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looneybin's Blog

What to do?

looneybin's picture

Ok according to the legal agreement that has been in place for 4 years we get one visit a month (because they live so far away it would be more if they where closer) and every other Easter and Christmas. So we got my sd for a weekish from the 24th of March to the 30th of March. The thing is; this is our Easter and the long weekend is 4 days after she is back to school. I think her mother set this up on purpose. The last thing I want is for her to miss school, so what would and alternate choice be? I feel like we are being ripped off. Any opinions?


I feel kind of crappy saying this but....

looneybin's picture

I have been watching my best friends kids so she can go in a ski trip (nice), but I feel as much for them as I do for my step daughter. So I realized that it's not completly the feelings for the bm that clouds my judgment. I think alot of it is that she is not mine and it's like having sombody elses kid in my house once a month. In a way I feel crappy because I should have more feelings for her than I do for a friends kids, but my feelings are not totally due to the fact I can't stand the bm.MMMMM something to ponder what do you think?


I need a little input please.

looneybin's picture

Ok my most common complaint is when everybody is doing something or one of my bio kids ask for something and my SD just sits there and looks at me like I should read her mind and just know that she wants some too. Am I wrong to be annoyed and expect her to open her mouth and ask for something? I mean my 2yr old can ask for stuff so I think a 11yr old is quite capable. Oh on a note she has been around me for 9 yrs now so not a new thing. I mention something on a regular basis so she knows how to get stuff at our house. Aother one of her querks is to ignore me.

Is this it?

looneybin's picture

Hi everyone I'm new here, but I just wanted a opinion, or just to vent (I don't know which). Do you ever look around and think is this it? This is my life, all that pretending as a child, and this is the rest of my life.