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Threw away SS's ball...

LRP75's picture

First of all, I don't even know what it was doing in the living room. It shouldn't even be in the house, let alone the living room.

For those of you who don't know my situation all that well or at all: I am one of those "horrible" people that refuses to allow balls to be bounced in my home. SS in particular will bounce a ball off of the walls AND the ceiling. Yes, that's right: I said CEILING. He is also famous for taking the little dog balls and WHIPPING them through the house so that they will bounce off of the walls, the ceiling, the furniture, etc. Yes, things get broken. :O

So -- with that being explained -- I put my foot down (or so I thought) when we moved into our own home -- that I would NOT tolerate balls being INSIDE the house because SS was so careless and disrespectful with them.

Low and behold though, I walk into the living room this morning, and there is a ball on the floor near the sofa.

I just picked it up and buried it in the trash.

I've already thrown away a pair of soccer shinguards because SS left them laying around and DH never bothered to either make him pick them up or just pick them up for SS. If I remember correctly, the shinguards laid in the middle of the foyer floor for 3 days -- with everyone else in the home having to step OVER them to walk through the foyer.

I. am. not. the. maid.

Uggg. I am having a really hard time with SS being here for so long. 5.5 days is killing me.

I think I will just stay over at the shelter today. There have to be some case notes that need to be written or files that need to be closed. Anything? Anything? Shoot. I'll even stay to sweep the floor and wash the windows.


Willow2010's picture

I have to LOL at your post. This sounds like MY son. I swear…from the time he was old enough to hold a circular object, he had something round in his hand. Either bouncing off walls or juggling. It was annoying when my own kid did it…I bet it is worse with a skid doing it.

I finally gave up and refused to buy anything breakable in my house. Lol.

Does he stay with you often?

LRP75's picture

See, I have a son who I taught to keep the balls outside. Consequently, I've been able to accumulate some very nice things.

My SS is "ball obsessed." If a ball is involved, he's into it.

(Hahaha... I can just imagine the jokes that will ensure that comment)...

The major problem is that, in the past, SS has deliberately used balls to destroy and damage other people's property.

Well, I'm not interested in my stuff being damaged by someone else's child. Especially since everything SS does just irritates me to begin with. If the balls in the house were the only issue I had with this kid, I wouldn't feel so inclined to complain. As it is, it's just another needle on the camels back.

He stays with us often enough that the thought of him coming, literally, makes me want to throw up. My DH is completely incapable of maintaining the boundaries around our marriage when this kid in our house. Thus, I become completely invisible, my wants/needs/boundaries don't matter. SS has been with us since Friday night, I've had MAYBE 15-30 combined minutes with my DH since. I even had a job interview on Friday that I've not been able to discuss with him because he can't segregate time with his child and time with his wife.

As a matter of fact, my DH has turned into quite the douchebag in his quest to fulfill every single wants and desire that his child has AT MY EXPENSE.

I'm looking for an apartment, because honestly, at this point I don't even care if we remain married.

It isn't even about how often the kid is with us. It's the sheer fact that my "D"H could even treat me this way to begin with.

F*ck him.

LRP75's picture


Thankfully, MY KID comes for this coming weekend!!!

I just might show "D"H exactly what it feels like to be both invisible and completely discounted. I sure hope he's feeling like a very rich man after his 5 days of treating me like shit -- because this coming weekend is about to cost him A LOT.

Still Have Hope's picture

Just think if he takes a shot without the cup you might not have any stepkids to deal with in the future.

LRP75's picture

^ }:) }:) }:) ^

LRP75's picture

It's a wonder he hasn't missed it. Ummmm...

Honestly, I would have thrown it out too!!! :sick:

Do the coaches not do cup checks??? :?