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SD confessed...

Loststepmom's picture

That she lied... that we have never hit her or BD, and her bruises were done unintentionally "playing around"...

She said she didn't hurt BD intentionally, she claims that she tried to carry her while standing on a rocking chair and she fell... :O What type of bullshit is that????

whatever... It seems like we will be getting BD tomorrow (after 8 days) of not having her Sad and spending mother's day without her... Sad

BD's fracture seems to be minor, is almost like just a "crack" on the bone, and not an actualy division of the bone, They showed me the X rays...

She should have that cast for about 2 more weeks... so it's not that bad...

As for SD12, she will go through clinical tests, to get a diagnosis if any... that should be concluded in one or two weeks, afer that a decision upon the results must be made (out of our hands because she will either end up in a psychiatric center or juvenile program) which is a relive, because the decision it is not in our hands right now...

I'm so excited to get BD tomorrow... I feel like I failed to her as a mother, I feel like apologizing, poor baby she wouldn't really understand what was going on... Sad


Sasha's picture


anita...sigh's picture

You didn't fail as a mother, try not to be so hard on yourself. Be sure to take of yourself.

We all smile in the same language

Sita Tara's picture

"It seems like we will be getting BD tomorrow (after 8 days) of not having her and spending mother's day without her..."

God. I am so angry on your behalf. This was I assume your first Mother's Day, and SD found a way to make it a horrible memory. Poor BD as well, how old is she now? You are right LSM, your SD is the sickest of all, though I have heard of a few other SMs who went through the SD threatening their half sib. I hate to even use that term b/c so far SD does love BD as her own sister, and for the most part my sons as her brothers. Hers is a more possessive love though, in that she loves them b/c she calls them HERS. She does not like them though, and has often referred to my BD as a brat, the boys as suck ups, spoiled etc.

SD claimed BM hurt her before, which may or may not be true or exaggerated. But after a few episodes with SD like I had this am, where she gets melodramatic if you touch her when she's manic and angry, I fear the day CPS shows up to take my BD away. The only thing we have in our favor is that SD knows BM doesn't want her, and she doesn't want to switch schools or be placed with other relatives anyway. So at this point I doubt they will ever be called with a false or exaggerated claim. Of course in your case they were called b/c of something SD did to BD, then SD lied when cornered. I could see my SD doing that.

I would suggest you look into personality disorders and see if SD's actions fit in. There's an excellent site some of us here belong to -

Since SD caused CPS to be involved and has both threatened BD and acted upon it, then made false allegations against the two of you, I would push for a diagnosis. She needs help now and so do all of you.

You're in my thoughts.
"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?" ~Hamlet Act III scene I

smnikki's picture

i thought about your horrible situation all night! im so glad that things are better and that its not in your hands any more, and most importantly you will have you baby back!!

WowjustWow's picture

I'ts going to be a long hard road for you and DH. SD is not "cured" and there will be a lot of drama with them testing her.

I'm glad you are getting the baby back tomorrow. I am truly worried about your SD being around her anymore. You didn't fail as a mother, and in this case, I don't think SD's BM/BF did either. Some kids are just not all there like another poster mentioned her cousin.

I wish your family all of the best and hope that you all can hang in there through the upcoming months and years dealing with SD. I hope they can treat her and get her the help so so obviously needs.

~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.

Sia's picture

I dont know much of your story, but I feel so bad for you. We were investigated by CPS a few years back when my SD claimed DH beat her on a daily basis. It was awful, they went to my BS' school and to the Sds' schools and everything...I felt violated. Turned out the social worker deteremined everything to be false allegations. SD17 is BPD as well, and has caused tons of problems, but she recently moved back in with bm...thank goodness!

Anyway, you didnt fail your child as a mother, just love her. Hugs her lots and tell her how much you love her. I dont know how old she is, but I think she would find it comforting to be back home! Good luck and HUGS to you!

Zimka's picture

getting BD home :). Please don't be hard on yourself BD won't remember the drama in months to come.