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Maybe my MIL can take a hint...

Last-Wife's picture

First, thanks to everyone who listened to my vent about spending time with my husband yesterday. When he came home, he brought flowers and ice cream. He said not to get mad, but he'd invited his parents over for a movie in our home theatre...

We show old 16mm films out in our theatre, and it's set up with love seats and old theatre chairs. We served popcorn and ice cream. He said he knows it doesn't count as my stipulations for a "real date," but he said he hoped it was okay for now.

As I was chatting with my MIL before they left, I said it would be really nice if Gibby could spend time with them later in the week so Loghead and I could have time together. I won't really hold my breath, as she is always in "bad health." But heck, Gibby is more than happy to sit on her couch, watch TV and play with her cats.

My FIL said he'd call later when he knew his schedule for the week. He seemed excited that Gibby would come...

When everyone left, Loghead and I spent some quiet time together. Just being, ya know. Not really talking. He was reading paper in bed, and I was working on a list for the week. But it was us, together, quiet, no kids.

And that means a lot to me too.

My vent yesterday was more about the idea that I like to go out, and he doesn't, so it makes me feel like he doesn't want to be with me. And then he creates crappy excuses not to go out instead of just telling me how he feels. And then I get pissed because, since he knows it's important to me, he should want to take me out, because it makes me happy. And if I'm happy, then the whole house is happy...
