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masonsmom's Blog

Moving closer to SS ...I am getting use to the distance

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SO IT has been agreed upon that my dh,bs and I will be moving back home to be closer to my ss. I am excited bc my friends and family are back home!! I want our BS to grow around his family. I just am not looking forward to dealing with BM. I also was getting use and kinda liking the fact of only seeing the SS on summer vacation, christmas, and Spring break! We have been away from him only 4 months then he was with us almost 2 now we won't see him till possible spring break ( if BM isn't a WITCH again) . Worst case in 10 months for now is when we would get him again.

School Supplies...DO you help??

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So BM has no job,car,education,and lives off the government. We have has SS for 7 weeks and she still gets CS. She now wants us to help pay for supplies and clothes for SS. Now if she wasn't lazy and actually did something to better herself for her SON. Then I wouldn't mind helping out with stuff ( not that we can afford it) but try. She hasn't bought him anything or saved any money...instead she blew it at the bar. She has no bills bc she just broke up with bf and moved in with her parents in there one bedroom apartment.Which how that is going to work out I have NO clue.

WE are thinking of going for Full Custody...

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So BM and her bf broke up Again (5th time in 2 years).... But this Looks like it is "official" according to her Fb page. lol... Well this time she has moved out and in to her parents home. This will be her and SS6's 4th move of the year.
Being that this is their 4th move wouldn't that mean she is an unstable parent?? I do believe that 2 moves is a year qualifies her as unstable but not 100% sure on that. I told DH that we need to call our lawyer and Seriously think about going for FULL custody. I don't know if any of you have any experience with this and can give advice.


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I am so frustrated I have no clue what to do. Every time we have my SS6 my Husband and I fight. Constantly bc he doesn't like how I discipline SS6. He also says I discipline our Bs2 differently. UMMM YA they are 4 years apart and our BS doesn't understand like our SS. I feel like this is a never ending battle I am beyond annoyed that I constantly get the eye role or a comment after I say anything to SS. Oh and to top it off he called me a dungeon master and said that is how I act towards the SS. I told him he could find someone else to freakin watch him then bc I am threw.

New Here!

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Hello..Must say I am so glad to have found this site! I have a private group of FB where a few friends and I are trying to get a support group going! We all seem to have similar issues with our SK's! I don't even know where to begin. MY husband and I have been together almost 4 years. WE have a BS who is 2 and I have know my SS since he was 2. I have dealt with my DH's crazy ex trying to break up our relationship way to many time! I hate her so much not to mention the fact that she is a selfish, lazy, crazy Mother to my SS who is 6.