. He has lived with us for 2 years has not paid a dime to live here. He had a problem with drugs. I think he still does, my daughters said he looks high all the time. Anyways husband won't confront him or talk to him about the negative comments he says to my children. SS constantly tries to get his dad to talk to his mother. They have been divorced for 17 years. I am sick of it. He constantly spends money on stuff he can't afford. Hubby won't kick him out or made him responsible for his actions. I am sick of it. I see his car in the driveway and I want to throw up. He does absolutly nothing around the house. No dishes nothing. He didn't even help his dad shovel snow this year. I did it when hubby went to work. I told hubby the other day he has to pay 250.00 month rent or he can move out. I want it by July 1st. If he don't pay he can move out. Hubby said yea something needs to be done. I told hubby I wasn't asking to talk to him, it has to happen. I told him I wasn't gonna pay for a pot head to live in my basement. I am just fed up. Should I ask him if he has talked to him or should I wait til July 1st.?
- michellelee1972's blog
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I would remind husband that
I would remind husband that he needs to tell SS he needs to have the rent July 1st. I wouldn't ask anything. I'd even go so far as to put the rent amount and due date in writing and give it to SS. I'd also include a note stating you will also be charging for maid service if he doesn't start picking up after himself.
edit: And date the note so you give him the legal 30 day notice of a rent change
DH has made things for too
DH has made things for too comfortable for him and he doesn't want to leave. He doesn't have to pay rent, cook or clean . . and dear
old dad even shovels the snow. He's got a car to drive and choses to spend his money on foolishness instead of contributing to the household. It's time for the gravy train to pull into the station.
If he wants to do drugs, he needs to do them on his own watch . . in his own place. He's an adult so it's time for him to lead his own life.
You and DH should call a meeting with him and tell us exactly what you told us. At that time, give him notice of a rent charge. Give him two choices, either start contributing to the household and pay rent, or start looking for a place to live . . .period! And if you don't want him there forever, I'd discuss a move out date with DH and tell SS so he'll know in advance. It's time for daddy's boy to stand on his own two feet.
I live with DH and SD (26) and the only reason she's here with us is because she's looking for full-time employment. Once that happens, the expectation is that she will get her own place . .which she needs. She's lazy, has caused conflict and can't move out soon enough.
Good luck.