OT / How was your Wednesday?
Yesterday was a epically bad day. The night before I didn’t sleep well at all, so woke up tired to begin with. Headed off to work got about 5 miles down the road and my truck decided it didn’t want to be a truck anymore just an ugly oversized paperweight. Called boss to inform her I would be late, called roadside assistance and then called DW.
DW attempted to wake SD19 to watch GSS while she came and took me to rest of the way to work. SD19 wouldn’t wake up so DW packed up GSS in his car seat and came to get me. Tow truck took truck back to my house where it still sits today.
Long day of work, towards the end DW calls and says in a shakey voice that she will be late picking me up, I can tell from her voice something is wrong, so I ask “Is everything ok?”
“No, some naked guy high on something was in the middle of the road I had to slam on my brakes, and then he got my door open and was trying to get in the car.”
DW is ok just really shook up. The guy was high on meth and bathsalts, he damaged another car, denting the hood really bad, and through a gas grill through the window of a house nearby.
Police came and he just gave up. So DW was really late picking me up, I drove her home and did my best to make sure she was ok. Knowing me, I couldn’t help but make some jokes once I knew she was calmed down, “ I know that was traumatic baby the only crazy naked guy that attacks you is usually me”, “ I’m not sure what to do for you in this situation, Hall Mark doesn’t make a card for this”
So how was your Wednesday?
- Major Blunder's blog
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My husband hasn't been paid
My husband hasn't been paid in 7 weeks and was told today that he won't be paid until next week now. My MIL is a c u next tuesday. My parents are a PIA and my mother is not behaving post her surgery. My SS wants a sleep over at my house.
My bosses are being a-holes and I haven't had an increase in 18 months and with the new budget I set down per businesses request, I won't be getting on for another 12 months. I am over loaded with work and I have just been handed 200 pages of legal review for a tender due for submission on Monday close of business. Tomorrow is a public holiday in my country however I don't think I will be having the long week off.
Did I mention life is not going according to plan for me?
Your life sounds like mine,
Your life sounds like mine, only spelled out one day, the rest is about like yours with differences here and there of course. Like the old saying, "We make plans, God laughs"
All of that has happened in
All of that has happened in the last 48 hours.
That is a lot to have to deal
That is a lot to have to deal with, sending you good thoughts and prayers that things begin to turn around. I don't think prayers will help with the SS from what you have said but I will give it a shot anyways.
How was my Wednesday -
How was my Wednesday - fanfuckingtastic...... office party....
today I'm tired..... very tired.....
Oh lord... Trump, is that
Oh lord... Trump, is that you?
Nope you heard wrong, It's
Nope you heard wrong,
It's an office party I behaved, I only get out of hand at private parties,
You said F*#K!
You said F*#K!
no she said fanfuckingtastic.
no she said fanfuckingtastic. the correct phonetic pronunciation would be "FAN-foo KING-tuh stik".
Ok, I'll give you that. But,
Ok, I'll give you that. But, now you both typed it and are in troouublee!!

No I did not ....... I used
No I did not }:) ....... I used a very long known word can't help a couple of letters in the word spells a vile disgusting word that I would never say in my life...
Only having positive thoughts
Only having positive thoughts today. Only having positive thoughts today. Only having positive thoughts today. Only having positive thoughts today.
COLD. Even colder today,
COLD. Even colder today, like frostbite cold!
In my haste I misspelled the
In my haste I misspelled the word *threw, as in he threw a gas grill. But I guess that matters little at this point.
lol! i'm shocked i totally
lol! i'm shocked i totally missed that error.
i'm so glad your wife is ok. sometimes humor is needed during nerve-shattering times like that. the meth-addled crazies can truly be scary. and dangerous.
Well, just wait until the
Well, just wait until the grammar police get here!
ETA: Glad your wife is o.k. I have to say that I found your jokes quite comical and that is something my fiance would have done to brighten my spirits.
Had to make the correction
Had to make the correction comment before Granny Goose got here, she would lovingly point out my error.
I was more worried about
I was more worried about Fruit, another, WOB and Gimlet, but yeah, I saw granny rip into someone once.
No no no, never! I'm
No no no, never! I'm probably just as bad (good).
Fruit doesn't scare me (don't
Fruit doesn't scare me (don't tell her I said that) and Granny doesn't rip into me she just points out my errors.
I am sure you are just as
I am sure you are just as lovely with or without make up Fruit.
TY about the jokes, she
TY about the jokes, she enjoyed them as well, she can always depend on me to find the funny.
GSS keeps us up as well, not
GSS keeps us up as well, not teething but two month old stuff, hungry, wet, etc etc
SD24, doesn't live with us,
SD24, doesn't live with us, we have temporary custody.
DH found out yesterday that
DH found out yesterday that he is working 12-hour shifts for 7 days straight starting tomorrow. Which means he will not have anywhere near enough sleep before PrincASS and PigPen arrive on the 23rd.
I had a migraine and missed work AND my periodontist appointment yesterday. I now have to leave early today to go to the periodontist because my root canal is Monday and they need the xray I'm getting today.
Just found out that our work party tomorrow is a pot luck and I am flat broke. Maybe I can bring in a half bag of flour...
Major, so sorry about your DW and your truck.
Know the broke thing Aniki,
Know the broke thing Aniki, trying to figure if I can fix the truck myself with out spending a dime and without any knowledge of fixing an automobile lol
aniki - start a new blog,
aniki - start a new blog, tell us what you have in your pantry/cabinets. maybe we can come up with an idea for you!
Yes Aniki! Tuff has an
Yes Aniki! Tuff has an excellent point.
Pantry blog started. Mamazen,
Pantry blog started. Mamazen, I don't have any money to spend until I get paid tomorrow.
Can't complain about
Can't complain about yesterday but this morning started off with explosive cat throw up all over the kitchen chairs and floor.
So I'm on the floor underneath the table cleaning it in my work clothes 
Our craptastic Wednesday
Our craptastic Wednesday started on Tuesday night, when I got an e-mail from my XH about DD's Christmas trip with him. He's taking her to our home town to see his parents and my mother, from whom I am estranged. DD11 doesn't want to go, and XH has been less than honest about the length of the trip. I'm not telling her, he can deal with the bed he made, but I feel awful for my girl. And even though I told XH DD needs to be at my house on 12/26 by 9AM because we have plans, he booked their return flight to arrive in our city at 8:57 AM. So if there are no delays, she'll arrive around 11 AM, and if there are any delays, goodness knows when she'll get to me. And my GUBM self is still upset that she's not with me for Christmas, too.
Yesterday was hubby's birthday, and it started at 7:13 AM with a text from his dad. Should be a lovely gesture, but this is the man who while DH and BM were deeply embroiled in a custody suit earlier this year, went behind DH's back to meet with the skids and BM (and who, as a side light, doesn't acknowledge my existence or my bio-DD's existence, even though the skids aren't biologically his, either), almost immediately after DH told him that he needed him to "be on his side" with BM. And who called him a pu$$y when DH questioned his actions. On Fathers' Day. Oh, and DH donated his kidney to him. Yeah, he's a prince.
Skids were at the house for the birthday, which is just irritating to me. They had a dentist appointment, so there was the anxiety of whether stepdad would show up (he didn't) and then the drama of SD having a cavity, and DH needing to communicate with BM about the dentist.
And BM has been unhinged for several days now because DH called her out on withholding information from him about Skids' winter concerts, behavior reports, etc. And all she really wants to do is spar, anyway.
The day ended with DH's junkie (literally) mother calling. He didn't answer, but he just hates it.
By 8:30 last night, we were in bed, hoping that nothing else would go wrong!
Y'all remember that idiot my
Y'all remember that idiot my sister is dating. I won tickets to Busch Gardens Christmas town. My sisters are identical twins. So I ask
The one without the boyfriend if they can join me. Well sister with idiot boyfriend won't go without her boyfriend . So luckily I won two more. So now idiot boyfriend and his son are going and now I don't think twin one will go. She hates him too. I just want a fun Christmas event with my sisters. So I ask idiot boyfriend what my sister wants for xmas and he responds back via Facebook messenger "me as her husband. She wants me to propose . Lol."