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Another argument over the Stupid Skids, second in four days.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Wake up this morning to DH saying that OSD and MSD are going to stop by for MSD' presents from DH. He has not seen her in about 2 years, she is the bitch that caused the whole train wreck. They were just going to meet in the driveway but still WTF. I ask him to please meet them down the road for the drive by present grab for this 30 yr old bitch. He takes offense to my request and has a hissy. He does not want to have to tell his precious girls that they can't come here

In reality I guess it is all my fault again because due to the argument of Friday I threw my hands up and said I don't care, let the OSD stop by in the driveway for her gift. He did not even know she was visiting the area until he saw it on FB. She made no plans to visit with him. Why should I lift my ban on them being here? Anyway. She stopped by, he brought the pups out one at a time to show her kids. Whole thing lasted about 20 minutes. I guess now she thinks it is ok to bring the jail bird MSD around to piss on my territory. My heart started racing just when he told me they were coming.

Well he stormed off to meet them. He tried to call me a few minutes ago and left a message that he was meeting them at Walmart. Yeah. Who gives a fuck. I don't care. He could not even stay in the room and listen to me this morning about this....he can go F himself.
The OSD has kids with food allergies so she gives him guilt about not being able to visit here, because supposedly she can't take her kids to a restaurant to sit and have a meal or cup of coffee with her dad.
I hate them all.

I tried really hard to pull myself together for Christmas this year. With my own grief from a family issue with my DD it has been really hard.

First thing Christmas Morning DH is saying something to me about getting a gift card online for the MSD, what...I don't care...I let it go and tried to enjoy our day together. Yet the next day argument no. 1 over his lack of planning and waiting for their beck and call.

It is not all gloom and doom....DH managed to shop for me and the gifts were very nice and things I wanted, but did not have to go shopping with him to hold his hand to buy them. I was surprised Christmas morning.
And yesterday we bought a new auto for me to drive to replace my 14 year old car. It will be for both of us to use for winter bad weather and when we take trips with the growing pups. They are over 30lbs already.
So even having the OSD here yesterday did not bother me so much but the thought of the MSD here again set my PTSD off big time. After all the B$&&()@ threatened to kill me once by text to I could not even do anything about it then.

I am still in therapy over all this, guess I will have something to talk about next visit.
I am trying really hard to pull myself out of the hole of depression I am in. These insensitive moves DH makes do not help at all.
He will be in the shithouse until he apologizes for today. Yet of course he thinks he did nothing wrong. Again. Just like his DD's. They are all masters at shifting blame to me.

I have work to do today, I must get back on track on the project I am doing.

Happy New Year to all here. I hope it is better than this one has been in regards to step crap.
Cheers!!!! Maybe I will start drinking now.


LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Thank you for your reply notasm. Yes the drive by visit with the dogs sounds very familiar. I wish aI had nixed the OSD coming here. No good came of it.
I did crack open a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat around 1:30... Just one.

DH came back from his 'visit' in the Walmart parking lot and I left him to himself. He actually did some stuff around the house while I did my own thing.
Later I texted him to ask if he was sweeping our fight under the rug. So then we talked. Went round and round. He thought it was no big deal when the skids 'told' him they were coming by for the MSD's gifts.
I told him he clearly does not get it how upsetting it is to me to even think of her near our house. It makes me feel violated. He wanted to tell me I should not feel that way. I said who are you to tell me how I should feel and what kind of physical reaction I have to things that stress me out. We talked it thru but I still think he does not get it.
He said he will not be exchanging gifts with the skids next year and will just give a gift card for Gskids for occasions. He said he told all of them this today. Then he would not have to ask me what kind of gifts to buy for gkids, etc.
Tonight I saw his message log on his phone, all messages had been deleted, so they must have been blowing up his phone all afternoon.

We are drifting and being pulled apart by this crap every holiday. I hope I got thru to him. I am drowning here and he is not helping. I do not feel he has my back. He admits he tries to appease everyone. Riding the fence is not having my back.
You are fortunate your DH has yours.
Mine still hopes for reconciliation. I don't see it ever happening.

Anyway thanks for listening.