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Small Victories! DH grew a tiny set of Balls

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Counseling is finally starting to pay off. Last night HorsefaceBM calls. I knew it was to either ask for money or to take the kid extra. Turns out it was fat-ass SS15 who wanted to come here last night and today (our times this week is Wed-Sun) because his Mom keeps yelling at him. My H said NO! Can you believe it!? All of these years he has taken the kids for up to 3 months extra every year because he let them come stay any time they want, he can't tell her/them no.

I've only had one other victory in 7 years. Earlier this school year Horseface BM wanted us take the step-shit(15) from Mon-Fri because she moved 30 miles away and it was too hard for her to drive him to school on her days, boo- friggen hooo, BM who doesn't work. Of course she wanted to keep the child support the same. I told my H that if he did that he would be a single father. He told her NO! LOL! I wish I could have seen the look on her face. However, he did tell me to brace myself for the backlash she would cause over it.

Yay DH, but you still wont get any sex. }:)


MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

We have NEVER ONE time asked Horseface to take them extra in 8 years! And, when we go on vacation she makes up PRE-PAY any extra days.

She asks us almost every single week to take them a day or two extra. I told my H that if he takes them extra ONE MORE time that I'm leaving him.

He would never tell me. I would think I would have my day off and come walking in with a smile on my face, planning a special dinner. Only to find both SS sitting on the couch. I can't tell you how pissed and crushed it made me every time. There were several times my H forgot to tell me Horseface was going on vacation. He would say "oh, I forgot to tell you, BM is going on vacation, so we get the kids the next 18 days."

BM also makes all of their dentist and doctor appointments on our days. She doesn't work! She has all the time in the World.

When the oldest SS now 18 got his driver license at 16 BM had him drive him and SS13 at the time, 30 miles to school every day. On the days that the Older SS was sick, she just wouldn't take the other one. He missed 9 days because she wouldn't drive them.

I laugh at the thought of her having to drive the younger one several times a week now that older SS left for college.

The twat wanted to shove the younger one off on ME so I had to drive him to and from school all week. NOOOO WAAAAAY!

Fuck her.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Yes I have. He says it's because he enjoys his time with his kids. I think it's because he has no balls and is/was scared of what would happen if he told her no.

We fought over it for years until I threatened to leave in July.

Excellent idea on cancelling the appointments. Haaa! But I told my H not to schedule on the days I have to pick him up because I REFUSE to take SS anywhere. (other than pickin him up after school 2 days a week)

I'm totally disengaged and it works! I like it. Smile

DaizyDuke's picture

Good for your DH and not just because it's "not his time" Good for your DH for not being that enabling other parent, that lets skid run off to be saved from the evil parent.

It drives me nutso that these skids out there from seperate households, play each house against the other and the idiot parents that LET them. What in the world is that teaching them?

That is what SD14 tried to pull with my DH when she didn't like the rules at our house... DH told her if she wanted to run to BMs she could just go live there because he wasn't going to continue to play that game... and she did. Best day of my life!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Holy shit, BallesswonderH told SS NO again! It's a miracle. SS wanted to spend Mon & Tues here, but they are not our days. My H told counselor he told little fat ass NO?

I'm in shock and proud of H. In 7 years he has only told his kid no 2 times!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

My stepson(15) has actually been very pleasant this week. :O

Disengaging seems to be paying off.

I did take him shopping last week for some hoodies because I felt bad he was sitting out in the cold every day after school in a t-shirt. BM doesn't give a shit and never buys him clothes or shoes.... even though she is supposed to. Anyway, to my amazement he was very sweet, very thankful and likable.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Holy shitballs! DH told Horseface BM no again! Am I in some alternate Universe?

She wanted my H to drop the kid off halfway even though it's her day to pick him up from school because it's her weekend. She moved 30 miles away and is very lazy. Anyway, H was going to do it and then I started having a cow and then said "OK, Ok, I'll tell her no and that she has to come pick him up. LOL, she's gunna be pissed.... GOOD!

In pre-counseling days he would have done it so she wouldn't get pissed off.