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GBM sent me a Happy Mother's Day message...

lieutenant_dad's picture

It was on FB. It was clearly part of a chain. However, I have no children. I do engage with my SSs. I have been a good influence on DH in regards to the boys. I am polite to both BM and GBM when I see them.

However, again, I have no children. And we aren't friends. And she has been a real something to my DH (and even BM and the boys) in the past.

So...why? Y'all, I may be paranoid, but between BM changing her name back to Mrs. Fake DH, her getting divorced but her XH still living with her, BM job hopping but already missing a week of work for being sick, and BM being super nice to DH, I'm starting to feel a little suffocated. A little...outsider-imposed "sister wife-y".

So I'm waiting to see if the buttering-up is for money, sympathy, or nothing at all. I'd love to think that this is just a sweet gesture, but that ain't happening. It takes effort, even minimal, to include me, and I'm perfectly fine not being included. Do they think they'll turn me against DH? Get me to open my pocket book? I may have been raised to be polite, but Momma didn't raise no fool.

Guesses on what's going on? The crazier, the more accurate it probably is.


I love dogs's picture

In my cynical mind and almost 8 years of experience with GBM, I feel it is always something. Thankfully, in my case, it is 99% about SD. However, GBM can be just as fake as BM (that's where BM gets it) and I encountered this with our first meeting.

Recently, on Easter before going to my parent's house, DH and I stopped by Applebee's for a quick drink. That is GBM and her husband's Sunday "hang out" and they walked in. We sat with them and chatted. They are taking SD to Ireland in October and I am incredibly jealous lol but here is why I don't trust her and think she is fake:

Remember the initial cell phone incident where BM b!thched me out about not agreeing to SD's having one? Well, neither BM or GBM wished me a happy birthday the next week, and they usually do. I appreciate it but don't expect it. BUT, GBM had the nerve to tell me on Easter that she got me a gift for my bday and would drop it off at DH's work (she usually brings him goodies). I said that I didn't expect anything and she was too kind! I really don't want anything from her. Well, a month and a half later, there was no gift, needless to say. My birthday is on St. Patty's and everyone on BM's side knows this by now because they pride themselves on being Irish and it is obviously memorable.

My point is: why put on the show? I'm sure she sided with BM on being upset that I ignored her sugary request to pick up SD's phone the WEEK AFTER she told me to F off and forget about the phone going to her house. Let me clarify: I do NOT expect gifts from GBM. What I can't respect is the "oh, I have something for you and will leave it with DH". Please, put me out of my misery! I would NEVER promise a gift to someone that I did not have on hand. In fact, I KNOW there was no gift.

I am sorry for ranting but today is not my day and I just need to get everything off of my mind.

momjeans's picture

we aren't friends. And she has been a real something to my DH

Because of these two things, I’m going to err on the side that something could possibly be up. What? I do not know, but I definitely wouldn’t take the bait. 

Siemprematahari's picture

I firmly believe "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the 1st time", credit to Maya Angelou *give_rose*. Go with your gut and understand that "crazy" does not change overnight. I wouldn't think much of this message and just let it go and keep my guard up at all times.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

I think you should go with your gut. I have never seen/heard an ex suck up (no matter how lightly they suck...) without an ulterior motive. Or maybe has she found Jesus...?

Nah. I wouldn't trust her.


momjeans's picture


That was repeatedly BM’s shtick. “I’ve made good with god”.

Okay, lady. Hahahaha.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Oh, GBM and BM are CONSTANTLY talking about how much they "need" God for forgiveness and how thankful they are for Jesus giving them second life.

Gag me.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Maybe that's just a thing with crazy BMs? BM (back when she took the girls occaionally) demanded we send clothes for her to take them to church because it's "so important to her!"  But I was confused as heck... I honestly don't believe she can be so "bleck" and have church be "so important" to you... The girls said she's only taken them a few times and ditched them every time... 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo has constantly preached about God and Jesus and being a Christian...all while being an adulterous and serial cheater.