MattAC's Blog
All alone
And loving it! I left a few months ago and am about to file as soon as I can find a lawyer to help me because I have no clue where to start but whoa.... and I mean WHOA!!! The difference in my outlook on life is amazing. I'm looking forward to next week for absolutely no reason and that to me says it all right there, I was praying for death daily the last few years with them. Trapped by so many things that only you other step parents, and those of you that grew up super strict religiously totally get it and that's why this site and community has been so dear to me.
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Looking better everyday
It's been a while, had to put my head down and just keep moving for a long time because reflection was too distracting and my misery does not love company but it worked.
Disconnection and re-establishing autonomy was the best thing I ever did. It's sad that I don't have a partner and I think that's what so many of us here are really mourning deep down. Facts are facts though, it's them against me regardless of what I do and that will never change.
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Crazy days
Its been a wild ride lately. My wife decided to tell 14 y/o step daughter that the man she thought was her dad isn’t, it went ok on her part and she already contacted her real fathers family. I’ll call not bio dad “fake dad” for easier reference and because I don’t like him. He has threatened to tell her numerous times to try and hurt her when he doesn’t get his way so in that regard it was a good thing that can’t be used anymore.
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A time machine would be nice
I’d go back and not become a step-parent. I never knew it could hurt so badly to be told anything, sticks and stones, but every day it just destroys my soul to be told in a hundred ways how much I don’t matter at all by people I’ve loved so much and given everything for.
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