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Lifer33's Blog

Got to laugh

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So my 'friend' who loves to judge asks me what I'm getting ss for Christmas. Er nothing hubby will do it, and struggle. Oh, isn't it a shame especially now we are married that I don't take on that role. No it's really not, been there done it, no joy in it. And, coming from the woman who banned her ss from her house and seeing his little brother and sisters years ago? Think she's lost a marble somewhere or just over looked her own faults to try and prod me 

A week off and back to it

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Ss 10 has been on holiday a week with bm and her bf. Didn't bother to contact his dad once,( despite when we took him away sneaking into toilet at meal times for lengthy calls with bm)  my husband has been messaging him last 2 nights, and getting disheartened by the one word answers so I said stop bothering.
