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X's = pain in the A$$

lovin-life's picture

X's are a pain in the A$$! I get 2 hours notice that x has decided to move his Wed visit to Tues!!

Son has a wad of birthday money....he just got..good tmime Dad always seems to seize the opportunity to take him out shopping to blow all of it on video games. Which I end up stuck policing on a daily basis...
(Daddy's seen as the good guy who buys them..and I'm seen as the bad guy who takes them away or limits them!!)

My son's in band this year...last year X rented the instrument, etc for our he is doing the same for son.

The week he was supposed to have it...X left town..left him hanging!! He gets it a week late...and without the accompaning music book..(He got that for her last year at the same time while in the music store)

Around 9, my son tells me he has band tomorrow....So I ask did Dad get your book since you guys were out shopping.

He says NO "Dad says...he's not getting it you (mom) can buy it"

When was X planning on letting me know that!!

Band is the only thing X was responsible for...for back to school...... Son still doesn't have what he needs for class!!!!!

But Daddy good-time has made sure ... son's house is filled with brain-rotting video games!! AAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!


I feel better getting that off my chest..!


Dawn-Moderator's picture

That's why we try not to rely on biomom for much. We just do it or buy it ourselves. That's what happened with the band instrument. Stepson started playing in the band last year and we purchased (still paying it off) the trumpet. Biomom only had to purchase a music stand for her house. Now if we can just get biomom to understand that it is an expensive band instrument and not a toy. She actually transported the trumpet in the cluttered truck of her car while it wasn't in it's case!! Of course stepson should know better too but please!!! Also, stepson should be the only one playing it. I know that other people (cousins, etc.) are messing around with stepson's trumpet. We bought him a cleaning kit for it because ..........yuck..........all of that spit!!!
