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SD & BM text DH all day..25-50 times a day!

livinthedream's picture

Its so annoying when we finally get a chance to go out as a couple to spend "our money" that BM & SD text DH every few minutes. A very wise friend said to me a long time ago..that the reason they are texting & calling that much is that DH is communicating just as much back to them! How do I get my point across that this is unacceptable? BM is trying to drive home a point that she needs more money for airplane tickets & BM wont give up until she gets her way. I have told DH that Im totally turned off by all this texting & calling. DH says he is trying to be a good dad. I told him that unless its an emergency the communication with BM is ridiculous. Especially since all the skids are adults except for one who is up in the teens. I have detached from DH & decided long ago that he cannot make me happy...rather thats my job!


mrsparks's picture

We have had the same thing lately and it's rediculous! It's impossible to be civil with this BM and he has been texting her daily lately and it makes me sick.. Is there really that much stuff to talk about?

mrsparks's picture

I agree My ex husband and I are on good terms.
He picks my son up every week on Friday and returns him Sat. evening. He calls me normally Friday at work to let me know if he'll be late or ask if he can come early and then texts me on Sat. to let me know what time he will return our son.
We only talk if plans need to change, my son is sick etc.
All that other crap? So unecessary!

FallingfromGrace's picture

MY ex husband and I are also on good terms. Basically, he lets me live my life and I do the same for him. He just started having our kids regularly. He takes them Friday nights and they come home on Sunday. We generally have one brief conversation during the week of his weekend - which consists of "we still on Friday at 6?" He says "yes". Then he texts me Sunday with what time he will be dropping of (we actually meet at a half way point, he lives an hr away).

When we do the drop off/pick ups I give him any information (report cards, extra ciricular activity schedules, etc). Short and sweet and that is how I like it.

We are divorced. He is not my friend. He is my childrens father and that it!

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

ChaiLatte's picture

Is the communication mainly with SD or BM. If he is mainly speaking with BM, what does texting and calling someone 25-50 times a day have to do with being a good dad? DH and BM are not being balanced. I can't see his point because the number is so extreme. Its just not healthy or necessary to speak with an ex that many times a day. When does he have time to work, or get anything else done?

"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."

stepmom2one's picture

25 to 50 times is unreal. I am the one who texts BM and we text back and forth about SD maybe 1x a wk!! No need for anymore---if SD needs something she calls me.

That much communication is completely unneeded and will cause more problems than help.