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I HATE the holidays

LearsWife44's picture

Why? Because SD20 visits COVID and all! NOT ONLY has she maxed out her credit card with over $2,000 in charges but now I find out she is the victim of "identity theft" on an Amazon store card she opened with over $3,000 on THAT one! OMFG

At least she can't come until AFTER Christmas because her minimum wage job won't let her take the time off before. Hahahaha. She better not bring up her money problems to DH. NOT our problem! I hope they don't let her take too much time off!! I can only take 1-2 weeks of her!



JRI's picture

Many, many of us dread the holidays, me included.  Im expecting SD59's call any day now, " Can I have my Christmas money early because (choose your excuse)?"  Then all the escalating drama through the month of December.  Thankfully, im disengaged and only get it thru DH but thats bad enough.  I cant wait for Dec. 26.


Thumper's picture

Tell her to MAKE the credit card company work out the issue. It is not dadddys job to give her the cash to fix the fraud.

If it is fraud ???

thinkthrice's picture

My arse.  More like skid theft.  Run up purchases then claim you never made them.