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Can anyone relate or am i the only one???

Ma Dearest's picture


I don't know... sometimes i think there's something wrong with me! I cannot find it in my heart to accept a little girl and love her unconditionally. Ya see, as long as i could remember, i ONLY wanted to have little boys running around the house. In fact, as luck would have it, i have two. It may have something to do with being raised by a single mother, and three sisters. Too many women in our family:)
I am in a really good relationship with a man my boys adore (he's not bio dad). I want to marry this man. Only problem is, he's been raising his step grand-daughter for years (she's now 13)... she was placed with her grandmother (his wife) when her bio mom & dad were too busy doing drugs, and then grandmother died... my fiance stepped up and continued to raise her on his own.
It comes so natural to most people to accept and love a child that's not their own. WHY IS IT FOR ME?! We've been together for 3yrs now... and sadly, my feelings have not changed. Sometimes, i almost resent her for being dumped in my fiance's lap. (he doesn't feel that way~ i do) Some of her blood ties have taken us to court to try and get visitation and such... I think if she were even blood related to him in some way, that might make a difference. When we first started dating, i referred to her as his grand-daughter, and he got very upset. He loves her like a daughter.... and ofcourse, in his eyes she can do no wrong. He can correct the boys, yet I cannot get onto her about anything without him getting upset.
When i was married to the boys father... i was Queen of the house! Now, i have to contend with a princess. I'm worried i will never feel love for her and hope it doesn't ruin what i have with this man. Any advice out there?


dragonfly5's picture

So true. I have a bio child. These are not my children. I do not nor can I feel the same way about them. Also like you I have been with my SO for 3yrs. How in the world can you fully love a child that you have only known for such a short amount of time.

I love my god children they have been a part of me for 15 yrs. I love them with greater depth than I love the skids, but I don't love them like I do my BD.

If you don't love her so be it...why do you need to. Treat her the same respect you want from her and be done with it.

Just because we are women does not give us some magical "love" powers.

wonderland0819's picture

It is not natural and easy to love someone else's kids. And I don't always love my skids. They are great about 40% of the time, the other 60% the sound of their voice makes me cringe.

krazykate12's picture

That is the same with me. I like having my SD around when she is happy and acting normal. Unfortunately that is only about 20% of the time. The rest of the time she is whining and crying about absolutely nothing and saying that she just wants to go back to her mom's house, this is when I feel like saying "then go. If you don't want to be here then leave" unfortunately I can't say that and I have to bite my tounge.

cant win for losin's picture

I think it is normal and ok to not like her. As humans we don't like/love every single person we meet.