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What now?!

Last-Wife's picture

Loca Grande texted me Friday morning at 6am. Thank goodness I was going back to work, so I was awake. We exchanged a few texts back and forth- she wanted to meet to give loghead some money she owes him. I texted to just bring it to the ball game Saturday. She text back that Lazy Boye told her he didn't want her he didn't want her to come to his "f$%^ing games" any more and that he didn't want to see her. She texted she wouldn't be coming to the game.

CRAP. What now? We know PITA wants nothing to do with her, but what turned the tides for Lazy Boye?

She texted again that since she will no longer see her boys since they don't want her, and Princess is in college, she is no longer tied to us. She wants to pay Loghead and cut ties so she can get on with her life. She texted she has been in and out of the hosptial and doesn't want the skids to know. She just can't deal with them or Loghead anymore, and she's done with it all.

GGGRRRR. She lies. She is a drama queen. If she was really sick with cancer, like she "secretly" told me at Christmas, she'd want the whole world to know, to get sympathy. So what's with the secret game?

What happened between her and Lazy Boye?

Loghead and skids had one more snow day, while Gibby and I went back to school for our district. Loghead spent time on the phone trying to figure out his options if she is truly "giving up" on the boys (Princess is 18 so Loca Grande would not be responsible for her). Turns out our mediation that Loca Grande requested 2 years ago was never filed. It's the paperwork where she promised to pay for PITA's braces! So it's not legal...

He spoke with his lawyer briefly about the steps needed to get child support after all these years. If she's going to cut ties, or the boys don't want to be with her because she's a psychotic pathological liar, he says she needs to pay up. We still have PITA at home fore 2.5 school years, and Lazy Boye for 3.5. As it is we are already taking on second jobs to pay for things... Any little bit we could get from her would help...


ddakan's picture

I think she is jerking your chain. She says that she doesn't want to see them and blames it on them...that is crap. She's the adult.

I don't understand why she won't go to the games. Just file for child support and you will get it. Don't anticipate that she is going to give up her rights. Even if she did she has to pay you.