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medusa's Blog

Transitions - Do all step kids have trouble with the change in location?

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DH and I just finished a full week with SD12. It was basically good, but went down hill towards the end. PMS makes this kid a raging lunatic. And then she seem to have to transition back to her BM house with a argument and prepare. Does it help her to walk in and say she had an swful time and we are awful people?

We've talked to her and told her that we realize that it is very hard for her to change from "no rules" with BM to "normal rules" with us and we have complimented her on her ability to handle it. Usually that is true, but for the past visit it was not.

I feel welcome here

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I feel ike I have found a place that I am welcome. I have been lurking and reading posts for a few days. I used to be able to vent to my friends, who got me through 2 divorces. One marriage lasted 15 years, but not through his "text book" midlife crisis and the other was MY test book "rebound" to an alcoholic. I talked endlessly to my friends. I am AFRAID to vent to them now, and witness the pathetic roll of eyes and "here we go again" sighs. So, then I was miserably single for almost 3 years, which all of my friends thought would be bliss. It wasn't. And, I very happily met Mr.