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No wonder he's the X......

lovin-life's picture

I have to tell you guys this...

It's my x's weekend with the kids....but surprise, surprise they are with me.

He told me that he was leaving to go out of town on the 27th and that it was up the the kids if they wanted to go with him or stay in town. They hate the long drive and just figured Dad would be going out 'partying'...when down there. They'd prefer 'checking out Christmas stuff with freinds'...etc than driving 5 hours and sit around a house while Dad goes out with HIS friends...perfectly they stayed here with us!

WELL guess who called here this morning to speak to the kids..FROM HOME!!!!!

He wasn't out of town for New he told me AND the kids.....

We all know he blows the kids off to party with his why lie to try to hide it...only to call the house after the fact and give himself away!!!

Ya Know .... He's an X for a reason!! lol Smile


Enuffsenuff's picture

About a month ago my SS and BS had a program at school(they are both in the 4th grade) well BM had called to say she couldn't make it. Had to much to do -errands to run etc. Asked if we would keep both my SS's that evening and take them to the program. Sure no problem on our end. Right after the program I ran up town to do some shopping and passed by a local bar, guess who was parked outside the bar? Yep. Skids BM. Guess drinking with her friends was more important.

She does that stuff all the time. LIes to us about why she needs us to keep the kids on her time. We don't mind to keep them and if she had any brains what so ever she would have realized long ago we don't need her excuses. It doesn't matter why if we can we will take the extra time with them.

The problem with all the lies is my oldest SS notices his mom's negative behavior. He's asked us "Why does my mom lie so much." It's sad when a ten year old has to see his grown mother lie through her teeth all the time and try to understand why she is that way. ANd further more what kind of answer do you give to that question. We just told him we didn't really know why, and we don't, but that lieing is not the right thing to do, because when you lie to people then they have a hard time believing in you when you tell the truth. He totally gets it and even said that is the reason he always asks his dad about stuff to be sure it's true. How sad huh?

idiosyncrasy's picture

oh that's just sad. The ones who pay for it is the kids, not the adults. So sad. Maybe you guys can make it up to them somehow. Do something extra fun with them. Show them at least you care. I just hate hearing this sort of thing.