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Go the f@ck to sleep

LikeMinded's picture


I can't believe this is a real book.

Samuel Jackson reads "Go the F to sleep"

This is totally inappropriate:


LikeMinded's picture

There's a funny-looking book too, "Toddlers are Aholes, it's not your fault." I can only see a few pages though. Wink

LikeMinded's picture

Is "love you forever" the creepy book with the son who has no life and ends up with his aging mother sitting on his lap???

WalkOnBy's picture

Love You Forever freaks me out - when the mom is crawling in her son's bedroom?

Uh - Stalker, much???

LikeMinded's picture

My ex MIL gave that book to my exH on the week our daughter was born! Talk a bout self absorbed!

LikeMinded's picture

Too, funny, I will definitely keep it in mind for a baby shower gift--for the right person, though!