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no one to turn to.

lonely angie's picture

Sad I have stopped taking all my medication, my husband isn't talking to me and its all down to my stepson who has been verbally abusive to me over the years and on Tuesday it turned physical, he grabbed my face and pulled up his other arm to punch, but he pushed me by my face and I fell onto the settee, and I have nobody to talk to as I have no family and I have had enough stepson will be 18yrs old in march so he the strength of an adult and I have osteoarthiritus, stress angina ( caused by him ) high chlorestrol and am diabetic..


lonely angie's picture

unfortunately I did not call the police and as for my husband, well he told him to get out of the house on Tuesday and find somewhere else to live but he never, and its as if nothing has happened as usual,if my ss does not get his own way he starts smashing holes in the doors of the house and as my husband does not want this anymore he gives into him, so at the moment I am hiding in my bedroom away from both of them...thankyou for your prayer.

oldone's picture

Call the domestic abuse hotline. NOW!

1−800−799−SAFE (7233)

You will have someone to talk to you that knows what to do and can help you.