livizzle's Blog
I feel hurt, yet selfish.
DH told BM a few nights ago that he would take SS6 to baseball practice tonight. There’s no reason for this other than the fact that DH hasn’t been able to take SS yet.
I started feeling sick last night, and when I woke up this morning it was full blown. Fever, chills, body aches. I’ve been home alone all day by myself. When I picked DH up from work, I asked him if he’d stay home with me tonight. It agitated him, and well, he’s gone to take SS.
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Bring on the coddling!
BM called DH last night to let him know that SD8 “jumped” onto a skateboard (while the kids were outside WITHOUT supervision) and sprained her wrist. It was apparently SO swollen last night that BM thought it was appropriate to wait until this morning, after SD rolled around on it all night, to take her to the ER. It’s broken. Now, when we pick them up to go to MIL’s this afternoon for the Easter egg hunt, I’ll get to hear everyone coddle her and “ooh” and “ahh” over it. I DO feel bad for SD, but at the same time, I DON’T want to be around everyone doing that. It gets on my nerves.
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Lower than BM?
Before I met DH, I was laid off from the best job that I’ve ever had. I’ve had a few jobs since then, but they’ve all been “scrub” jobs that I haven’t been satisfied. Last night I informed DH that working at Walmart wasn’t very glamorous, and I’d like to quit and pursue a different path (I have several promising applications turned in). Going to these worthless jobs makes me feel worthless and unhappy. We had skids last night. He quit speaking to me until after they went to bed, at which time he proceeded to basically tell me what a POS I was.
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SD8 has become a full on drama queen.
I’m not sure if she’s in the early onset of puberty or what, but SD8 (she’ll be 9 in June) has been FULL of drama the past month or so. She throws full on dramatic hissy fits at the drop of a hat. Ex. – The other day SS6, talking about the Wii, said that he only liked to play war games.
SS: “Huh?”
SD: “You said that you ONLY liked to play war games! That means that you hate me! SM, did you hear what he SAID?”
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We’ve been skid-free for the past 2 weeks, and I’ve never felt so calm and at peace. In those 2 weeks, I’ve reconnected with my spiritual side and started a diet, so that I can fit into my wedding dress. LOL
But when BM dropped the kids off last night, I immediately felt myself tense up as they walked through the door. I hate to feel this way. I love them, but I’m .. well, I’m not sure what I am. Stressed. FH’s and my relationship seems to change when they’re here because, well, they’re right 98% of the time.
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Small miracle?
BM just informed FH that she doesn't plan on going to the visitation enforcement hearing tommorow. She thinks that she doesn't have to be there. LMFAO
Please, please, please go to jail!
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FH can pay CS but isn't even respected enough to be listed as skids' dad.
I went to skids’ school for their Christmas parties yesterday afternoon. I introduced myself to both of their teachers and nothing was said about FH and I never showing up, etc. like I was worried. SS5 was very happy that I was there and introduced me to everyone. SD8 was happy too, but she’s a “big girl” and didn’t need anyone at her party. LOL
Does BM want FH to be a dead beat?
I’m about to leave to go to skids’ Christmas party at their school. No FH. No BM. It’s just me, and I’ll admit that I’m nervous. BM never tells us about events at skids’ school until they are right smack dab in the middle of it or until afterwards, so we haven’t been able to attend anything this year. BM is buddy-buddy with the parents, and I guess I’m just scared that I’m going to walk in and someone is going to go, “oh, your FH is the deadbeat!” because BM likes to tell everyone about everything. In reality, I know that that will never happen. But still.
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I've never wanted to smack SS5 so bad.
I cannot wait until BM picks skids up this afternoon.
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SD8 getting her hair washed by step-dad?
SD8 came to me tonight, saying that her head was itchy. She scratched it and it looked like .. gunk that came off of her scalp. Normally, when SD is here, she takes a shower because she's proven to be able to wash her own hair. I asked her if she'd been washing it herself. She said, "no, Greg washes it for me." Greg is a her step-dad. This just doesn't seem right to me. I washed her hair in the sink, which she said has never happend before, so that leaves only one other place for him to wash her hair. In the bath. FH is going to ask BM about it. But seriously?
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