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Nice meal shame about the BM!

marina2000's picture

Whilst SD was at a party last night me and my bf went for a nice cosy meal at a pub. Half way through said meal BM rang to tell bf where to pick up SD, thought that would be end of conversation but as soon as she heard we were having dinner she into detail about the Cats she has and how one of them wet itself in the house. I thought it was going to last a good half hour and bf dinner would be cold, I could blood pressure rising and annoyance at her interupting our dinner together - one of the few time we can get together. bf saw look in my eye and cut the conversation short. Why do they feel the need to do this? AAARRRGGGHHH!


StepChicka's picture

Why did your boyfriend continued talking to BM (or anyone) while you two were in the middle dinner (or anything)? BM will be pains and powertrip the girlfirend but your boyfriend is allowing it.

I would have not been pleased at BM but I would be fuming mad at your BF for his lack of manners. I would have left with the car or called a taxi. That's just plain rude what of him.

stepmom2one's picture

for sure. He should have hit the mute button or turned off the phone--totally disrespectful.

soverysad's picture

Holy crap. I would have had her stuff shipped right to my house! Love the YMCA deal though!

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!