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oh my god we did it.

MamaFox's picture

I'm freaking out pretty bad. My hands are still shaking. We are still in the BMs town. We talked to the local sheriff before we went over to her house. The kids were outside and we called them over to give the youngest his birthday present. Bm and her H came up to PapaFox, and asked us how we got their address, the cop actually gave it to us! It was pretty quiet, we gave them the paper work...the co and a copy of a blank motion to enforce visitation. Bm didn't see that, she gave PapaFox a bullshit line about her losing the paper work and the facilitator not calling her back ever.

she said she would call the facilitator Monday, she never saw the enforcement motion. Have fun with that BM.



MamaFox's picture

Oss came to the car and reached in to take my hand. He said he missed us very much, and wanted to go with us. I promised him we would see him very very soon.

Broke my heart.

MamaFox's picture

He is. He is a very sweet young man. Gosh, it was so heartbreaking. Papa and I could tell, he was just in shock we actually came to see him, He had this look on his face, you could tell he wanted to go home with us so bad.

Interestingly enough the Sheriff we talked to stated "You know, If I were you and you came down to see the boys, and they got in the car with you, It would still be a civil matter if you just drove away and kept driving until you got home. As long as it is during a scheduled visitation, supervised or not."

MamaFox's picture

I hope so too. Like I said, we gave her two weeks to comply fully with the CO. If she doesn't, we file the enforcement.

coping's picture

I deal with a BM who does her own interoperation. Gets old, but it finally back fired on her. BADLY.