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Cup of Crazy in the Morning

Last-Wife's picture

Yesterday, Loca was here at 8 am, to pick up Lazy Boye 16 for a doctor appointment. Of course, he wasn't awake, so while he got ready, I had to sit with her in the living room and wait for him.

Princess 20 was smart and had locked her bedroom door so Loca couldn't get in and wake her up.

Gibby and I had just returned from our morning mile hike when she arrived, so I was nasty, sweaty, but I wasn't going to let her interfere with my morning routine, so Gibby and I went ahead and did our cool down stretches while she yammered away about nonsense. "Oh, it's so great you work out together, and you're teaching Gibby to be healthy... Gibby you look so handsome..."

then she exclaimed, "Last-Wife, you've lost so much weight! You look great!"

I just smiled and said thank you. I was pretty happy with myself, because as of yesterday, I've lost 17.5 pounds, and I'm starting to look it.

Loca continues: "You know, I've been trying so hard to loose this weight..." (She is easily pushing 300 pounds, but dresses in skin tight clothes, like a teenager at a frat party... Thought you needed a visual... Oh, and add Ronald McDonald red hair, teased up in a 1950s beehive... Does that help?)

"Gullible bought me a bike, which I love, and I started working with a personal trainer last week, but I also met with my doctor last week. She told me that because of my "crazy meds" that I need, I will probably never loose weight. She told me I had to make the choice of being a skinny, crazy bitch with no meds, or a fattie who is mentally healthy. Since the kids need me to be there for them, I need to be mentally stable, so I guess I'll just be fat. I hate myself for it though, but I can still work out and be fit..."

Fine, just tell yourself that. Yes, I understand "crazy meds" (her words, not mine) do cause people to gain weight, but I've seen Loca eat... You don't get to be her size just from smoking and some meds...

When Princess emerged from her room after Loca left, Princess said, "Did I just hear that right? Did she just give herself permission to be fat?! And if she thinks those meds really help her be "mentally healthy" then she is crazy!!!"

(Have I mentioned I have really enjoyed having Princess around this summer? Smile


Jsmom's picture

Why the hell is she allowed in the house? BM is to stay in her car and call that she is out there....

BSgoinon's picture

I absolutely HATE it when BM compliments me. It is so uncomfortable and awkward. Even when things are normal and we are getting along, it just makes me feel sick inside. Like I am supposed to compliment her in return, but I have nothing to say. She is not pretty, she hasn't lost any weight (she looks like a tweeker, if she lost weight she'd look even worse) she dresses terribly. She drives a shitty car, and lives in a shitty house in a shitty neighborhood, her BF is crossed and ugly (pitted skin from bad acne) her hair is always a mess, or up in a bun on top of her head. She smells like smoke and dogs, her house is always a mess... I have nothing to compliment her ON.

I do, however let BM come in and sit down while she waits for SS. She isn't allowed to help herself in to SS's bedroom though. She has tried, she got yelled at by DH.