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Time moves on and heals all wounds... (or most anyway)

Last-Wife's picture

I had family disown me when I decided to marry my husband. Some disapproved of him having been my boss, some disapproved of him having been divorced, others disapproved of him having custody of his three small children. But I did it anyway...

And it's not all been a walk in the park, but I do think the good outweighs the bad. This time of year is hard for me, as we get ready for my annual family reunion. This will be our 20th Annual gathering. I do have 5 relatives who still- after 13 years- will leave the room if myself or my husband enters the room. Screw them.

My parents have finally gotten over it. I think their biggest regret was choosing not to be at my wedding. They quickly learned to accept the children, as i let them know if they didn't, when another little one came along, he or she would follow theire lead. And if my parents weren't close with the skids, I doubted my bio-kid would be.

Today was a great day for Princess 18. On graduation day, my parents told my SD they would provide her with ANY and ALL computer needs for college. Now, there are some requirements- she can't drop out, or get MRS. degree before graduating, or she has to give the computer back... And my husband, her father, and I are okay with that...

We spent the morning at an establishment known for good computer deals and knowledge. $2003.02 later, Princess is all set, and my parents are pleased to know she will have the materials needed to succeed.


Crizzle's picture

Don't laugh, but it took me a good minute to figure out what a "MRS. degree" was. LOL Glad your parents came around. Hopefully the others will too, but at least you've got your parents.

I am confused's picture

I had friends who didn't accept my choice in women, and they wouldn't be around her. Needless to say, they are no longer my friends.

I feel for you with the family thing. I applaud you for sticking by your spouse. I probably should have been a little more forceful with my social circle in the beginning but things being the way they were it was a little hard to defend her. Good for you for standing up for your household.

And by the way, good for your parents for being Grandparents first, and forgetting the "step" part.

Last-Wife's picture

That is one place I can give kuddos to my parents... As much as they did make it known to me, in the beginning, that the didn't like my choice, they have ALWAYS introduced the skids as their grandkids. Never a "step" in the conversation...

ohxitsxapril's picture

i find that crazy that your family has disowned you. I guess everyone's family is different. Its just crazy because there are *soooo* many blended families out there, to just disown somebody because they choose to marry someone who has kids already... but Im glad that your parents are atleast over it and straighten up. The people who disowned you arent really family anyway if they could do such a thing to you, especially after 13 years it ridiculous.

Last-Wife's picture

I know you are right, they aren't really "family" if they can treat me that way. But it still hurts like hell