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Renewed Sense Of Well Being

Lillywy00's picture

....after losing my sh*t by being negatively affected by Disneyland Dads lackadaisical free range gentle parenting style, I decided it was best to fully disengage (and refused to allow him to place a guilt trip on me for doing so)

I thoroughly enjoyed touring the city, indulging in delicious food, and catching up with family and friends. 

Thankfully they're back with their mother and my peace and sanity have been restored. 

I read about disengagement and I think it's better for me to do that most weekends until the time comes when I can reclaim my weekends in my own space. 


Harry's picture

Being fully disengage still means you have the right to certain sentences.  " it's ten o'clock go to your room and stay there". " clean up the dirt you made in the [fill in the blank] kitchen, bathroom, living room,   '" clean the crap out of your room ... we will get [once again Fidel in the blank]. Bugs. Micec.  Rates. Roches   ". 
Being disengaged you still retain the right of living in your own home whth out a gas mask and can of raid to watch tv