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In this episode, SD12 worships BM and I go crazy

LuluOnce's picture

So. Here we are, going into month five of full time custody… and I am losing my mind with SD12.

SD12 and I have almost always gotten along well, yet I wouldn’t say we’ve ever been super close. BM considered SD12 her "BFF" and always has, so since I've met her, OSD has been very loyal to her mother and it’s been much harder to “bond” with her the same way I have with SDnow8, who loves BM, but also has a difficult and less happy relationship with her.

Right before school got out this year, as BM began her downward spiral unbeknownst to us, SD12’s attitude towards DH and I started changing. She began lying to her friends about us, stupid small lies, like telling her friends her dad didn’t allow her to even touch her phone at our house but her mom always let her be on her phone and talk to her friends, unlike her mean (DH is the one who bought and pays for the phone, btw) and other untruths that made DH out to be a really unpleasant, strict parent who never wanted her to be happy, have fun, or have friends.

As the summer went on, it became apparent that BM had started Parental Alienation 101 with both skids, telling lies about DH and making him out to be really scary and unsafe, but for some reason YSD wasn't buying it while OSD was eating it up with a spoon. (OSD was already slated to start therapy before BM even went crazy, because we wanted to try to address some of the lies BM was telling her. But then BM lost it and the lies became a less priority.)

During the time BM was still manic and wasn’t exercising her supervised visitation (August through most of October) SD12 became a different child. It was like she relaxed. She started joking with DH and I, and we were both shocked to see she had a sense of humor. She began to share things about her day and her preferences. She was chatty and pleasant. She started getting straight As and asked for a chore chart to earn money. She still expressed sadness about BM and asked questions about the situation, but she was pleasant in a way I’d never seen her before.

Then BM started to exercise visitation, and almost overnight, SD12 started acting like a real a**hat. She lies. Lies! Lies about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Heck, you could ask her what time she has lunch at school, and she’d lie about it. Even DH has started privately referring to OSD as “my lying liar child”. DH has talked to her about this and she cries. Of course. Then basically tells DH that our house has too many rules and it was much better BM’s house was because she “never had to worry about anything”.

DH told me this the other day and I flipped my lid. Is this child insane? Her mother drove her to school with her eyes closed because “the Lord was in control” of the car. SD12 had to stay up all night with BM, babysitting her while she walked around the house with a butcher knife cutting invisible fruit, because SD12 was afraid BM was going to try to kill SD8... but BM’s house is better??? And this is like, the 6th or 7th or 8th time your mom has done something like this in front of you... but there’s nothing to worry about at BM’s??? Someone help me understand!

It is absolutely true that BM had no rules. No homework, no bedtimes, no baths, can be on the phone/TV all night… it was a total free-for-all at BM’s. But it’s also true that some nights they ate dry top ramen and olives for dinner.  And some days they wore dirty underwear and socks to school because BM hadn’t done laundry in weeks, and heaven forbid they do anything for themselves at BM’s!

This is seriously just the tip of the iceberg with OSD12. There are so many other things, but most of them are all about BM and how magical and important BM is. She has started telling everyone (behind our backs) about that she comes home and cries every day over her mother (she doesn’t), that she stays up all night crying (she doesn't) and that she’s going to live with BM full time in April (what?!). She’s built a shrine to BM in her locker as well, just pictures of BM all over the locker door, and she’s now a champion for mental illness and yells at other kids at school for using the word “crazy”. No matter how many times she's heard otherwise, she seems to believe that DH is keeping her away from BM and this is somehow his fault and once the restraining order DH has against BM drops, everything will go back to how it was. DH has told her, I've told her, the therapist has told her, "No. The RO is for your dad. Your mom has to get well before you can live with her again." And it's like it goes in one ear and out the other. 

I personally feel like this is next-level denial and refusal to really see that the situation as it is now, is completely and entirely due to her mom's actions, and she's desperate for it to be not her mom's fault. But why? Why can't she love her mom and know her mom is sick? Why does it have to be someone's fault? And how does lying about everything make any of it better? I don't get it. 

She has therapy this week and DH is emailing the therapist a few things privately and then also going to address a couple of the lies she's told in the last 2 weeks during the “parent check in” portion of the session. I don’t know what will come of it.

I know I’m being a b*tch because I just want her to realize BM is a piece of work and move on. Love her, yes, because BM is her mom and mom's are important and all that jazz, but also stop with the lies and denial about all of this! (Does that ever even happen for these skids?)

Phew. That felt so good. LOL. Thanks to everyone who read this far. I just needed to get all that out in a place where people (might) be slightly more sympathetic to me than to OSD. And I acknowledge she's going through a lot, but so am I. Full-time skids is no joke!


elkclan's picture

She's 12. this is a major trauma. It's no wonder she's in denial. Having your parents be stable and right is a cornerstone of any kid's universe. This kid doesn't have that.

My mother is crazy - not that kind of crazy that you're dealing with. But narcissistic. I had a really warped upbringing. It took me til my 30s to figure it out. I remember my brother denying it even then - I finally got through to him with a list of what it's like to be raised by a narc mom written by someone else and he said it was the cold, hard hand of reality hit him in the face. 

It is not my mother's fault that she is like this. In some ways that's very freeing. But I doubt a 12yo has the capacity to see that right now - as to REALLY see that. 


LuluOnce's picture

I understand this. But I also don't understand this. And to a certain secret, selfish extent... I'm not even sure I care right now.

I am really sorry my SDs got a mother who refuses to take care of her mental illness or be a "real" parent even when she was treating it. I really and truly am. But that's the mom they got.

While I logically understand what you are saying to be true -- it takes time and maturity to recognize your mother is or was toxic and/or harmful to you, especially in your childhood --  I still think 12 is old enough to begin to understand some very basic premises of the situation we are in. Maybe a few of my expectations are too high, but I don't think I'm out of line for expecting a 12yo to know the difference between the truth and a lie, and to know that lying is hurtful and wrong. 

I also think OSD is old enough to understand at least a sliver of BM's role in this, especially since this is not OSD's first (second, third, or even fourth) rodeo with BM's mental illness. Kids with parents who are addicts or alcoholics may not fully understand the chemistry of substance abuse or why their parents behave the way they do, but they are able to put two and two together, see the change in their parents' behavior, and understand their parents aren't quite right and are maybe even unsafe. It's like because "SD is 12", still a child and experiencing this really hard thing, I can't be mad at her for her behavior, but I call bull***t. Trauma does not give a person an excuse to be rude, hurtful, and lying or manipulative to others.

It's a bit selfish of me to say (that's why I come on here to vent) but sometimes I don't care about what OSD feels. I care about what I feel! Her feelings do not trump or invalidate mine. We both have feelings about this situation, and our feelings are opposite and exist simultaneously. My life - not just SD12's life - has been turned upside down, not that I can expect a teenager (or a skid? haha) to think about anyone but themselves. DH and I have had to made a hundred changes to our routines, schedules, expectations, and finances. It doesn't matter if we're discussing the dinner menu for the week or our vacation plans for next year, I am confronted daily with the fact that I am now in a parenting role I didn't actively seek out, a role I didn't have before when the SDs had at least one and a half capable parents and they lived with BM at least 50% of the time. 

I am frustrated that while we are trying to do everything we can to help SD12 cope with a situation that we had no hand in making, she's turning what little peace our family has into utter chaos by blaming, lying, and denying. I'm really worried this is the "new" OSD and I scared I'm looking at the next 6+ years of my life and I'm feeling a little panicky. I suppose OSD is feeling the exact same way; we are just looking at the same view from opposite ends.

SM12's picture

sadly your SD either feels extreme guilt for being happy at your house (most likely caused by BM) or she feels like she must take care of BM and has a fear if she is not there to take care of BM, something bad will happen.   This is a lifelong battle your Skids will face.   I don’t understand why some

kids are harder to manipulate than others.  

My OSS and MSS were incredibly easy for BM to PAS.  YSS has not fallen for it so far.  He sees things for how they really are.

you are doing everything you can by having her in therapy.   Sadly you can’t control BM or what she says to SD.  Just keep doing what you’re doing.

LuluOnce's picture

That's definitely something the therapist has said to DH, that OSD parents her mother and feels somewhat responsible for this. Like OSD has "plans" to help BM avoid this next time. But that just makes me so mad at BM in a different way, for putting her 12yo daughter in a role of responsibility she should never have had to take on. 

I wonder why BM's poison worked so well on SD12 and not SD8, too. Is it intelligence? Personality? Nurture over nature? SD12 was 7 when I met her. Someone on here once said that personality is pretty much set by the age of 7, so maybe that's why? Whereas SD8 was only 2. BM had the majority of her mental illness issues during the time SD8 was ages 3 to 5, so I clocked a lot more time "nurturing" SD8 than her own mother did, not that we always got along or had an easy go of it. I was just more present and more consistent than BM. 

But I think maybe you are right with those genetics. SD12 is the spitting image of her mother physically and intellectually, she falls closer to BM's tree than DH's. I know it breaks DH's heart that SD12 is so set on saving/glorifying BM and rejecting him, but he's says he has to stay hopeful that she'll eventually draw the correct conclusions about her mother. 

TrueNorth77's picture

Yikes, this is a lot. Full time skids is a lot, and then you add this nonsense to the mix and NOPE. You are a saint for even being able to put up with it for this long.

It's interesting how skids react to crazy BM's. BM here is probably a 6 on a 1-10 crazy scale, (yours is topping out the scale it sounds like), and for a while SD9 was kind of buying what BM was selling, but in the past year or so? Crazy could pretty much say anything nasty about us (and does) and skids don't pay attention. They might humor Crazy by listening to her, but they've busted her lying enough and see how we really are that they let it go in one ear and out the other. I feel really thankful they have common sense and think for themselves. Which is why it's so crazy that your SD is the complete opposite. She has witnessed exreme crazy behavior herself, felt fear caused by BM, but continues to eat up what BM vomits out with a spoon, and is team BM. I don't understand it either. The differences between skids reactions are so different, it just seems like a crapshoot on how they will react to it all. Or maybe it really is all genetics.

I hope something changes for your sake. I would not handle the lying well at all.

CLove's picture

is crazy, but mostly when she drinks. Well, ok, shes crazy all the time.

Oh! The stories I could entertain you with. Not going to blame you for feeling like you want to be the priority, not going to blame you for feeling overwhelmed. Full time SD's and a crazy one at that.

I agree with what was brought up, because I see it/saw it in my SDs too. When I met them they were 15 and 8 respectively. Munchkin SDnow 12 and I have gotten pretty close, and she tells her relatives and me that she thinks of me like a second mom. Wow. And now 19 hates me and blames me for all her problems (I never got close to her. My blogs reflect all the crap that went on, its great to journalise). She ghosted us when she turned 18 and graduated, and was "released from her previous residence", and is living with her mother Toxic Troll. 

SD19 is much like her mother, Toxic Troll, so much so that I call her Toxic Feral. They are both really dirty, and gross, and now they live together in all their Toxic Grossness! They are both Narcissistic and selfish and mean and they both are pathological liars. 

But Munchkin is more like her father in personality. Very humorous and playful and sweet. Super smart, and logical. She has seen her mother beating on the eldest (yet eldest insists that mother is great and "there" for her always) she has seen her mother beating on her father, has had her lash out at her in anger, because she "had to get out of bed to take her to fathers house for school". I think that the oldest has genetically taken on the sickness of the BM, and the younger has not. Its like a total roulette wheel I think. I was taught that we are equal parts nature (DNA) and nuture (environment, parenting, etc), but there is that "x" factor I like to call it, the spirit, that "other thing". I personally do not believe we are biological machines, with our fates determined by genetics and environmental programming.

I could be wrong.

I definitely think that the SD feels the need to protect BM. Toxic Feral (aka Winona) used to defend her mother: "oh she missed 2 birthdays? " "oh but its ok". And the Loyalty Bind was strong too!!!! Toxic Feral probably felt that she was being disloyal by liking me, and being friendly. Munchkin has told me several times that it upsets her mother when I do nice things for her or take her places. So I have discouraged her from sharing what I do for her. We have an agreement that she will simply not mention when I buy her stuff or take her anywhere.

And I definitely think that the mental illness has come down from BM.