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LRP75's Blog

Financial emergency? Oh sorry, we can't talk about it -- SS is here and DH doesn't have time.

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So I still owe $600 on my student account. I am set to "graduate" Aug. 23rd. Why do I say "graduate?" Well, because until I have that $600 paid off, the University won't release my transcripts, won't give me a diploma, and won't even give me a letter stating that I've completed all of the program requirements.

SS in our bed -- again

LRP75's picture

I am sitting in the living room, watching the news and having my morning coffee.

SS wakes up and immediately went into our bedroom and climbed into our bed -- on my side of the bed, with MY pillows and blankets.

I just went in there and kicked him out. I have told DH at least a dozen times that I don't want his kids in our bed. It's inappropriate. I hate it. It's MY personal/intimate space and it is no place for step-kids (DH's kids or mine).

In addition, I still have to get ready for work, which means that I need to have access to my room.

SS is up DH's butt

LRP75's picture

I don't know how he can handle it. The kid is hanging all over him. Literally. Laying all over his lap, hanging around his neck...

DH walks into the bathroom, the kid waits outside the door.

If DH stops walking, the kid will literally bump into him.


Then god forbid if my own DH tries to talk to me or sit next to me. SS practically loses his mind. He's SOOOOOOO BORED!!!!

SS is here for 3 days...

LRP75's picture


SD was just here for 3 days and the visit went really well. Actually, she was rather pleasant to be around.

SS just walked in the door and he is already so far up DH's ass that...


Ok, 3 days of this and then DH goes back to pick up SD and then it's the two kids together for 3 days.

I feel like I need to schedule somewhere else to be for the next 6 days.

Threw away SS's stuffed toys

LRP75's picture

Ok, so DH leaves these stuffed toys laying in the kitchen for a whole week. I think he found them in the garage and he put them in the kitchen, supposedly, with the intention of them making their way into SS's room? Well, that didn't happen. As usual, he left the mess for me to clean up. So clean it up I did. All of it went into the trash.

Update: SS's "heart condition"

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Well, SS had an appt with a pediatric cardiologist today. Dr did an Echo and some other tests -- there is NOTHING WRONG with his heart!



Yes, I actually went to the appt. I wouldn't normally have, because, well, taking the skids to Drs appts doesn't fall into my category of "give a crap." However, I did decide to go with this one. More to support my DH than anything. Again, not that I wanted SS to be sick, or that I wouldn't be sad and scared if there happened to be something wrong with his heart, but, well, you know...

Book review for Stepmonster...

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"Wednesday also touches on the fact that our husbands contribute to our pain as much and sometimes more than the kids themselves; either by excusing or defending his child's actions, disregarding our feelings, not acknowledging our hurt, blaming us for not possessing the ability to bond or for not trying hard enough, regularly placing their children's needs before ours, or taking their side in a disagreement. This makes for a lonely, sad and unfulfilling marriage at the very least.
