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It's a start...

Last-Wife's picture

BM needed DH to meet her half way tonight to get SS14. As tired as he was from working in the woods all day, he agreed.

He knew I was tired of being on the back burner. He came to me, and conceded it wasn't much of date, but asked if BS8 and I wanted to ride along with him to get SS and have dinner while we were out.

Not what I had in mind when I requested a date MONTHS ago, but I agreed. As we drove through the countryside, he told me stories about his childhood, things like his dirtbike getting stuck on this gravel road, and stuff like that. He asked me why I wasn't talking much, and I told him it was because I didn't want to say anything to make him mad.

We ate at a dinky little diner and laughed over ice cream with BS8. It was nice...


Most Evil's picture

Hey, that is great - like you said, a great start. You both really tried, and it worked out!! hope you get more dates Smile
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

Sus's picture

I know you feel very neglected and your hurting. Look into this coming week, and try to plan something for you Both ALONE,even if its just a walk..holding hands.NO KIDS.
OR later tonight when you go to bed..Just tell him, YOU need a HUG and you feel very Neglected by him, with him NOT making you a priority. That you've been waiting and time is running short..You are in NEED !!
" honey, I love you, But you're NOT making it easy" I have asked now for several weeks for us to please spend some times together..I want & need that more then anything..please do this, spend some time alone together for for us"