Major Blunder's Blog
DW's dis-enabling work continues and then some.........
I hurried home from work yesterday so DW and I could go meet the real estate agent to look at a house (nope not the one lol). DW tells me that SD20 has someone there that she was told isn’t supposed to be there, I say nothing, this was something that DW established not me. On our way to meet the agent DW says that I would have been proud her because she really lit into SD20 over allowing this person over, she didn’t make her leave but her reasoning was that SD20 said she had the friend there to help her pack and to move somethings out to this friends home we believe.
A Laugh courtesy of GSD
So last weekend we took the Gskids to the local fair, mostly it was for GD since GS is 0nly 23 moths old, she and I got hand stamps for the rides ( DW doesn’t like heights and GD is only 8, so some rides she needs an adult, ok ok I like the rides lol) So anyways I push GS around in the stroller most of the day and GD rides everything she can, she won’t on some of the really scary rides I like and even though DW said “Go ahead” I avoid them so not leaving her with both kids.
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Rollercoaster of life
It has been a very busy week since I last was even able to get on the site, work has kept me quite busy and home as well.
DW is doing well with SD26 not being allowed at our home, there have two visits with her outside of the house in neutral places and no complaints from DW, either she is totally onboard or she is keeping her comments to herself.
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Major Blow(s) Up !
I get home from work last evening and who is in my house ? None other than SD26 !!!!! I ask DW how this came to be, she said “ She called this morning and asked” oh and “ I’m sorry I was very busy today, I should have told you.”
I go to the bedroom and just seeth, WTF !!!!!????? What the hell happened to meeting at a neutral location?, we just talked about it the other night !
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As the Stomach Turns............
Well a little late on the update here but SD26 was released from jail a week ago this past Monday, we’re not sure why or how but it happened, we figuire she will miss a court date or something and be back in eventually, at least she should be back in if there is any justice. She has shown up on three times already to invade our home to see her kids, whom she loves so dearly ( yes sarcasm ).
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More Introspection
We have had a few Blogs this week that have focused on introspection, looking at yourself, your fears, how you deal with change and so forth.
It got me thinking about how I have dealt with certain aspects of skid life and how that may have affected the skids thinking going forward.
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Opened a box in my head and all this spilled out.
This is going to be allllll over the place so I apologize now and thanks to anyone who actually reads the whole thing and can make heads or tails of it.
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Out of the mouth's of babes.
So this past weekend my DW and I had to split family obligations, she had a cousin getting married several states away and I had a niece starting at a school not far from our home but far from her’s.
DW left late last Wednesday night and took GS, since he could visit and stay with his other GF (DW’s ex), GD and I were leaving Friday Morning to help my niece (and her Mom) with moving in and getting to know her new town, etc etc etc.
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Pity party
This is probably going to ramble all over the place but I feel I need to put some of what is rattling around in my head out in written word so please forgive the length and perhaps unconnected thoughts that may come up in this.
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Keeping responses in my Head.
Sundays are generally a chore day for us, laundry, trash, general cleaning, and getting ready for the week ahead, yesterday was no different. GSS was in an ok mood for most of the day, GSD however was in self-centered princess mode most of the day and kept loosing privileges throughout the day.
I have been working on not responding when DW speaks about SD20 in any capacity, all my responses stay in my head, with the occasional “oh” or “ok” or the old stand by “ a huh”.
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