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Told DH who he reminds me of...

Last-Wife's picture

Remember the dad in the movie "Mean Girls?" He lets the daughter go to the school dance, even though she's grounded and he's like "Oh, you don't let them out when they're grounded?"

Yeah, that's my sweetie! SD17 ran away Friday night. (See other posts if interested.) When she finally came home and he really talked to her Sunday morning; he was like, "I'm taking your car, I'm taking your phone, your boyfriend can't come over..."

Well, she drove errands for him Sunday, and sent me a text message from school today, and her boyfriend is here for dinner now.

Clueless! My tongue is so sore from trying to stick to my New Year's resolution. In my head, I'm screaming, "Not my kid, not my problem..." I'm going to take a bubble bath and lock myself in the bathroom. UGH!


Last-Wife's picture

After 40 minutes with a twilight book and a bubble bath... I think I can keep silent for awhile...
"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."

Freedom2005's picture

*sigh* I just LOOVVEEE! Guilty Daddy Syndrome!!


Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
Erich Fromm