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LOL @ Skids Losing Their Minds

Lillywy00's picture

.....because they have to go back to school 


Only Skids whose parents raise set the bar so low for them are complaining right now

Only HCBM who can't use your house as free respite/daycare/holding cell for their feral spawns are complaining right now. 

Only Disneyland parents who don't want to hurt their precious snowflake angels feelings by telling them "Look little Timmy, NO you cannot stay up all night/sit around all day like a bump on a log/cannot be dropped off whenever because you need to attend school" are complaining right now. 

This dude is probably somewhere crying with his whiny kids who hate school for no reason other than they actually have to succumb to something call STRUCTURE 

Schools back in session and no you cannot end up here whenever you want anymore  

TAKE THAT you uncivilized skids!

And don't make me put in an anonymous call to the principal for your corporal punishment lol!


1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Mine were like that too! All drop outs at 16 except 1! My husband wonders how come crackheads children are able to graduate from high school but none of his kids could! The most successful one is on OF, the boys are bums with criminal run ins. He sits and ponders how did the children get there and how come others with worse parents are able to make it. OSS21 is now in therapy for mental health and daddy makes excuses that he is dealing with the aftermath of "parental neglect" and he had a "hard life". OSS21 was never parented and could skip school as he pleased. He was bought expensive shoes and clothes as well as expensive gaming systems that he would spend hours on. At 16yo, BM1 convinced him to leave our house (thank god) and drop out from school. His mother gifted him a dodge and told him that a GED and a job was much better than a school and savings. At his 18th bday, she told him to pack his stuff up and be gone by midnight (CS ended so the mask slipped). He had to live with us (or more like we were living with him) and then left because he could not handle rules again. He sleeps in his car and works for drugs. This child is one of the most privileged children I have ever seen while he was growing up but they will continue to make excuses and cover for him as this neglected child who struggled while his mother spent $700 on video games monthly....YEP....$700 folks!

They will end up on your doorstep if you arent gone by then or at best they will be on their mothers couch playing video games 18hrs/day like SS17 lol a true bum with no plans in life

Lillywy00's picture

I won't be much longer

The step life is not for me. 

Its just too much emotional/physical work with little to no payoff. 

This summer wasn't as bad as last summer because this dude finally stopped playing Mr Full-Time Mom (at my expense) and started making his kids act like they had some home-training when they arrive here 

But the easier summer is not enough to make me want to give up my freedom (my bio is almost an adult) just to be locked in to a shitty step parent situation 

i can almost taste the freedom once I lose this ball and chains

PetSpoiler's picture

I remember those days of SS living with us and school being out.  I would make it a point to NOT take any time off of work when he was out of school because he drove me CRAZY.  My husband, I feel, was a little bit of a guilty Disney dad,but not as bad as some on here. He did at least discipline him, backed me up when I did.  Even BM was fine with me disciplining and would back me up.  She caused some other issues in other ways but she did expect him to respect grown ups. 

Unfortunately BM was also a habitual liar, and SS learned to be one too.  Then he grew up to marry a liar who loves pitting people against each other.  I don't really consider myself a step parent anymore since I cut off all contact with him and his wife.  It's more peaceful.  

I hope you get out of this situation soon.  

CLove's picture

School is on!!!

Although it was an easy summer for me this time around - SD17 power sulk cps spent most of her summer with toxic troll bm.

One thing I have heard is that sd24 feral forger likes to hang out in tox trolls bed and listen to conversations and then powersulk cps is required to keep her bedroom door open...! I dont know if I believe all that, I think its somewhere in the middle, but because Ive complained about ps cps spending all her time in her room w door closed, and last time she was with us she kept the door open for about an hour...which I thought was weird but whatever.

So. YES, senior year has started. Husband complained about child support check, but I reminded him it was "only 9 more" and then its done as long as he files to end it.

Who knows where I will be in the next year.

Rags's picture


SS is exceptionally intelligent. Extremely well behaved. Which is why he ended up in Military boarding school.  He learned that once he moved to class block scheduling when he started HS, if he passed the first 6wks he could do absolutely nothing for the second six weeks and not fail or be held back.  Second semester was all different classes, so he would do the same thing. Mr perfect straight A student the first 6 wks. Do absolutely nothing the second 6wks.  To fail a year and be held back, he would have to fail the same two classes two six weeks in a row.  So, pass the first 6wks, and the school could not fail him. We tried to get the district to hold him back. They refused.

Never a problem in class, totally respectful to his teachers (and his mom and I). A behioral and academic rock star the first six weeks.  His teachers fell in love with him the first 6wks then thought he was on drugs the second 6wks. When we pointed out that he was doing the same thing every semester and all it would take to fix it was take his desk, make him stand at the front of class for the entire second 6wks, his grades would stay high. This kid hated attention. He would run to the middle of any effort just to remain unseen. He was an outstanding trumpet player.  When his HS band director assigned him a concert solo he pretty much tanked it on purpose so he could just blend.

His teachers thought we were so mean for recommending that they confiscate the novels he would read in class, take his desk, and make him stand at the front of class.  They did not want to "destroy his love for reading".  This kid would read toilet paper if there was nothing else to read. 

So, we sent him to Military school for his Jr. and Sr. year. He kicked ass.... until the Spermidiot hacked the school fire wall and they would stay up all night every night playing WoW.  SS failed the only class he needed to pass for the first semester of his Sr. year. So, DW yanked him ourtof boarding school at Christmas break of his Sr year and enrolled him in our local HS. We refused to pay another two semesters of boarding school tuition after SS brain farted and engaged in his idiot SpermDad's crap.  We told him he graduates on time or... we drop him off at a local homeless camp on graduation day with a new pair of boots, a survival jacket, sleeping bag, and a hiking tent.  We told him we would drop off a bag of $1 hamburgers every once in a while so he would not starve.  That scared the shit out the kid so bad he graduated on time and with honors.  Sadly, he did not get to graduate from his top tier boarding school.  He learned that his choices have consequences.

He wrote his SpermIdiot off after that and generally has had nothing to do with him since he turned 18 and aged out from under the CO.

Give a tour of the local homeless camp a try. It worked wonders in getting my SS to keep his head out of his butt.

We could faciliate successful HS completion for SS. His mom was the CP.  The SpermClan was so marginalized that they could only tell him that they were more important than school while he was on his limited long distance visitation to SpermLand.  Beyond that, we did not have the never ending local visitation drama that so many have to deal with, or the related idiot Skid behaviors that so many seem to have to deal with in a never ending manner.