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Today is going to be a rough day

mcnat's picture

Well, my son will see sd14 for the first time since 18 April and i'm worried sick. While she lived with us all she did was torture him, but she whined about not being able to see him so the judge ordered bi weekly visitation between my son and SD14 and SS9. I'm so worried about how this is going to affect him, but there's nothing we can do. It sucks all around especially that CPS is just playing into this teenager's hand and doing their best to appease her even at the sake of BS3. Hopefully this will all be over soon enough and we'll never hear from this evil person again.


mcnat's picture

no kidding they have done nothing but cater to this malicious teenager ever since this all started. I'm not allowed to be at the visit but my mother gets to watch from the observation room. My nerves are all over the place right now... I don't think it's right that she gets everything she wants while my DH and i are out attorney's fees and everything else as well as having to jump through hoops for CPS. The only reason this is even happening is because SD realized that her egg donor didn't care enough about her to even try and get them back so she forced everybody's hand in this matter. Just the thought that he has to be around this person makes me sick to my stomach.