Shattered Dreams
Yesterday was the 1-year anniversary of when fh gave me the promise ring. A promise ring with the promise that it would be replaced with the engagement ring. Well that was a year ago and yesterday I got nothing. I ordered some typical irish stuff for dinner and since I get home late, asked him to pick it up(I'd prepaid so he just had to grab it). As usual, I'm home late and he's not there. I'd seen him and the skids shootin by me down the road heading to bm's where he must have been dropping them off. Well, that's just super...I'd arranged stuff so we could spend a hour together before he went to work...but of course the skids weren't ready and he had to go find them and get them to skank-face's all my planning was kind of for nothing. But girls, I didn't get mad or act upset...I put on a happy face and made the best of it. I was happy bubbly and light. I made fh feel better cuz he'd been mad at having to yell at the skids all the way over to bm's. I've been doing a new thing for days where I ignore the crap that normally would piss me off and just pretend I'm happy and everything is ok. That's made the house much happier and less tense and I've felt less sick too.
So fh and I had a nice dinner and just sat around together for 20 mins before he had to leave for work.
Later that night though, I kept thinking about things and got progressively more upset. He hasn't made any overtures to get my furniture out of my old unit and into our lease expires shortly. Plus, he paid off bm's credit card when she moved in w/him years ago...and she got TheRing, and the house, and they had kids, yadda yadda yadda. She got all her dreams to come true...and him too for that matter for the most part. But like I told him, I feel like none of mine are. I feel like I'm marking time there with nothing to show for it. For me, it's all about security. I need that feeling of security. I need to know it's my home, my safe place. That we're forever...that we're going to stick together through everything. That I'll have the opportunity to have MY dreams come true...a husband, a home, a kid, a dog...all the normal stuff. A friend of mine is pregnant with her second child. She'd known her husband for not too terribly long before they got married...he's wealthy and has an ex and kids...but my friend got the ring, and is his wife now with all the respect and security that comes with it. It made me cry when I thought about it. All of her dreams are coming true...which is great,I don't mean to diminish that at all. I'm just saying that my dreams are on hold it seems and there's no clue when the hold is going to be lifted.
So I told fh that I'm seriously considering renewing my lease on my old apartment. Of course I hate it there and would never do that...I would however find another place and sign a lease there or on a mortgage on a home of my own. FH says to me that signing a lease would make our relationship kind of be over...and I said, yeah it would.
Somewhere in our argument, fh said to me that I'm 'the best thing to ever happen to him.' I took it like he was saying it sarcastically since were arguing at the time, but he said he meant it. I'm not sure how true that is. Maybe he does mean it, but he doesn't show it...of course he always tosses that back on me that I do the same to him(don't show him that I love him--which is a crock!). I think that if I am the best thing to happen to him, he'll start showing it like now-ish.
I told him and the therapist a couple of weeks ago that I am absolutely ready to leave. I don't want to--I want the dream with him, but I am fully ready to get out if my dream doesn't materialize immediately.
I didn't ask for a wedding date immediately or to own the home but I do want The Ring and for him to ask me to marry him. I can't explain it better than I absolutely, positively need some kind of committment from him that shows me security. Put my name on the house, sign his life insurance over to me, just do something! I don't care what. I just desperately need to feel secure. I feel like an illegal immigrant living below the radar...nothing in my name, no legal securities...I just 'live' there. And I want to not feel that way. I want to feel a part of "our" life. I want us to build our dream. Like I say, maybe it's not important to him because he's had the house, marriage, kids, etc...but I haven't. I want those things and I deserve them. It's not fair for him to withhold them because they're not a priority to him. I make it a priority to take care of his kids like they're my own...I make our home my priority...I do everything to prove that I'm in this for the long haul, but I just can't get him to see that I need security from him.
So now I've thrown out the ultimatum...I get the ring or I'm resigning the lease. He took it as an ultimatum but I said it's not. I'm just saying that I need security right now or I will have to take care of making myself feel secure and that means having a place of my own.
I'm very sad and hurting inside so much. I even said to him, that I'm trying soo hard but don't know what to do to make him love me because in my mind he must not love me(enough?) if he hasn't asked me to marry him by now. I've tried being good and being nice but it's like, is there some time table of how long I have to 'not fight' with him in order to get what I want? I'm just so tired of him pulling all the strings with how I'm supposed to behave and what I'm supposed to do for HIM but I get nothing. He keeps telling me that he's at the bottom of the pile and comes last after everybody else, which I told him is a crock of sh*t. I come last because I'm the one w/o a home, husband, or a kid of my own...nothing has my name on it, but he does, so I definitely come last!!! I'm sick of him even trying to pull that one on me cuz it's just crap! No matter how I hurt, he just ignores it and say's he comes last...whatever! I'm so tired of him. I want security and I want it now and as far as I'm concerned, i don't care if he takes it as an ultimatum or what...I want what I want and I want it now! I'm done being a doormat, or patient, or allowing him to make me feel this way. I want and deserve a life.
So we'll see what tomorrow holds.
- lil_teapot's blog
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Why would you want to be married to someone that doesn’t make you happy? I think that you want the same things that all women want but I am not sure this is the dude that can deliver the goods. Would you rather leave it like it is or get married and go through a divorce like 75% of people on their second marriage. If you have never been married your concept of the institution is different from someone who has been married, divorced and with children.
I am divorced
But when I did, I lost my home(I paid for), my money(I earned/he spent), and thankfully we never had kids.
I get what marriage is about, but my problem with him is why he is slow/relucatant/unable to commit at this point. I'm doing all the things a wife would do w/o the title/security and that's not right. He is the one who started all this. He wanted me to move in with him. He wanted me to meet the skids and build our relationship. He has done all the things to make me feel (while I was living separately) that he wanted and intended to build a life together asap. I feel like a case of false advertising here...he lured me in wtih the promise of us having a life together, and once I was there in his home, he flipped it around and made me feel never good enough to complete the deal. I'm angry and resentful.
The BEST movie I saw of late, LilT...
is the movie "He's Just Not That Into You."
True, it's only a movie, but so much of it is true. If he's not proposing, he's not looking to get married. You could have a halo and wings, but if he's not "ready", he's not gonna propose.
I REALLY think you should think of renewing that lease. See what his reaction is. If he really misses you and wants you back and willing to MAKE YOU A PRIORITY for a change, make him WORK FOR IT.
I so agree with Sparky in that, if you are angry and resentful now, a ring isn't going to just make those feelings go away. If he is not FREELY giving you that ring and feels "obligated" to do so, HE WILL be filled with resent as well. Doesn't make for a very good start.
Hugs, honey. You're TOO YOUNG for this aggravation.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
I told him I was serious about renewing the lease
and he got upset. He said that I do make him happy, yadda yadda yadda...and that I'm the 'best thing to ever happen to him."
What I can't understand is why I don't FEEL that way. My first husband loved me to death and still does...I felt it, I knew it...ok most of the time...sometimes I questioned it. But I never questioned his committment to the process...engagement, marriage, etc. I felt secure because I knew he was going to follow the path all the way. With this one, I move in and everything changed.
I talked about this in our couples therapy that I shouldn't have to feel like this...that he's ruining the whole engagement process. I feel like a ring now is meaningless and he is being manipulated, which yes he is. But the thing is, I don't know how to feel secure w/o a committment like this from him. And I can't go on living in limbo. If he said to me that by April 15th we'd be engaged, I'd not have had a problem...but he keeps saying, around your birthday, around Thanksgiving, around the holdiays...all of that came and went and no ring. I feel like a donkey being lead by a carrot but I'm never going to get it.
He has his "cake and can it it too" , LilT
Of course you make him you've said, you've been the PERFECT WIFE!! You help his kids out, you put up with the BM, you cook and clean for him, you plan special occasions for him.
YET, when he zips by you in his vehicle en route to yet another kiddie activity, he KNOWS damn well that, even tho you might be upset about his lack of attentiveness, you WILL STILL BE THERE.
Hey, he'll hang out with you for awhile then go to work.
It's just not fair to you, LilT. You are a YOUNG WOMAN, and you deserve all the things that make a "dream life". OF COURSE he doesn't want you to leave. He'd be LOST without you.
But, he doesn't know what to do WITH YOU either. As long as he can keep you "waffling", he has some degree of control over you.
I KNOW there will come a day when you just say ENOUGH and mean it!!! I can't wait for it to come. Then he'll come chasing after you like a lost puppy. Hopefully, you'll tell him to GROW UP or GET LOST when that day comes.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
I don't blame you
I would just make your plans to get your own place again. You are not asking for too much. But like Sparky said: what if you do marry him and he treats you this way? Why is he so important and you are not??? Maybe just take a step back and start planning for yourself, and see what happens.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
I'm going to see
I'm going to let him know I'm making my plans to move out and am getting things firmed up. He may give me a ring but it's just spoiled now...How can I accept it w/o thinking all the time that he's just doing it to shut me up?
I'm not sure that things can be fixed at this point because HE did screw them up. He started all the promis-ring crap and all the trickery to get me to move in and now he switches it up and keeps leading me along for as long as he wants. I'm done with it I think.
I'm angry and resentful.
I can understand why you feel the way that you do. Most of the men that I have seen don’t want to get nailed down in a relationship. Of course they will take advantage of anything one has to offer. Women don’t want to waste their time on a relationship if they feel they don’t have a future. Men on the other hand usually don’t get married unless they are coerced or issued and ultimatum.
That's true from what I've heard
It just seems sooo hurtful that it's like that. I am a good person and other guys have wanted to marry me but I haven't wanted them. This one claims he's happy and we have a good relationship and I"m great with his kids(a huge thing for him) but I get nothing. I dunno...this does not look good...
what's weird too
is that he dumped the last gf because he 'didn't see any future with her.' he kept her away from the skids, etc. becasue she was a 'good enough for now girl'(isn't that a quote from one of those books?)
But he treated me differently...way better, way more wanting me to be involved with his kids/family. That's why the mixed message is so confusing and hurtful. He wants me to act like we're married and having this happy life, but he won't make the actual thing happen.
Hey, teapot. The been there done that Bewitched here...
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
honey, you wrote "I come last because I'm the one w/o a home, husband, or a kid of my own...nothing has my name on it, but he does, so I definitely come last!!! I'm sick of him even trying to pull that one on me cuz it's just crap! No matter how I hurt, he just ignores it and say's he comes last...whatever! I'm so tired of him. I want security and I want it now and as far as I'm concerned, i don't care if he takes it as an ultimatum or what...I want what I want and I want it now! I'm done being a doormat, or patient, or allowing him to make me feel this way. I want and deserve a life".I've tried being good and being nice but it's like, is there some time table of how long I have to 'not fight' with him in order to get what I want? I'm just so tired of him pulling all the strings with how I'm supposed to behave and what I'm supposed to do for HIM but I get nothing."
Why on earth do you even want to marry a man who ignores your pain, leaves you feeling as tho you have nothing? A man whose behaviour to you has you feeling so devalued?
A ring is certainly a commitment-or a promise of one. Do you want a commitment from this day forward you have to "not fight with him in order to get what you want?" A commitment to "feeling like a doormat?"
Because the only thing a ring, and the ceremony that follows, will change is your legal status. It won't change his attitude toward you.
I hope you find what you're looking for; be it with him or someone else. Just remember-that if marriage and family are what you want, there are other men in this world who can happily give you that (I think. I'm not so great at this myself, but I see others who are).
I know u get what I'm saying and I appreciate that
It helps to know you and everyone else knows how this feels cuz it sux!
The thing I'm trying to get at, and maybe I'm not explaining it to him or you all right... I don't feel security. I need to feel safe and like I have a forever home and that nothing is going to change that. I don't like this...I feel like I'm living in limbo. I can't even get a dog because I don't know that we'll be together in a month--and rescue dogs need stable forever homes (like kids).
I don't want to live like this where the house has him and exwife on the mortgage. Why can't I be on there with him? Are we not the current couple or is it them? Ya know? I realize there are financial, logical reasons why things are as they are...
That's why I expect, demand and absolutely need him to get me the ring to say, "Hey, despite all the crap you put up with, we have a good life together that i see going the distance." I guess I'm looking for something that's MINE to offset all the crap that's THEIRS. I need this to feel secure.
The thing is, tho'...
That you are looking for material things (your name on a piece of paper, a ring) to make you feel secure. And I know that's not unimportant. But It seems to me that you are so focused on these things that you aren't stepping back and asking yourself, "Do I want to feel "secure", or do I want to feel "trapped"?" Because, to be honest, this guy sounds like he doesn't really care about your needs at all. Marriage and your name on the mortgage sound like security, until you get them and realize that now it's much harder to get out if you need to. Try to imagine what it will be like 5 years from now, when you're married, all your stuff is combined, and he's still treating you the way he does now. Now, it's not security, it's trapped! It's sooooo much harder, and financially devastating, to leave once your names are both on all the stuff.
Please look at your relationship with a view to whether you will really be happy with him, or whether you just want SOMEONE to make you feel like you belong. If it's the second one, then is this really the right guy for you?
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
I so get where you are coming from...
Previous to getting married I was in a long term relationship with a man whom I loved very much but who was never ready to commit. We dated for 4 years but never lived together. At about the second year, I started wanting to move the relationship to the next level but he always had excuses, "what's the rush?", "you know that once we're together you will have access to all of my life"... basically loads and loads of BS.
AT about the second year one of my girlfriends introduced me to the Steve Harvey show ( a radio show) and I began listening to it on the way to work every morning. Some portions of the show give advise to women in regards to men and relationships(he also wrote a book). And, a lot of what he had to say made sense.
I kept giving my X ultimatums but was always afraid to follow through. Also I didn't set boundaries at the begining or gave him a list of my expectations.
Finally, I began to ask myself, how long is too long? And I asked myself and asked myself until I realized it was not really worth it to wait. Like you, I wanted to get married, have children and start a family but he just kept postponing it. After I left he also gave me a "promise" ring. But after 4 years it was kind of too little to late. It was really hard to let go because he really was a great guy and he knew how to take care of me, but ultimately our goals for the relationship were different and I had grown to resentful at his lack of commitment and at his manner of taking me for granted.
Now with DH, I put my cards out there from the begining, I explained to him my expectations of marriage and family and he complied. We were married less than a year after begining to see each other. Another mistake, he was the first person I took interest in after my break up.
Seems like me and you have a lot in common lil' and my heart goes out to you because I really understand the frustration you're going through along with the angst of leaving (((hugs)))
One can only hope!
Whatever happened....
To that "ex"? Did he ever marry?
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
He is 12 yrs older than me and still single. He has said to me that I was the longest and truest relationship that he ever had and I believe him.
After a lot of reflection and AGONY, I came to realize that his marriage was his work and I would always come second to that. It's funny because he didn't have children or a family to support but he was always very focused on making money and on working. And, sure it was nice to feel I could rely on him if needed but I was ultimately in a relationship where I felt LONELY all the time.
Another X once told me that people come together for a reason, a season or a lifetime. It tore me to pieces to leave OLDER guy to the point that every minute of my day had to be planned. I would go to the gym twice a day just to exhaust my body and there are times that I still miss him... But we weren't right for each other or maybe the time wasn't right
One can only hope!
Reason I ask...
How weird we also have the SAME BIRTHDAY...
I date one of those "commitmentphobes" about 12 years ago, also for four years. It was right after my divorce. My kids were still young...
He just did things by himself, took trips, etc. VERY VERY selfish. He had a son, but the son lived out of the area so he saw him when it fit his schedule. I almost think he liked to HURT ME by bragging about going to different places and not including me. (He, of course, had all these "great friends" all over the country. Obviously, I wasn't treaated as one of them.)
He took a job out of town. It broke my heart at the time, but inreality it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I actually started to DATE men who were "AVAILABLE" and wanting a relationship.
Miraculously, as soon as I "washed him out of my hair", he wanted back. It felt SO GOOD to tell him "Sorry, I have other things to do....oh, but PLEASE let's stay in touch and be friends."
He chased me for about a year after that but STOPPED when I got engaged...I'm tellin ya, the CRAPPIER you treat them, the more ATTENTIVE they are.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
I wish I had never moved in
I had no choice it seemed. My mom was going to start cancer surgeries, my brother had just died...I was living at my apartment but staying with him everynight. It was just easier and made sense to move in with him when that all came because it was also at the same time that he went on nights for work. With me there, he could keep his kids on the same visitation schedule and have them there with me at night while he worked...that way it didn't toss them out of their home 4 nights a week while he was at work...and bm wouldn't have to have them all that time. So it was kind of a win-win situation that I accepted because of the damn promise ring! He'd given me that back in March...and wanted me to move in. I wouldn't move in cuz it wasn't the right time, too early, etc. So when all the sh*t hit the fan in August, I said, ok, we can both win by moving in together plus you made the promise to engage/marry me so this should be good.
But he hasn't followed up on the promise ring from's been a year and nothing. We've had trips and he's bought me expensive stuff...all of which I resented and was angry about because he could have used that $$$ on a ring. But he CHOSE to spend it on other stuff.
I feel like its a case of bait and switch...lure me in and then switch what the deal was. I'm going to have to move out and go on with my life to prove my point. If he wants to make it work, super but I"m not going to hold my breath. Plus he's added that if I move out it's over. But then I've also said that if I do move out, I'll never come back to that house...we'd have to find another. It seems the troubles just keep piling up.
I agree with Kitty Kat make
I agree with Kitty Kat make him work for it. Renew the lease and if he wants you part of his life he will pay to break the lease. He paid off BMs credit card he should do something similar for you.
It's partly a money issue
He can't afford to pay all that because he doesn't have the money. Part of him is ashamed of that fact. Logically I understand that. But my emotional heart says that it's not fair that she got more/better than I did, so he needs to make me feel better than her. She wasn't loved ever really and they never had a great life...he gets way, way more emotionally from me than he ever got from her. But it's like he doesn't get that I'm not getting the material stuff she got OR the emotional stuff so I'm just terribly sad and unhappy.
It’s all about the ticking clock. Men don’t get that because their clock isn’t ticking and even if it was they already got kds with someone else in most cases. Most women want the same thing that teapot wants and they know that after 37 yo they are in serious danger of having a disabled child and it scares them. I just tell women now if you want a baby go to the sperm bank, get out the turkey baster and forget about the guy.
That's so true
I've thought about getting all this stuff on my, house, kid. I can't explain to him why it's so important to me to do this all NOW. That's an excellent part about the biological clock Sparky!!! I completely hadn't thought of it. I mean, that's got to be what my deal is and why I can't explain it. I need these things and have no logical reason for why...but now I do!!!
You're sooo smart!!! Thank you so much.
I agree with the prior posters
I think your use of the term "dream" is very telling here. You are mourning the loss of that dream right now, and perhaps may be starting to realize on some level you are in love with the dream of what you could have with FH, rather than the reality of what you do have with him. I often tell friends who are unhappy with their current relationship, often women but sometimes men, who are convinced it's the commitment of marriage that will make them happy.
It isn't. You have been divorced yourself and know that marriage itself cannot make anyone happy, or faithful, or a priority. If your FH values you, you would already know it, be a priority etc. I think we often take forever to learn this lesson, but once you embrace it, and own it, ONLY THEN will you ever feel happiness and true fulfillment. Only when you really love yourself enough to be alone rather than with someone and lonely will you even begin the journey that will lead you to the one who will love you fully and unconditionally.
If he is making you miserable now, you can look forward to miserable ever after. A ring, a ceremony, a document will never ever fix that. I remember telling a couple guy friends of mine this too so it's not just women. One friend in particular was so bent on getting his fiance to marry him, he was totally overlooking his own happiness. I finally said to him, "Do you want the relationship you have right now for the rest of your life? Because THAT's what you're looking at my friend. More of this. Marriage doesn't make a good relationship bad, or a bad one good. It is just more of the same ever after."
They broke up. He finally started dating a really nice girl who loves and appreciates his niceness, rather than takes advantage of it. Because they are BOTH nice and considerate. When you are too accommodating, people who are not at all able to give will seek you out.
I hope you don't spend another year waiting for him to make you happy. GO OUT AND FIND WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY NOW! You don't even have to leave him to start doing that. Just start today. Join a group that interests you, take a class you always wanted to. If he really loves you, he will encourage you, if he doesn't? He will demonstrate his discomfort in your ability to be happy with or without him. He will definitely make that discomfort known in the form of attempting to guilt, scare, threaten, or otherwise throwing road blocks your way.
MUCH luck and MANY hugs your way!
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert
I agree with SitaTara.
It sounds so cliche, but boy is it true: only when love yourself enough to prefer being alone to being with someone who doesn't treat you well, can you really find a love that will last.
Something I say a lot to friends who haven't been divorced is, "You can be a million times more alone in a bad relationship than you can be when you're by yourself." Sita's right if you do get a ring from this guy, all you can look forward to is more of the same -- and even worse, because he'll feel even less of a need to take your feelings into consideration once you're married. This, right now, is as good as it gets with this guy. THIS is the honeymoon period.
You know, I finally found happiness in a relationship when I had been bruised and banged up so many times that when I met my DH, I laid it on the line. I didn't play games, and from the beginning I told him what I needed and what I wouldn't tolerate. I told him (nicely, but firmly), "I am 50% of this relationship. Just because you have an ex-wife and kids doesn't mean that you and your family's needs are 75% or 80%. Our needs and wants are equal, and I won't be shoved into a corner while you take care of other people's needs. I'm worth more than that, I know I'm an amazing catch, and I won't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't see that."
It took me YEARS to get to that point, Lil-T. Years of trying to be accommodating, of "being nice" so that the guy would like me and want to be around me. But all I ever got was aggravation. The man I'm with now treats me like an equal, and sticks up for me first, no matter what. (And I fully believe that this is why his kids have accepted me so easily -- he has never given them the message that I could be disrespected or ignored.)
Please think about yourself, be good to yourself, and don't settle for what sounds like a lousy life with a guy who doesn't care enough about you to make you and your needs a real priority.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
That's all so true!
He does try to sabotage things I want...even spending time with my mom or friends makes him mad because it 'takes away time from him.' But he doesn't get that HIS KIDS do that to me all the time but I don't complain very often...I take it as it comes and try to fit into the schedule. Very very infrequently do I say Hey lets have adult time, no kids, so tell them no they can't come over. I've been a good gf. When I was married, i was a good wife and an excellent partner. So to be treated this way is not fair.
I don't expect a ring or a ceremony to change our lives. What I'm looking for is some way, and I cant think of any other, that will make me feel like I have some security. I need to feel safe and like I have a life that can't be taken away by his ex or by anyone. I want security and stability. I want to be able to get a dog for goodnessake! And Sparky is right I think my bio clock is ticking loudly. FH is 45 and has plopped out his kids...I NEED to do this...marriage, kids...the whole shebang. I need to live the life he has already had. Maybe his age deal doesnt allow him to understand me cuz I"m just starting where he's already been. But he knew my deal going into it...I was completely upfront and honest about wanting a house, family, etc. He seems to have lied or misled me about all that because now he can't even take the little step forward of getting engaged. That right there says no babies or house for me. And that's a deal breaker.
another good quote is
From Dr. Phil of all people. I don't agree with him on many things, but...
"We teach others how to treat us."
Rings very true. We can't expect them to do better, when we accept the least they have to offer all the time.
So get yourself "clean" of this unhealthy habit (FH) and then set about teaching others how you deserve to be treated from the minute you meet them!
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert
Very well put, Sita Tara
You definitely have quite a way with words.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
That's a very good point
And part of why I'm so angry and resentful is that he wasn't like this in the beginning. Before I moved in, he respected my 'rules' and treated me right. Now that I'm there, he can not follow any of the things that I value. It's like he's somebody else now and I don't like him sometimes because of it...but mostly I'm resentful of the switch in behavior.
Sounds to me
Sounds to me like now that he has you in his house, he doesn't think he has to try anymore. He's already "got" you, so why bother to treat you right, b/c he figures you're already caught and you'll stay no matter what he does. That's pretty crappy behavior.
I have to ask again -- are you SURE this is the guy for you?
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
that's pretty true
He doesn't seem to be doing what he did in the past. I know guys settle in and get comfortable, but my ex didn't do that until after we were married and there was no more pressure to conform or act nice.
I've left several times but always come back and we work things out. He's trying and has gotten better but this deal is not working for me right now.
"It's like he's somebody
"It's like he's somebody else now and I don't like him sometimes because of it...but mostly I'm resentful of the switch in behavior."
I think more likely you are now seeing who he really is, now that he can't hide it living in the same house as you.
Here's my other favorite quote-
"when people show you who they are believe them...the FIRST time."
~Maya Angelou
He's showing you his true colors now, but it's hard for you to let go of who you thought he was, or who you maybe still think he could be for you.
I have to say, that the only true security you will have in life, is that you can provide for yourself. And even then, the world is an unpredictable place. I firmly believe we need to surround ourselves with those who value our well being, as though it were their own.
Hang in there kiddo. Times may seem unbearable, but those times that challenge us most, bring about the greatest personal growth. I promise
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert
that's all kind of what i was getting at with him
I was secure before I moved in. I paid my own bills and all that. I took care of me. Moving in with him was with the promise of him 'taking care' of me...he was going to make sure I was as happy and healthy as I was (or better) than when I was on my own. Only I don't feel like it's doing that. In fact, I keep telling him, he took my security away when I moved in, and has kept me living in limbo ever since.
Things I wished I had known...
at your age...
it took two divorces for me to finally realize that I needed to hold out for what I wanted--I had two marriages where the grooms were "reluctant" but I was overly compliant, giving, did most of the work, etc. I wanted to be married so badly--to be the chosen one who was loved and cared for..both were takers, hated it when I left, of course. I lived with them both first, which I think added pressure to get married--I felt kind of like we should, morally, etc. They both wanted to live with me, but dragged feet on marriage thing.
So, finally got my head on straight, thought about what I wanted, dated a lot, turned away offers that weren't up to par, finally got myself to the point where I could ACCEPT love (not just give it) and lo and behold, met my DH. HE chased me, CALLED ME every day (more than once), PUT ME FIRST over BM and his kids. We are tight, in all ways. Emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally. He is my partner and my best friend. Our only regret is that we didn't get together 20 years ago.
This guy doesn't want to get married. Who cares what the reason is? Don't blame yourself and get out. Let him find another woman to "take care" of him. Don't like his possessiveness, read Emotional Blackmail to recognize that.
Let him crawl on his knees through crocodile poop to get to you...and you might consider it. But by then, you'll have tons of can bet on it.
Mama Gena is good for pep talks about how valuable you are...and she doesn't male bash. I used a lot of her techniques and I had men 30 years younger hitting on me.
A relationship shouldn't be so hard. Don't waste any more time.
It's funny you say that
because he always says to me 'a relationship shouldn't be this hard' in reference to it's all my fault because i have needs.
He's right it shouldn't be hard and I'm planning to make it less hard very soon.
You said in your initial post that you pretend to be happy, ignoring those things that make you mad, just so that everything is ok. My question is, ok for whom? For you? Or for him?
Why on earth would you want to be with a man if you have to PRETEND to be happy? By quashing your true feelings just to make him happy is not being honest with yourself. Any man who keeps dangling that carrot in front of your face in hopes you will continue to stay is just using you for his convenience. He may be telling you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, but is he SHOWING you? That little saying, actions speak louder than words, is absolutely 100% true. Would you really feel more secure if he proposed? Would you want him to propose simply because you expected him to, or would you want him to propose because he really, truly loves you and wants you to be his wife? If he were to propose it should come from his heart and not the result of an ultimatum.
Believe me, I know what it's like to have someone string you along. It is very hurtful, very humiliating and makes you feel totally dismissed. You will start to punish yourself for being foolish enough to allow someone to do that to you. I know; I been there, done that, bought and burned the T-shirt.
I believe Sita quoted Dr. Phil, and there's another question he always asks: How's that working for ya?
I try to just get along sometimes
I don't want to get angry that he was driving over to bm's and saw me coming home and didn't wave or honk. It's too petty a complaint to really go after him. Yes it hurt but it's not worth getting worked up over. This whole Ring deal is!
This is where I get confused and hurt. He says he wants to marry me but the finances have been completely bad this it makes me mad when he squanders money on expensive crap and trips when all I want is a ring. He acts like he loves me and does things to show it but this bad stuff is outweighing the good. And I tell him in subtle ways that things could be better if we were engaged or if I felt secure in our life...and he's ignoring it for whatever reasons.
I hear what you're saying and I'm making my plans. This existance is not going to continue much longer. As soon as I can get a decent place, I'm done.
I just have two points to make
1 - You want "things" to make you feel secure in your relationship. I totally get what you're saying about wanting to feel secure, but you should feel secure without any "thing". As someone who went through a divorce, you already know that "things" don't mean a committment has been made. You should have that sense of security BEFORE marrying someone not BECAUSE of marrying someone.
2 - He said you're 'the best thing to ever happen to him.' Duh, of course you are! My ex used to tell me that all the time, too. It took me a long time to differentiate that just because I'm the best thing that ever happened to him did NOT mean he was the best thing to ever happen to ME!
Judge this by his actions not by his words. Good luck - I KNOW how much this sucks!
I don't know how to get my needs met any other way
than the know? I need to feel secure and I've explained that i need it before getting engaged but he's not fixed things so that I feel secure, so my fall back thing is maybe the ring will make me feel secure. I'm just trying to figure out something that will make this worthwhile and work out.
That's true...I may be the best thing ever for him, but he definitely isn't that for me. The time is coming to get out.
Ooh, two VERY good points!
To comment on Serena's two very good points:
1) True! If you felt secure in the relationship (i.e. if your deep-down needs were getting met by this guy, if he made you feel secure by everything he did and everything he said), you would feel comfortable and confident, and the ring wouldn't be such an issue. The fact that the ring IS such a big issue to you is a sign.
2) "Just because I'm the best thing that ever happened to him did NOT mean he was the best thing to ever happen to ME!" Okay, that's just brilliant. I love this! It's such a good message: Just because someone says something like that, doesn't mean that you have to stick around and put up with all of his CRAP. Actions speak louder than words, honey!
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
A ring means nothing if a relationship is broken
Hey LT - first of all I am so sorry that you are down and out. I hated reading your post today and I'm sorry that your BF is not following through on the promises that he made. If you are not happy now you know deep down that even though if you do get that ring it may make you happy for a little while but all the same problems will still exist. I have an engagement ring and let me tell you I took it off when my FH and I had problems last year and until we had counseling and things settled down and when I felt confident in my relationship then I put it back on. Your BF sounds like he is not going to give you what you want. This is the year 2009 we don't need a man to give us security. That was the 60's girl, feel empowered as a woman, a smart individual, that can go along in life just fine and pay your own way. I'm only a couple of years older than you and trust me I went through a lot of relationships for 20 years and had a lot of promises broken and I have learned to always look out for myself. You have to be like a cat and always know how to land on your feet. Security is being happy with yourself, and happy in your relationship. I know this is a broken record because so many other people posted the same thing but girl I tell you it is true. I already have a 22 yeard old so my biological time clock is not ticking but if that is what YOU want do not waste your time with a man that will not follow through. We only get one life. We do not get a "do over". I have known several women that are now divorced and childless because their SOs kept promising them the same things that your FH did and they never got to have children because the men that they were with were to selfish to tell them the truth. You deserve happiness, you deserve to have a child of your own, and you deserve someone that is going to treat you with the love and respect that you deserve, and someone that puts you first. I know it is hard starting over and it sucks because lord knows I have had to do it several times but let me tell you it is better to be alone and be free then to be alone in your relationship and miserable. Just my opinion. I hope you do the right thing for you! HUGS!
I saw this on another chat and wanted to share with you. All lot of girls your age are going through the same thing.
He doesn't want to get married. After 7 years (living togethre for 6) and more fights about this than I care to remember, I think we're done and I can't believe it. I can't stop crying and he is going about his day as if nothing happened - he needs time to think and then we can talk. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through the next hour let alone until tonight. And in all likelihood, it will be longer than that because we probably won't have time to talk until Saturday afternoon anywa - SDs are here this week.
I will preface this by saying that I'm on FULL PMS, which is when these things usually happen because I get a little crazy and don't know when to stop. The last time we had this crisis was almost a year ago. I told him that I needed to be married. He had made promises before, but this time I told him I wanted him to follow through and actually propose. He went into his standard speech of "I don't know if I ever want to be married again, it just ends in divorce," "I want to be with you, but I don't want to be married," "We're basically married anyway," etc. I told him unless we got engaged, I was leaving. He said "If I have to, I'll marry you." I told him that was not good enough and I was leaving. He didn't know it at the time but I had an apartment lined up, had the lease and just needed to sign. I was ready to leave. He came to me the next morning and said "please don't leave, I love you and I want to marry you." He said we would get married.
I believed him, and I stayed. He apparently looked at rings, but never bought one (says the kind of ring I want is too expensive), and we never got engaged.
This has been on my mind every day since then. I've gotten my hopes up several times (that he was going to propose) and had them crushed. It has affected how I've acted (I'm resentful and hurt) and our relationship, which he then uses as "evidence" that we shouldn't be married.
I've been particularly bitchy - complaining and overreacting about everything lately (for the past several months). I'm seriously thinking I need medication.
So in the midst of that and PMS, I bring up the marriage issue after we have our first date night in forever last Friday. I know, awful timing, but I did. It did not go well, but I didn't get upset. He started making the same "I don't know if I want to be married" noises and I told him we already had that conversation and I thought he made that decision. He said he would think about it.
Last night I was in a rotten mood and should never have brought up anything, but I did, and it went horribly.
He basically told me that he still didn't want to be married. We literally had the same exact conversation we had a year ago. This time though I don't think I'm strong enough to leave. I told him he lied to me and led me on and I was angry, which he turned in to me trying to make him feel guilty.
I was up all night crying and he was furious that I kept him up late. He was still angry this morning and I was still a mess.
We talked briefly before leaving for work. Now we're back to he needs time to think. He still doesn't know if he ever wants to be married and isn't sure we'll "last forever."
I can't even think right now. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't think I can be alone right now. I could have done it last year, but I can't even hold it together for more than a few minutes at this point. I can't imagine leaving, and I can't imagine not being with him. I can't imagine not having SDs in my life, even though they have been the source of a lot of our problems. I can't believe this is the end, it doesn't seem right and it doesn't make any sense. He says he loves me and wants to be with me, but he doesn't want to be married. That it's MY decision - us not staying together -because I'M the one that needs to be married.
I know that you're all probably thinking that I am incredibly pathetic and why would I let this happen, but I love him and I don't know what I'm going to do without him. He owes me a lot of money, and when he said he needed to think he added "and look at some things." I said "you mean finances" and he said "yes." So he's trying to decide if he can afford for me to leave. I can't tell you how much that hurts.