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Contemplating my departure sorry its long

marissamae88's picture

I have thought about leaving before but I always end up staying because I really love our family.But I am getting to the point where my relationship is really non existent and my relationship with the kids is the only thing thats good. I feel like he doesnt care if I am in or out. I dont feel appreciated or loved anymore. I dont think I am a priority and ya know what I shouldnt just be a priority I think I should be top notch number 1 priority. We had trouble with his oldest son in the beginning but lately he has been great. On Sunday my SO was working and he told me if my mom goes to church and my sister is giving her a ride have her take the kids to church. I said ok but I can't ask her myself she only speaks spanish. I had the kids call her. The oldest said he didn't feel like going I told him this wasn't my choice it was his dad's and I didn't want to hear whining. So I am in the bathroom washing my face and I hear the oldest yelling at the younger ones. I went in there and told him you are not the parent do not yell at them like that. I said call your grandma and I don't want to hear you yell at them. So the second to oldest calls and was asking grandma(in spanish I can understand bits and pieces) are you going to church? I was like Tony don't ask her that ask her if she is getting a ride with your aunt if she isn't you are not going with her. Then the oldest said WOW! you really want us out of here! I could not believe that. I do everything for these kids. They spend more time with me then anybody else and he really has the nerve to say that. I called his dad and explained what happened he asked to be put on the phone with him and I go out to the living to get him and he is in his room. I went there and told him your dad wants to speak with you and he says how long do I have to be in my room?? I told him I never told you to go to your room. I was in utter shock when he said that so I didn't say anything to him I just left so now this kid is punishing himself?? I don't understand. His dad talked to him but I couldn't hear what he said. They all got ready and went to church. I was really upset about his comment. He is ungrateful for everything and now he really has nerve to "act" like I punished him. His dad came home and this a** hole was mad at me!! Said I pushed the oldest out of our house! I was like ok if you really feel that way I am so done with this relationship. What do you guys think? All I did was follow through with what he wanted. I actually already had the day planned with taking the boys to get a movie I had made truffles the night before so we were I thought going to watch a movie and eat chocolate. And now they are telling i wanted them out of house!! I am so at loss I feel like all the effort I always exert is for nothing. I am looking at places to rent. I am soo upset over this. I cant waste my youth on this if he isnt going to stand by me. Am i supposed to wait for child services because the kid says I hurt him or any other shit he makes up. Sooo tired


2plus2's picture

I don't know your whole story, but I can share that I have been with my DH for 10 yrs, and have raised his kids from 1 and 3 they are now 11 and 13, we also have 2 kids of our own. Our only fights have ever been about the kids, and my DH has never had my back with the kids, the skids don't respect me, have made threats to me, etc and my DH does not think it's a big deal.
I am sure you are a wonderful parent and doing your best, you obviously care very much, but they are kids and will act like kids and play games, etc. The one wrong her is your SO, you were just backing your SO up by making them call their grandmother like he asked, but he doesn't see it that way, he doesn't have your back....which is my opinion is a good reason to move on, it hasn't changed for me and I don't know if it ever will....but before you have kids with him, make sure you can handle this treatment for the next 20 plus yrs, if not get out while ya can. good luck!

marissamae88's picture

I just emailed a person about a room for rent. I cant be this person anymore. I am trying to be martha stewart and be the best mom for them and for what. I get no appreciation and everyone expects me to do it. I am sooo sick of being taken advantage of. He can do it all on his own now.