Why do I hate the bm so much???
I do...I hate her guts so much. I know I've talked about trying to be enlightened or be a better person but honestly I've tried and feel like I've failed. I just can not stomach her.
We tried to have a nice night last night, me, dh, and the skids. I offered to let them stay with us because they wanted to even though it was bm's night with them. (When dh and bm divorced he kept their house, she got the rental house and moved in with her geezer boyfriend.) We had a really nice night, and the skids seemed more settled then when dh has them alone...they seem to have somewhat more respect for me because I'm not their bm and they aren't sure how much they can push me.
Anyways, we went down to watch the older skid play in the baseball finals...he was going to be pitching. It was a big deal to dh that I was going and I knew this was making him very happy...he wants soooo much for me to be with him and to go to their games...he really is working to make us a forever family.
I knew bm was going to be there. In fact at dinner before, I said I was thinking about getting some pics made from ss12's b'day (when I had the cake made, etc). BM never was big on pics or anything, so I thought maybe she'd like a few candids of her kid. DH thought that was a nice idea but wasn't going to force me to do anything I didn't want to do.
Anyways, at the game, everybody was happy especially dh. We were going to bring ss12 home with us and get some ice cream or tim horton's or something and then the bm was going to drop off ss13 after he finishes the game.
When we were getting ready to leave, dh points out bm's geezer. I hadn't seen him before so I was like, "oh, ok super...who cares?" I saw dh scanning the crowd looking for bm which pissed me off. I'm not sure why it did, but it did...alot. Like, he couldn't wait to make a beeline over to her.
I saw her standing over by some trees...looking like some lisa loeb reject. I don't know why but the mere sight of her just makes my blood boil. She started coming over towards dh and I looked at her and rolled my eyes and said, Yuk! That's just perfect... and walked to the car.
I guess dh talked to her very briefly from a fair distance, about the kid exchange...I don't know...I was busy checking my phone for messages...just trying to distract myself from the rage I could feel building inside. Just the sight, the mere sight of her makes me just filled with rage...and I'm not sure why.
We drove home in pretty much silence...dh trying to hold my hand and my sitting all stiff and pulled away from him. The skids were going to ride home with their bm, so it was just the two of us. He kept asking what was wrong, and I said, nothing I'm just tired and irritated.
When we went to bed, dh was all cuddly like usual, but he knew something was wrong. He kept prodding me trying to get at what the problem was, although I think deep down he knew...I hate her.
I wasn't angry with him and I didn't behave angrily...I just was worn out...like something inside was broken and worn out and tired beyond words...do you know what I mean?
I tried to explain to him why I was feeling sad. I said it was alot of things from the day at work that had me feeling blue, and then to see her at the end of my day was just too much. I said I felt like I have a perma-scowl now from the crap that goes on at work, and the crap at home. It's so hard for me because I'm the kind of person who deals with stuff...I yell, scream, talk or discuss something with whoever is getting under my skin until we sort it out and come to some resolution. But I have to put up with people whining at me at work all day and telling me all their problems and just bitching...they're so very very unhappy all the time, it's affecting me now. So then I go home where I'm supposed to be in my safe place, the place where there's some calm and serenity, and how do I end my day?....having to look at the bm's "stupid ugly face." It's just so completely draining to have to put up with crap at work when I want to just scream at people, and then to have to put up with someone who's very presence makes me want to vomit...it's just too much.
I explained all that to dh and he was very understanding while he was cuddling me. He said he understood what I was feeling because he feels that about the geezer-guy bm is with. He'd been sleeping with her for several years while dh was married to bm, all the while dh didn't know...so now when he sees him, he's filled with rage that he has to stuff down inside for the sake of the kids. He could do without seeing either of them (supposedly) but he tries to just stuff his anger away so that the exchanges go smoothly and the kids aren't affected.
I'm glad dh said the things he did because I can put myself in his shoes...he must have a very difficult time. He has to deal with bm and the geezer forever and deal with that rage at what they've done to him. Me...I feel like I don't have to deal with it...I always have the choice to leave. I didn't tell dh that though. He seems to believe we will be forever...me, I'm not so sure. I don't want to leave him, but I know me and I know how much I can take and where my breaking point is...and I feel it may be coming soon if I can't get a handle on my hatred.
I told dh I feel like a failure in many ways because as much as I try to be a good person and 'the bigger person' I feel like I'm failing miserably because in my heart of hearts I hate bm...I hate her so much...and I don't even know why.
I know she has done things that have seriously disrespected me...all the intrusions into our home, taking the dog for walks while we're there, feeding the dog while we're there, yelling at my dh and berating him... There are so many incidents that each one may seem not a huge deal, but together make me want to just scream. I can say honestly that I truly despise this woman...I barely know her, but what I do know of her makes me hate her.
I feel like a completely terrible human being for hating somebody this much...especially when I don't even really know her. But I also know that the things she's done and has gotten away with are just too much for me to take. I mean, even this Friday when she comes to get the dog (which may or may not be hers, who knows) and take her to her new home, bm may want to borrow dh's truck to load all the stuff in...and dh was going along with this. I feel like a jerk because I said, no way with the truck...she can take the crate apart (it's metal and just folds down or comes apart) and load everything, dog included into her car WHILE WE ARE THERE and get out. I feel like the most evil bitch on the planet for insisting on this, but I don't know that anything else is ok...you know? I feel like if I don't assert my authority now in this situation, I'll get walked on again, and our home will be disrespected yet again...and I can go no further! I can not take anymore of her crossing the line...I mean look what its done so far...I barely know her and I can't stand to even look at her.
Anways, sorry for the long rant. I just am trying to figure out why I hate this woman so much and if it's maybe just me being overly sensitive...I don't know.
Does anyone (who survived reading this long long rant lol) have any advice??
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I might...
First, I don't think you are a terrible person at all. You are entitled to your feelings. You're only human. It's understandable why you feel the way you do about the BM. But you have to decide if you want to give her that kind of power over you, your emotions, your very life. Hating her like you do just gives her the power to control you. None of the boundaries you try to establish, none of the control you manange to wrestle away from her will improve anything in your life if you continue to nurse this deep-seated hatred of her. Hate is a powerful emotion. You've got to find a way to reach the state of ambivalence before this eats you up inside and destroys your life.
I used to feel the same way about my BM. I almost left my husband becaue of it, years ago. What helped me get over it was establishing clear, hard boundaries, insisting that my husband help me enforce those boundaries and cutting that woman out of my life entirely. I started with the phone. I called the phone company and had our account put in MY name only with a brand new, unlisted phone number. I told BM that if she needed to talk to the children, to call DH's cell phone. One problem solved. I set up our personal email account and DH's work email account to re-route any emails from BM to a HotMail account before they were downloaded from the server onto our PC. That way, we could deal with her emails when WE chose, instead of being held hostage by our email accounts. Two problems solved. I refrained from having ANY contact with BM at all. If there was a problem with the skids, DH handled it and he did it out of my hearing. He kept me in the loop, asked for my advice and checked with me before making any commitments, but otherwise, he dealt with BM. I didn't go to pick-ups, drop-offs or attend anything that the BM attended. Third problem solved. I took away her access to me and, eventually, she just dried up and blew away. My hatred of her died and so did her hatred of me. It took several years, but it did happen. We both became ambivalent towards one another.
I don't hate BM anymore. In fact, I email her on a regular basis now. She and I exchange "hellos" through the kids... "tell Anne I said hello!" or "tell your mom I said hi!" She sends me kid pics in the mail and I always send her a thank you note in return. I make sure her CS is paid on time and in full, I make sure she has everything she needs as far as insurance cards and claim forms and I work with her on transporting the kids here for visits. She said a lot of really hateful things to me and did a lot of really hateful things to DH that I didn't think I would ever be able to forgive. But you know what? She recently apologized for her behavior from so many years ago and I accepted her apology and offered one of my own.
I think there can be peace. I think the way to that peace is setting firm boundaries. I think you feel so much hatred for her because she is a constant in your life. Remove her from your life and you remove the source of the hatred.
There are also those icky "first" feelings. A lot of people have a hard time with someone else having been "first." First to marry DH, first to reproduce with DH, first to share a life with DH. I never felt like that, but then I'd been married before, too, and had had a child from my previous marriage. I can guaran-damn-tee you that you can have more than one "first." Maybe she was his "first" big mistake. Maybe you are his "first" true love. Getting married, having children, creating a family... those are all important "firsts," but it's unique every time. "First" only implies sequence. It doesn't imply quality, perfection, commitment, love, devotion or priority.
Don't tell him it's work that's bothering you. Sit down with him and tell him how hard it has been for you to overcome these feelings and tell him that you feel like protecting your little coccoon with good, solid boundaries is the only way you feel your relationship can blossom and grow. They are going to have to have some minimal amount of contact due to the children, but you can shelter yourself and your relationship from that. Eventually, you can get to a better place where this stuff doesn't bother you as much and I am living proof of that. I went from sticking pins in voodoo dolls of BM in my spare time to try to combat the diarrhea she gave me to actually enjoying contact with her.
There's hope!
♥ ANNE 8102 ♥
"Stay thirsty, my friends."
~The Most Interesting Man in the World
you so get it!
I felt alot of the time before I came here, that I was the only person who felt this way and was having all these problems, but it's very comforting to know it's not just me.
I think you said alot of important things that I will want to re-read because you're saying alot of the things I'm feeling and going through.
The one issue I still have with dh is boundaries. He still isn't setting them strongly enough and the bm is very hardheaded. DH has issues with boundaries in that he has none...people come and go through his house over the years w/o any sort of issues. Neighbors and friends have keys and the codes to the alarm and they come by all hours unannounced...although most of that has stopped since everyone has settled down, grown up and stopped drinking and acting stupid. Still, dh has a pretty open-door policy with everyone, and I'm trying to get him to see that it isn't ok for bm.
I too felt this way.
My problem was so bad that it took a lot of soul searching on my behalf to get past this. This woman had insulted, accused, disregarded and held any other negative behavior towards me. Things got so bad that I had a hard time separating and remembering that SD is/was a child. SD looks the spitting image, sounds like a tape recorder and acts like amirror of BM. SD had become so mean and evil by way of BMs treatment of me. The more I insisted taht it was unacceptable, the more THEY raged on. It got to the point where I couldn't look at or listen to SD without seeing or hearing BM. THis was very hard as sometimes there was misplaced anger towards SD on my behalf on something from the past or something that I was expecting to happen from SD or BM.
I allow phone calls, but I do not answer the phone. If I look and see it is her, I call the kids and have them answer. If the kids don't answer, she gets the machine. I attend sporting and school events with the kids and sit on opposite ends of the room. I steer clear of her and do not so much as say hello, because everything I say and do gets twisted around. But I am there for support and to show that even though I don't care for their mother, I can still be there for them. THey actually like and appreciate it. Lastly, I've made them aware if ever we are somewhere and BM is there too, for them to sit with whomever they felt like. I never wanted her or them to feel like they had to choose between us two. I am aware how difficult it must be for them so, I have given them permission to not feel guilty for wanting to sit with her. Afterall, they live with me and I get more QT time. Turns out they actually wander back and forth to put in time with each of us and if that makes them happy, then I am okay with it.
I don't foresee us ever being on good terms (been there done that), but I try my best for the sake of the kids even if she doesn't. My hatred of her has lessened greatly because I did realize that I was giving her too much power as I would sit stewing and she would be off enjoying herself. I no longer allow that hatred to consume me. It is hard, but I think it eventually gets better or gets old. You just have to find a way that is suitable for you to handle her and all of the other stressors in life. Wishing you lots of luck with it and in the mean time sending you lots of peace and blessings.
Step Mother's Motto this week is:
You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.
Is it possible that you have misplaced anger? Its true that the BM has done what she did, BUT your fiancé allowed her to do all of it and never stopped her. Its time for him to get his balls out of BM pocketbook and put his foot down. Don’t get married to the guy as long as you have all of this anger and hatred for her because this is only the beginning of your life with her. If you are married to him even when they are older you will still have to see her and deal with her. What did she ever do to you to cause all of this animosity? You said that she has 2 fabulous boys and that says a lot about her and what she has accomplished.
yeah you're so right
I realize I"m mad at dh because he has no spine. He's told me all about how he's trying to just get along and appease everyone, but I've broken it down to him like, you need to figure out whether it's more important to make bm or me happy because you can't do both.
Well, as always, Anne
says it perfectly. I also cut the BM out of my life, it does work. We do not get along like Anne and her BM, BUT she is NOT in my life anymore.....and I am much happier about it.
You're not alone
Thanks Anne....your post helped, I too am dealing with being consumed by hatred. The whole "first" thing made sense, but it's gonna take a while to swallow.
Teapot - DH USED to look for BM at events he knew she'd be at. I checked this FAST. I would tell him "are we here for her or for the kid?" We'll eventually see her, so why are you looking for her...to say hi? what the hell? He knows that I feel sick to my stomach when we have to go to events where BM will be there. There have been many uncomfortable times (ie. SD's basketball game, BM sat at the top of the bleachers, we sat at the bottom, then after the game, we'd have to all meet together to see SD - at this event, SD totally ignored me! It's like she's a totally different person when she's around her mom.
We just had a baby. DH committed to having SD come over to see her sister without asking me first. He said that he spoke to BM and that people were asking SD if she's seen a lot of her little (half) sister, and SD just doesn't know how to answer. She keeps telling everyone she has a little sister. I have to be thankful that she's excited, it could be worse. So, I finally told him that since we started getting visitation, I've been dreading visitations; not because of the kid (as much, well she's a spitting image of her mom and reports everything we do to her mom (and even does the same things with her mom..showing her new things) - so it's like having a little spy in our home - we might as well invite BM to have visitation, because that's what it feels like. Anyways, it used to be worse. DH would have to talk to BM a few days before every other weekend to confirm pickup/drop off/events. I'd get sick to my stomach and vomit. Then, when Thursday came along, I'd withdraw from DH emotionally. Friday came along, I was a mess....then SD would get here, it would be *tolerable.* Then, Saturday night comes along (anticipating whether or not DH will walk SD outside to see BM when she picks her up...or whether BM will try to come to our door and inside our home), I'd feel sick. Sunday morning comes, we're watching out the front window for when BM comes....it's not fun. I know my issue is more with BM than with SD, but they go hand in hand. It's been like this since we started getting visitation and the cycle has gotten better, but it's still there. Now that we have a baby of our own, I don't want to constantly be reminded of the past...the whole "out of sight out of mind" thing doesn't apply here.
I've been dating DH for about 11 years. The first eight years were awesome - we didn't have to deal with BM or visitation. Then, something happened and we started getting visitation. By then, we already moved in together and it was hard to leave. Now, we have a child together, so the whole leaving option isn't as easy as it used to be. I'm counting down the years....DH told me that once she enters her teenage years, maybe she won't want to come over as much, who knows.
Sorry to ramble. When he asks you "what's wrong," don't mix work or anything else into it (don't water down the issue or give excuses - I've done this and it doesn't make you feel that much better). Tell him exactly what you're feeling....when so and so happens, it makes you feel like blah blah blah. I try to isolate each issue so I'm not bombarding him with stuff. I try to say the issue then what can be done about it...instead of just venting. If you just vent all the time, it becomes the same story (just my opinion and from experience).
Sad thing is...I've tried expressing these feelings to my NON-SM friends...pssssh....NOBODY TRULY UNDERSTANDS UNLESS YOU'RE A STEPMOM YOURSELF. I've hear it gets better (sometimes)...but it takes A LOT. It's a continuous battle. You can either leave the situation (heart vs. head thing sucks - heart wants to stay, head says to leave NOW), count down the years, pray/meditate/isolate yourself (this in itself has a lot of issues too)...but it's NOT EASY. I love my DH, but if I didn't have so many years and experiences already invested with him, and I knew it would be like this (emotionally, physically, mentally, FINANCIALLY draining), I would of passed...it's draining, and there are so many more things to focus on. I know there are women on this site that say it's totally rewarding...it can be, but it's unnecessary stress....sorry, I'm going in circles here...but you're not alone
great advice
and very helpful.
In sooooo many ways that's exactly what i'm going through...getting sick to my stomach and everything.
I know that when my dh is looking for bm at events, it's just to arrange the pickup/drop off and that's it...I completely trust his intentions. The problem is the fact that when I see him interacting with her in any way, I just want to punch her ugly face in! We've put up with so much crap from her and she's such a manipulative little troll, it just really makes me angry to see her. Granted some of the "putting up with stuff" is dh's fault for not standing up to her, but honestly this woman knows how to manipulate and barks orders to everyone...she's tiny too, she's got that tiny-Napoleon complex working big time! So to see her making arrangements with him, knowing how controlling and bossy she is it makes me just wanna slap the smug right off her face.
oh, i forgot
to add.....at any events....i'm ALWAYS next to DH. i will not let bm see that she can divide us....suck it up, stick next to him...let her know that her presence will not divide you two.
that's so true!lol
at the last baseball game, me, dh and ss12 rocked up to watch ss13 play. DH brings me a folding chair from the truck and one for ss, and he stands behind me, rubbing my shoulders and just being generally sweet.
BM was over by the trees with her geezer and must have been watching the whole thing. I'm not saying that I want to rub her nose in it at all, truly I don't...I just want her to see that we are together and we are going to stay together and build a family no matter what she wants. Really, i just want her to "get it" so we can move on..
it's a catch 22 sometimes
in the beginning, we'd hide any goodness from/about us from bm....not wanting to feel the wrath of the biatch from hell. that's what started all this..bm left now dh alone until she found out we moved in together. she would hear about our vacations, new cars, and things we do from his distant family members (she's integrated into his matrix somehow...ugh). while i'd love to say "rub your happiness in as much as you can" in the beginning, this had repercussions. now, if there's nothing else she can take from him...then there's nothing to lose. for a while, i got tired of having to make an effort to conceal aspects of our lives; but it prevented bm from being more intrusive. now, we just do whatever. we have something BIG on bm (that if the child support courts knew, would probably give dh custody of sd), so if she ever took dh back to court, we have something on her.
not saying to hide your life....but just letting you know waht jealousy/anger/resentment from bm's end can entail.
Teapot, You live in the same community with BM and you are going to be actively participating in your Skds lives on a daily basis so you’ve got to find a way to deal with these feelings. We have always lived 5 minutes away from BM so it would be convenient for the drivers. I have gone to every ball game, dance recital, awards banquet, marriage, wedding shower, and baby shower and when they were little I did 75% of the driving. No, I didn’t like to be around her, but I didn’t have a choice because where ever the kds are she is going to be there too. Even now after 13 years she and I are still participating and sharing the lives of these 4 kds.
I used to feel the same way that you do now, but I did get over it, and I remember how it feels. Remember this: She isn’t paying rent so don’t allow her to live in your head. Hatred only hurts the people that carry it. The person that it is projected at goes on their merry little way, not feeling any pain, and you are the one that is left with all the misery.
This is why I'm so messed up
Because like you say, I have to see bm at all the skids events and around. I know she's not going away--it's just that I would like to have time where I don't have to see, hear or know about her. Since they swap everyday, she's somehow in some way a part of our lives every day...and at times it's too much.
In fact, as wonderful as my dh is, and all the great qualities he has and matches all the qualities I wanted in a man, I have to ask myself all the time...am I cut out for this?????
Seriously, I can't help but wonder if I've got the right stuff to make this work. It seems soooo hard and sooo impossible to get through because there's never a break from her...it's constant...
I just don't know if I'm the right woman for the job?
this is part of why I hate bm
she hasn't outright said such horrible things about me, but she makes it perfectly clear that in her mind she is queen bee and she will rule the roost...even our roost where she does not live. Her actions constantly reinforce her superiority over me and dh and our entire world. We were told by her that we will be taking our vacation when she has the kids at the end of August...since she's taking them for 10 days, that is "time for your (our) vacation"--quote. Can you imagine someone dictating to you when you can take vacation?! I'm livid and not letting this fly. We'll go on vacation when and where we want and she can deal with it.
I Can Relate!
I swear that your post could have been written by me!
My fiance was/is the same way with the BM of his son(who is his adopted son only). We have been together for 5 years and lived together for 4. I have put up with BM having keys to OUR home, she came and went as she pleased and she was either here at the house or on the phone daily, I owned the only family vehicle at the time(it belonged to me before I moved in with the fiance) and she would dictate when, where, how often SS would be driven around by my fiance, leaving me without MY car, to name a few issues. Never mind the way the fiance and BM allowed SS to treat me!
I truly thought she would be the end of our relationship as my fiance didn't want to 'rock the boat' and cause problems with her. I explained to my fiance how much it hurt to know that he would rather avoid confrontation with her (someone he claimed to not care about)than with me because her behavior was causing us to fight constantly. For the longest time, he just didn't see things from my point of view but he's slowing pulling his head out of his rear.
I really lucked out and they (BM, her BF and SS) have moved out of the province but... we just had SS here for a visit last month (I almost made myself sick worrying about seeing her and having SS here)and she dictated ALL of the terms of the visit, the dates (which meant our vacation time),the times, the fact that we would drive SS to a friends place one of the days of the visit etc. GRRR!
You would really be amazed at what you can tolerate. Just when you think you can't handle any more and are ready to walk out that door, some more patience appears out of no where. I despise the woman and I would just love to spit in her face the next time she's standing in my doorway (and that is not like me) but each time, I manage to scrape together just a little more patience and act decently to her for the sake of SS and my fiance.
Umm so I guess my advice would be to speak with your hubby and let him know how much it upsets you that she behaves this way and that if the two of you lay down the law it will eventually stop and that he has you to back him up in dealing with this situation. My fiance just isn't confrontational and I think a lot of his reluctance has been because he just doesn't know how to begin to deal with it. Knowing that I am on his side and that I didn't expect him to just go deal with it on his own has helped a LOT in getting him to start putting his foot down.
I wish you the best of luck, I know how difficult your situation can be
Wow, that is scarily similar!!!
You soooo get this! I don't think we go into these relationships with a vendetta against the bm or hate them "just because"...they seem to be hardheaded, stubborn, bossy, controlling and just plain rude. Had this bm NOT done all the things I've described (and same for yours) I would have never ever had such hateful feelings.
I've talked to some professionals, and we've decided that if dh doesn't stand up to bm about entering our home uninvited, I will call the police and have her charged with trespassing. DH can back me up on keeping her out of our home or I will treat her like any other person who broke in and have the police remove her. Hopefully it won't come to that, but I will not allow this woman access to MY home any longer under any circumstances.
Keep me posted how you're doing mouse!