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Do you have a physical reaction to dealing with BM?

MamaBecky's picture

I do, and I hate it.

Whenever I have to deal with the BM of SD14 I physically react to it. My stomach muscles tense up until I feel nautious and I know my heart rate increases. I can sometimes feel my heart pounding in my chest.

If I know I have to talk to her later in the day I get nervous...I feel butterflies. Sometimes my kidney even starts to hurt.

I hate that I react this way. I almost feel like I'm afraid of her. Why!? I have no idea. It's kind of like that feeling that you get when you know you are going to get to school in the morning and the class bully will be there waiting for you. Dread. Dread, and tension, and nervousness.


Do you have physical reactions when you know you have to talk to, hear from, or deal with BM? How do you manage it? What helps you?

(please dont suggest disengagement)


RaeRae's picture

I have something similar when she becomes confrontational, or when we are dealing with her in regards to legal issues. My heart rate goes up, limbs go somewhat numb... I guess it's anxiety or something. I'm not afraid of the bitch, I'd love to thrown her down and open a good ol southern can of whoopass on her. That's what she deserves for the hell she's brought to her kids, and to everyone who comes in contact with her. However, I don't really understand this nervous, anxious reaction I get when it comes to dealing with her.

z3girl's picture

I feel that way (heart-racing) when I see anything in the mail from BM. The expectation of some sort of confrontation or fight is what causes it. If all was always pleasant with BM, I'm sure the reaction would go away. It's unfortunate.

I feel that way a bit too when it comes to anything regarding SD, but I'm hoping if she stops acting out and stays in DH's life, that may eventually subside a bit too. Keeping my fingers crossed there.

MamaBecky's picture

I cant help but wonder if she feels the same way about dealing with me? I cant immagine so, but who knows.

anyha's picture

Probably depends on the BM. I know my SO ex feels kind of ill when she is around me, same way i feel around her. Although, she uses that as a reason why SD shouldn't be around me because whenever i'm around she feels sick and has a knot in her stomach and that must be her intuition warning her about me. *rolling eyes here* (her words to my SO)

I'd say it's pretty much a guarenteed response if you have to be around your ex's new partner and your partners ex. And if that person can't be nice and you always have some kind of confrontation? It's just going to get worse.

I use de-stress and anxiety relieving techniques to get it to mostly go away. Although it's always there a little bit anytime i have to even think about her or think about dealing with her.

Lots of deep breaths, and picturing all those feelings wrapped up in a ball and blowing it out. That type of stuff. Not really sure how else to deal with it since i can't change that she exists or that i'll have to deal with her as long as i am with SO. I guess it's interesting at least to hear that she feels exactly the same way about me. Smile And i've never been rude/mean to her at all. But, i am still her ex's NEW partner. So she'll hate me by default.

BellaMia's picture

My physical reactions range from a mild snarl to a barely controllable urge the choke the shat out of her. Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. LOL! Both of these women are just awful, vapid, insensitive and innappropriate BITCHES. Just saying...

Oh, and SS12 and SS7 think the sun rises, shines and sets in their asses... SMH... THAT is the part that sours my tum. I do more for them on a daily basis than their trifling mothers do, yet I barely get a hello when I come in MY home, they are ingrates, and they disrespect me when the urge strikes.

BSgoinon's picture

I used to. Even if it was just a drop off or pick up, my heart would race. Sometimes my whole boddy would shake as though I was shivering from being cold. My stomach would be in knots.

Hasn't happened in a long time though. After 7 years of dealing with her I have learned to relax, even when she is being confrontational, I am able to control my reactions.

oceangirl3's picture

I get extremely tense when I have to deal with anything BM related. I have stopped going on any and all pick-ups/drop-offs because I can't stand to see the woman. I have found that yoga helps, plus it is a great work-out. Whoever has said they don't sweat or get a good work-out from yoga must not be doing it right.

Maebelle's picture

I would get very high anxiety levels even when she was at her best. It was definitely fight or flight time whenever I would see that woman.