Disney Dad/Mini wife BS!!!! I'm really pissed
So my h has been telling sd 18 that she needs a ride to and from our house for TG.
Backstory: he learned a few weeks ago that she was arrested for stealing and never has said a word to her. He ACTS disappointed in her and he tells me he is pissed at her and he will give her a stern talking to when he sees her. There have been a myriad of excuses as to why he can't call her and tell her he is pissed and disappointed.
So finally after 2 weeks she responds to a text asking if she can come to TG. And her response is "if mommy has gas money and such we will come." Totally hinting for him to send her money for gas - ya know if he really wants to see her and all? Then another text saying mommy can't come but her and her bf can come. So what, he's going to let this girl shack up in our house with the boy he's protested about her living with for the last 3 years????
So instead of sticking to his original words of: 'if you can get a ride to and from come to TG.'
He replies today " if you do decide you can come and stay a few days I will figure something out.' Which means he is willing to drive her 8 hours round trip in his car that is on it's last leg. Like the back wheels sound like they are falling off bad.
If he does that I will NOT BE HERE. I will not spend my 5 days off with Sd and her bf.
He only has TG off and he has to work the rest of the week and weekend. That message insinuates that I will be here with her for 4 days while he's working???? NO FUCKING WAY!
And I'll bet a dollar be will either pussy foot about her getting arrested or not say a fucking word ! I'm so pissed I do not want to spend my 4 days off watching her to make sure she doesn't steal my shit...
He is such a sap !!!!
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KT - I 'm so irritated still
KT - I 'm so irritated still today. He called me a minute ago and said "I guess they can sleep in separate rooms." We don't have separate rooms we have my son's bedroom and the living room left.
Why is this all of a sudden ok? That his daughter shack up in my house? For 3 years he has griped and cussed about her living with that boy now all of a sudden it's ok??
^^^^^^^^^^ Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clearly you can see my angst over this. But there is still time for her to back out. I'm hoping and pryaing she gets "sick." That's usually what happens.
And I like the idea of her staying in one of the coops. I have 2 coops so her her bf can each have one. }:)
I will not help him drive
I will not help him drive her. I already told him that 2 weeks ago. I will be picking my son up at my parent's house 2.5 hours away on Sunday and it's in the total opposite direction of SD's house.
He can driver her home I guess hope his vehicle makes it...I need my car to pick up my son.